Saturday, November 2, 2013



I think that a lot of people nowadays are beginning to understand that the key to complete healing is wholeness; where wholeness maybe defined to be healthy in mind, body, soul, and emotion. I think Mark Prophet has explained that Jesus is somehow telling the same thing when he said in Matthew 9:12 (KJV), “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.”  On reading and analyzing the entire context, it will be recognized that Jesus gives an analogy that the sick mentioned in the verse also refers to sinners. This would mean that the cause of sickness is sin (or sickness of the soul).  This is as well shown when he healed the man sick of palsy by saying, “Thy sins be forgiven thee”.

It will be recognized that achievement of condition of total wholeness will mean perfection. It means balancing the threefold flame in the heart (flame of power, wisdom and love) and balancing the four lower bodies (memory, mental, emotional, and physical bodies); and this will mean practice of self-mastery, giving decrees to the violet flame and other flames  of the holy spirit, prayers, meditations and other spiritual devotions and disciplines to achieve perfection. When we achieve wholeness or perfection we will have no disease whatsoever and we will not need any kind of healing. A perfect exemplar of this is Jesus Christ or Krishna or Saint Germain or Babaji and other avatars who lived on earth. They themselves can institute supernatural kind of healing to other people based on cosmic law. (Not only do they have perfect health, they can also have wealth if they so choose. For example Jesus can multiply loaves and fishes and can change waters into wine. Le Comte de Saint Germain when embodied as wonderman of Europe is known to precipitate diamonds out of thin air, disappear and reappear to another place. He does not age and it is believed that he has a possession of an elixir that can give immortal life.)

It will be realized that nobody from among us are totally whole like Jesus and Saint Germain. Thus we all need healing and our main focus therefore for healing is to strive to be whole or perfect; it will be healing not only of the body but also of the memory, mind/emotion and spirit.

It will be recalled that the reason why we are not whole is because we have departed from God’s law throughout our embodiments and has thus separated ourselves from our God Presences and Holy Christ Selves. These disobedience or violations of cosmic law are recorded in the subconscious mind in our memory body and will manifest as diseases in the body that constitute as karmic debts to be paid off. Some manifests in the form of injury through accidents and other problems in life. Thus humanity experiences many kinds of ailment in the span of their life some of them from birth.

Understanding this, it can be said that all diseases of the flesh has its origin in the discordance of consciousness. We know that even science today is beginning to recognize the mind, body, spirit connection. Thus there are psychosomatic illnesses which physical symptoms are caused by some psychological and emotional factors. From spiritual/esoteric standpoint, there are diseases that are due to negative attitude, behavior and emotion that have built up in past embodiments; and healing can only take place if there is renewal of soul. Some esoteric author even included in their book a list of every diseases where there is a corresponding weakness in spiritual virtues. This indicates that every weakness in the system, part or organ of the body has an equivalent negative traits, emotions, habits or practices. I can remember some messages/dictations of the Ascended Masters through the Summit Lighthouse where it was mentioned that the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is hardness of heart; and blindness is actually an indication of spiritual blindness or refusal to see the truth.  In the Lost Teachings of Jesus book 1 by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, it was mentioned that the cause of cancer is hatred and selfishness. This could be true. There may be a subconscious record of sustained hatred in past life/lives that have not been balanced and it is surfacing in the present life for balancing or healing. Whatever the cause is, it is surely a record of discord in the subconscious mind. It will be observed that cancer can come to any type of person. It is true that some of the cause can be from the carcinogenic substances or harmful radiation from the environment or some industrial products but I believe the person became susceptible to them (as karma) because of the negative record in subconscious mind of the memory body.

Recognizing this, take care then that you do not hate anyone even those who persecute you. Remember that some people or negative situation comes into our life for the balancing of karma. I think even the fallen ones shouldn’t be hated because remember that we attracted them here on earth as part of our karma. Their continued existence on earth is an indication of the presence of same discordance in the collective subconscious of humanity. (In my opinion, the calling for the casting out, binding and exorcism of the planetary dweller on the threshold, which should be done without hatred, is tantamount to apply to the personal dweller on the threshold to a certain extent that is in accord with law. Thus the use of the gentle action of the violet flame, and putting on Christly virtues is necessary.)
Some of the karmic diseases are chronic and hard to heal and it may need some toleration and self-discipline on our part to mitigate its effect such as following proper diet and exercises. There are cases when after some period of time this disease was suddenly cured because the karma had already been balanced. There are also cases that after all the remedial efforts have been done, the disease still persists for a long time, some even for a lifetime. I think that when we are suffering from any kind of disease it is of course our responsibility to look for its healing. All efforts must be done whether it is conventional or alternative medicine to seek for its cure.  We also must realize that this is part of our karma that must be accepted and balanced. I believe we can actually ask for forgiveness for the cause and core of this disease which you actually brought into your life as a result of violation of cosmic law in the past. This act of asking for forgiveness is a form of self-correction and balancing one’s karma. Healing can take place in the inner if not in the outer because of this very act. However, if you fret and sometimes exhibit negative attitude because of the ailment that you are experiencing, you will not be balancing your karma.


I have touched upon this topic on healing in my previous post. I would just like to share with you the helpful use of visualization and healing thoughtform of Archangel Raphael.  Archangel Raphael is the archangel of the fifth ray of healing, wholeness, truth, science, abundance, music and mathematics. Mother Mary is his divine complement. To know more about Archangel Raphael and the healing thoughtform that he gave, please visit this website of The Summit Lighthouse (TSL):       

The following is an excerpt, ”Archangel Raphael has released a healing thoughtform that is scientifically formulated to restore the inner blueprint and divine wholeness when visualized surrounding and penetrating the cells and atoms of the four lower bodies, or a specific organ. It is composed of concentric spheres of white, sapphire-blue and emerald-green sacred fire.

The white sphere at the center works at inner levels to restore the injured part or the diseased organ to its original perfection. Next is the blue sphere, which establishes protection and an action of the will of God. The green outer sphere restores the flow of Spirit through Matter and brings wholeness.

If you or a loved one suffers an injury, call for the healing thoughtform:

"In the name Jesus Christ, beloved Archangel Raphael, the Blessed Mother, place your healing thoughtform over [insert the name of the person]."

Then visualize spheres of sacred fire descending from the heart of God as the pulsating presence of the Holy Spirit. Visualize the white-fire core centered in the scintillating, sapphire-blue flame wrapped in the emerald-green fires.

The first minutes and hours after an accident are critical. Whether you keep the vigil at the bedside of a loved one or at a distance, picture the injured parts becoming whole until they are in their original healthy state. Hold this picture steady in your mind's eye. Still all anxiety and doubt and fear and do not let any of that press in upon you. Focus totally on holding the healing thoughtform in your mind to the exclusion of all else. Affirm that God in you is beholding all as perfect and once again restored to its true image.”

I myself have used this thoughtform and have experienced miraculous kind of healing in the sense that the healing of the disease took place in a very short period of time which is deemed impossible by medical science.  I thought that this might also work and be of help to some of you. Basing on my personal experience, I presume that the use of decree and healing thoughtform is evidently effective if the disease is a result of abrupt violation of cosmic law in the mental and emotional plane at present life. An example of this is perhaps a person got angry to someone in this life for some reason and has desired that a certain disease befall upon the other (this is a form of witchcraft and black magic); he was probably caught off guard and had not realized that he violated a law of life. Then as a consequence, an immediate return of karma occurred and it is himself who obtained such a disease. 

If you recognize that something similar has happened to you, you can try to do the following to heal the disease. Realizing that you have committed a sin, you can repent, sincerely ask for forgiveness and do a novena for healing to Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary using the healing thoughtform of Archangel Raphael. This you do while you are doing the necessary medical treatment and/or alternative kind of medicine. A novena can be done by doing a healing decree nine times every day for nine consecutive days (without fail). Should you fail, you must start all over again. Prior to giving the healing decree each day, you can pray for forgiveness for the sins you have committed and ask for the healing of the cause and core of the disease. Then begin to visualize a healing thoughtform over yourself and another one superimposing the particular part or organ of the body that needs healing as you give the healing decree/s. The following healing decrees taken from TSL can be used:

 Christ Wholeness
In the name of the beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, beloved Jesus the Christ and the healing angels!

In the name of the Mighty Presence of God which I AM and by and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in the threefold flame burning within my heart, I decree:

1.  I AM God's perfection manifest
     In body, mind, and soul—
     I AM God's direction flowing
     To heal and keep me whole!


   O atoms, cells, electrons
   Within this form of mine,
   Let heaven's own perfection
   Make me now divine!

   The spirals of Christ wholeness
   Enfold me by his might—
   I AM the Master Presence
   Commanding, "Be all light!"

 2. I AM God's perfect image:
     My form is charged by love;
     Let shadows now diminish,
     Be blessed by comfort's dove!

 3. O blessed Jesus, Master dear,
     Send thy ray of healing here;
     Fill me with thy life above,
     Raise me in thine arms of love!

 4. I AM Christ's healing Presence,
     All shining like a mercy sun—
     I AM that pure perfection,
     My perfect healing won!

 5.  I charge and charge and charge myself
      With radiant I AM light—
      I feel the flow of purity
      That now makes all things right!

You can also add a selected 15-minute rosary to Mother Mary available from TSL where you can insert a prayer for forgiveness and healing prior to giving the rosary.   Or you can use a healing rosary to Mother Mary available from the Temple of the Presence.

It will be understood that circumstance happen in life where a disease could not be cured physically in spite of all the efforts by any means whether medical or spiritual. There are situation like this where there could be no better way to do but simply to let go, accept one’s karma, utter a prayer and leave everything to God. That way there is balancing of karma, there is inner peace and profound healing of soul that can lead to ascension in the Light or to the octaves of Light in preparation for the next and final incarnation on earth having healthy life.

 Someday, we hope that mankind will have so progressed spiritually and have balanced sufficient  amount of karma with the help of the violet flame to merit the discovery and application of cure to incurable diseases such as cancer which is one of the last plaques mentioned in revelation.


There are practical ways to become wealthy that you don’t need to use any mantras or decrees to become wealthy. In fact some people by virtue of good karma was born in a wealthy family that he almost doesn’t need any effort to become wealthy. He just has to rely on the tutoring of his parents, pursue education or his passion, and manage the business to maintain a wealthy life. A person who was not born wealthy can pursue a number of ways to become one. He may have a special gift, talent or skills like singing, acting, or passion for a certain kind of sports that can be used to earn considerable amount of money. Other people started off with small business even with little education then by patience, perseverance, industriousness and hard work, they were able to make their business grow. A lot of people complete their education first, then get a job, save money, then do business of their choice to achieve wealth. Some were into real estate or online business. There are many well-known examples of people who made their way to the top through their ideas, talents, efforts, and hard works. That is without the use of any decrees or mantras to gain wealth. Some became wealthy through illegal means and business like corruption, becoming gambling lords, etc.

Remember however that to become rich materially is not the ultimate goal of life. It is not the measure of success. We should therefore not be attached so much on acquiring material wealth that we forget our spirituality which should be first and foremost in our life’s agenda. It should be borne in mind that true wealth is spiritual wealth.  I believe that when you have the wealth of spirituality acquired and outpictured in your world, material wealth can easily be gained and you will use it for higher purposes without any sense of ego gratification. I believe in what Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things (spiritual and material) shall be added unto you.”

On the other hand, there are some people who are very spiritual yet remain poor, because to them it is not important whether they are living luxurious life or not. They only want to devote themselves to God because of their strong desire to become one with God. They might have been a staunch follower of St Francis in past life or a Buddhist monk with a begging bowl who renounces rich life on earth. Since these experiences are recorded in their subconscious mind, they still carry this kind of limiting consciousness in the present life that hinders them from achieving a materially abundant life.  Owing to this momentum, this kind of people may have a tendency to shy away from opportunity to become wealthy. In my view, to have a model of modest living during that time in their environment maybe appropriate and might have been divinely ordained. In this modern era, however, there are a lot of poor and low-income level segments of society that needs to be brought up higher especially in the third world/developing countries. Besides, it is obvious that it is necessary to have substantial financial resources even in the pursuit of spiritual knowledge and practices as it will entail membership fees in the organization, attending conferences and other activities. In my opinion, this is the reason why you will find teachings on abundant life from Ascended Masters perspective. This will be very helpful for spiritual devotees who have far too long lived an unbalanced life leaning too much on spiritual devotion neglecting that the Kingdom of God also encompasses other services to life such as economics, business and professional career life which can also be part of their calling.   In my opinion, it is this kind of spiritual devotees who will need abundance decrees and mantras and practices in order to have prosperity consciousness or to have more of the fifth ray aspect of the Holy Spirit to be applied in their lives.  Furthermore, the teaching on abundance can influence the populace in preparation for the coming Golden Age where there will be less and less poverty as the people are becoming more and more spiritual, balance their karma, and therefore merited to be living in abundance.
Since at the same time, the teaching emphasizes spirituality on the pursuit of abundant life, people who are too much obsessed on acquiring material wealth can benefit much from spiritual knowledge contained in the teaching that can help them overcome temptations to do unscrupulous acts just to gain money.

Taking a second look at the life of the Order of St Francis, you will realize that despite their simple living they did not lose faith that God will provide all their needs, which is actually an abundance consciousness; thus to this day the Order of St Francis still lives though perhaps with some modification in their way of living. Gautama Buddha once gave a dictation explaining that he did not have to give up his princely life in order to pursue a spiritual/ascetic life.  He could have achieved the same result of enlightenment without having to leave his earthly kingdom.

There are a lot of abundance decrees and mantras that you can find in many Ascended Masters Organizations. I would just like to give some of these. First is the mantra sourced from The Summit Lighthouse (TSL),


The second is taken from the Heart, Head and Hand decrees of TSL,


The third is taken from the book by Robert Collier, “Riches within your Reach” which is recommended and adopted by TSL although, as I remember it, TSL advises not to use the concept of autohypnosis but instead rely on the Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters. The mantra is,

You can give this mantra joyfully while you clap your hands. If I remember it right when I was still active at the TSL group in the Philippines, there were times when these mantras were included as part of the Wednesday service (Healing service). Included in the service are “Jesus’ Watch with me Vigil of the Hours”, and some Protection, Healing and Violet Flame decrees. I remember during those times that financial supply began to come easily to me.  If you will try the mantras, I suggest that you give first some protection and violet flame decrees. While giving the abundance decrees you can visualize yourself with hands receiving lots of golden coins falling from your I AM Presence some of them falling onto the floor and you can hear them clinking.  Gold is not only symbol of abundance, it is also a symbol of spirituality and perfection according to inner teachings.

Lastly, the following is taken from the Temple of the Presence (I think this is adopted and modified from I AM Activity),
“Mighty I AM Presence! Great Hosts of Ascended Masters!

This very hour, open your own Channels of limitless money and Divine Abundance of every good and Perfect Thing!

Keep my being and world flooded with TEN TIMES more money and supply than I need as your Glad Free Gift of Love.

See that I use it in the Service of the Light forever. I thank Thee that Thou dost always full fill my Call instantly!

This which I call forth for myself, I call forth for my family and for every Son and Daughter of God and Child of the Light living upon this planet.”

When I was regularly attending the services at TOP in the Philippines, at first I simply give this decree without any thought of whether it will come true or not. But I remember one time that it came to my mind that YES I firmly believe that this decree will come true! I resolved to absolutely believe in it regardless of outer circumstances. After sometime, I forgot all this. I could not remember how many months or years had passed when I migrated to Australia. What I know is after six months of immigrating in Australia I found a job. And one time I realized that my income is ten times that of my income when I was in the Philippines. Thank God for that! However, as I muse about it I realize that the standard of living in Australia is higher than the Philippines and so by comparison I can say that I am only a bit better off now as it is more convenient living here in Melbourne, Australia.
So I guess that the abundant life that you can get depends upon how much container or capacity you have. What I mean is how much of the abundance consciousness (fifth ray) you have in your Causal Body and how much of its misuses you have in your subconscious mind that impedes its manifestation. Maybe the formula is to have an abundance consciousness which can be honed by giving abundance mantras and affirmation (and visualization), as well as your strong desire to have an abundant life that will urge you to keep on doing whatever it takes to get it. Again, take care however, that you are always working within the domain of spirituality and take care of your health. For health is wealth too.

There are times that you need to recognize that purification of consciousness and balancing of karma is yet to take place. I remember that Lanello once said that if all the wealth in this world will be divided equally to everyone, it will return to whom it originally came from after some number of years.

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!