Monday, February 21, 2011


It is known in various religions down through the ages that God exhibit s many personalities namely Krishna ,Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Zoroaster, Lord Maitreya, Padma Sambhava, Meru, the true Hindu and Greek Gods and Goddesses and many other Ascended Masters. If we take a closer look of their lives and teachings as written in sacred texts of different religions, we will discover that they exhibit Godly virtues of love, mercy, compassion, courage, leadership, wisdom, forbearance, etc. And their teachings are exemplified by the lives they lead. In fact, much of the common teachings of these various religions revolve on the basis of Godly virtues, which when applied by their followers give immense help and benefits spiritually and materially in their lives and circles of influence. What I am trying to say is whatever our religious beliefs are, it is always beneficial to us if we only obey them religiously and put into practice what these different personalities of God teach us. Universally, their timeless teachings always contain Goodness and Love to mankind. (Upon saying this, I am excluding the belief which is a deliberate distortion of the true religion of God to advance a selfish/worldly/political cause such as that of fundamentalism in Islam.)

I would like to explain in a different context what Rene Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am”. It is well-known in the inner teachings that what you meditate upon, you become. It is expected and it’s just natural that when you regularly give devotion and meditation upon the life, virtues and teachings of any one of the personalities of God like Jesus, and obey it, you gradually become more and more like him. You become Christlike. It is for this reason that many Saints and Buddhas have been produced for example in Christianity and Buddhism. The explanation behind this is: through our efforts and disciplines of devotion, meditation, and application of their teachings in our life and exhibiting their virtues, we are able to raise our vibration/consciousness to a level where we can contact the Christ within us - our Holy Christ Self. The Master who is the object of devotion can overshadow us and help us in our tireless spiritual discipline to meet them halfway and consequently, our own Holy Christ Self.

What I am saying here is whoever Master or aspect of God personality we are giving devotion to, we will arrive at the same point of contacting the Spirit of God within us. This is through the raising the vibration/frequency of our soul’s memory, mental, emotional and physical bodies as a result of regular devotion and practice of their teachings and Godly virtues. This can come about because of the momentum that has been built through disciplines and practices throughout our countless incarnations on earth.

In a somewhat different view, there are also many people from other religious groups and spiritual organizations who do not recognize any personalities of the Godhead but simply worship the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God who created the universe whom they owe their life. Among these are Judaism and Islam. Their kind of belief, likewise, can arrive at contacting God if they worship and meditate upon Him as well as obey his law, teachings and commandments as written in their sacred texts. In some cases, other people consider God as simply Divine Love manifesting in the universe or the Holy Spirit pervading the universe. Or that the Spirit of God dwells in his creation such as that of nature. The concept of pantheistic God as the Ultimate Being who created the universe and its laws and consider it his body but who does not in anyway take part in the daily activities of men is another belief. Likewise, this pantheistic God can be contacted unknowingly by some men if he happens to often devote himself, study and meditate upon the operations of physical and biological laws of this universe. Some scientists like Einstein were able to tap the wisdom of God through inspiration. I believe they were able to gain this inspiration because they have advanced spiritually to a certain level through various lessons learned throughout their incarnations on earth.

Clearly, the point I am driving at here is whatever religious beliefs we have, we will arrive at contacting that Divinity within us and merge with the One God as long as, in a soul level, we elected to do so. In fact, unknowingly, we have been doing so for aeons of time. The different personalities of the Godhead are one. They have merged with the ocean of the Godhead (sometimes called the Supreme Consciousness) thus they are one. They all experience each and all their consciousness. They have merged with one another as one. Thus Buddha experiences Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, and any or all of the Ascended Masters and vice versa. Any of them experiences the all and the allness of God. There is no separation and competition in the Ascended Masters realm. They act as if one organism, yet each retain their identity. The accomplishments and experiences of one are the accomplishments and experiences of all. This is the ever-expanding experiences and consciousness of the Godhead. The fragmentation and competition exists only in the mind of the mortal men on earth.

Since they are one, I think the Ascended Masters do not care who among them your object of devotion to. They are only interested to see you victoriously merging with your individualized God Presence as they have done, thus merging with the Godhead and the Brotherhood of Light.

To explain metaphorically, we can say that the practices of different religions and spiritual organizations are simply boats that we use to cross the river of earthly life to reach the other side. Once we reach the shore on the other side, we will no longer need those boats. For we have already merged with the One.

(What can we say then about atheism or humanism? There are some people who do not believe in God but most of their actions speak of preserving the welfare of human life in general. The present Prime Minister of Australia, for example, is an atheist but obviously it can be said that she is living a moral life. There are even some atheists who believe in the law of causation. Can we say that it is possible for an atheist to accidentally contact God? This will remind us of the account of Saul in the New Testament who persecutes Christians but later became a staunch Christian after his encounter with resurrected Jesus on his way to Damascus. He later became St Paul after his conversion. Once again, as explained in previous topic, this is an explanation of the law of karma and reincarnation. Saul must have been Godly in his previous life that merited him to experience Jesus. When God said, “I will choose whom I would like to choose” does not mean God merely acts according to his whims. His choosing was also on the basis of His laws but could not simply be understood by mortal man whose memory is only limited to one lifespan. In other words, some atheists are misguided by human intellect or perhaps have chosen to be atheists for the mean time ; some of them are actually agnostics. On the other hand, I believe there are atheists who actually are not atheists at all but simply use atheism and humanism as a pretext in their denial of God. I’m talking about fallen angels who turned against God, who would like to make the unsuspecting mankind like them. I will probably set aside a separate topic for this.)