Thursday, April 29, 2010

True Mysticism

General Meaning of Mysticism

Mysticism is derived from the Greek word Mystikos which means an initiate of a mystery religion (Wikipedia). It has come to be known as characterized by direct experience of ultimate reality, or the Divine or God. These divine experiences can be attained deliberately through various spiritual disciplines and practices like meditation or contemplation, chanting, and disciplining oneself to manifest Godly virtues. Eastern religions are actually mysticism in concept and have various terms for this Divine experience such as enlightenment, awakening, self-realization, nirvana or samadhi.

Sometimes the experience suddenly occurs to certain individual under severe depression and stress due to seemingly unbearable problems in life, and he/she has learned to surrender his/her ego to the Divine. This could have happened to Eckhart Tolle, as he related in his books “The Power of Now” and “The New Earth”. Better if we would’nt wait for this unfortunate karmic circumstances to befall upon us for this is a hard way indeed and has no guarantee that we can experience the same; The opposite might turn out, that is to live in desperation.

Mystics in Judeo-Christian Tradition

If mysticism is direct knowledge or experience of the Divine, we can find a lot of Mystics in the Bible from Adam and Eve down to Jesus’ Disciples. They in one way or another have direct communication or conversation with God. Noah for example built the famous Ark under God’s direction in preparation for the great deluge. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph were known to communicate with God. Moses received the Ten Commandments from God and wrote the first five books of the Old Testament under Divine Inspiration. King David composed the Psalms and his son King Solomon composed the Songs and Proverbs also under Divine guidance. The many Prophets who are the mouthpieces of the Lord were known to prophesy, interpret dreams, and even exhibit Divine powers. Jesus himself can be called a Mystic of the Highest Order for He has attained oneness with God. His disciples too were known to have various gifts of the Holy Spirit and thus can be called Mystics.

I think we can’t say that mystical experiences are only confined to the Israelites. They, like any of us, are made of the same stuff; We are all created in the image and likeness of God. We can find Saints from different nations who were examples of Christian Mystics like St John of the Cross, St Theresa of Avila, St Francis of Assissi, St Claire, Padre Pio Alba, St Theresa of Lisseux and many others Their experiences are overwhelmingly Divine and mystical.

Nowadays, there are Charismatic Movements and Pentecostals throughout the world that are known to demonstrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit and as such can be labelled as Christian Mystics. Theirs is a path following the examples set by Jesus Christ and His disciples. Although, majority of them do not acknowledge the mystical path of other faith, nonetheless, in my view, they can be called partisans of mysticism.

Public Acceptance

In my own view, mysticism is gaining more adherents today and increasing in popularity. Esoteric teachings can be found widely in books, magazines, and the web. A lot of films too have mystical contents and esoteric meanings like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Crouching Tiger to name a few. Books of Lama Surya Das, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Neale Donald Walsch, Rhodora Byrne, the author of “The Secrets”, and many others contain mystical teachings and their books have sold millions of copies. (I’m simply giving these examples for I’ve read some of their books and have learned a lot of good things from them although there are some points that I don’t entirely agree with). The Theosopical Society, an International Organization, has published lots of books. There are many other Spiritual Organizations and Brotherhoods that follow mystical paths. Among these are the organizations of the Ascended Masters Teachings of which the Theosophical Society is one. Others are The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse and The Temple of the Presence. I myself have been a long time follower of the Ascended Master Teachings and much of my esoteric knowledge came from them. (I’ll talk more on this in my future topic). The Freemasonry are also known to be partisans of mystical practices. There could be millions of mystical organizations across the face of the earth which include eastern religions that constitute around 1/3 of world’s population. Followers of Charismatic Movements are growing at a rate of 9 million per year making the total adherents around 618 million by 2009 (Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Community by Stanley M. Burgess). Sufism is also a mystical path of Islam, which is gaining ground in the Islamic Community and the world. Kabbalah too of Judaism is another.


Regardless of any Faith, it is a fact that mysticism has many practitioners and is gaining ground in today’s modern world. In this light, I think it’s better if we could discern which one is the true mystical practice for there are pitfalls and serious consequences. For example, the so-called divine experience that may have occurred to a person may not be divine at all but merely a psychic experience which energies only come from lower(astral) plane. This could happen even in religious charismatic circles who claim to have acquired healing powers or speaking in tounques purporting to be a gift of the Holy Spirit but in reality it only came from psychic entity or energies from the lower astral plane. Some may suddenly be possessed by these psychic entities/personalities masquerading to be one of Divine Being like Mother Mary or Jesus. There is danger in this because these astral/psychic entities could absorb or divest the victim of his/her own light/energies. Often, the person experiences tiredness after the occurrence. And if he/she continues to be victimized owing to his /her desire to have such phenomena and powers, he/she could shorten his/her lifespan. This thing happens because the so-called chakra/s or center/s in one of their subtle bodies were opened prematurely causing them to be vulnerable to the intrusion of these entities perhaps because of intense stirring of emotions causing emotional imbalance due to the erroneous guidance of the spiritual director. People who are emotionally sensitive and unstable and has not developed self-mastery may therefore be put at risk to this kind of phenomenon. There must therefore be a balance in spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies as part of spiritual development.

There are also channellers or mediums delivering messages claiming to come from Heavenly Beings such as Archangels, Ascended Masters, and sometimes beings from other planetary systems. Some of these have become channellers for Aliens who can divert you from pursuing the true path of mysticism and direct communion with God Presence within. Others are channelling psychic personalities from the astral plane who are merely impostors of the true Ascended Masters and other Heavenly Beings. They imitate the delivery of messages given through the Anointed Messengers and Representatives of the Great White Brotherhood (The Brotherhood of Heavenly Beings). Usually, these impostors give certain twist of Truth in the end.

Moreover, there could be some who would like to acquire psychic powers or the so-called Extra-Sensory Perception or Sixth sense, through various forceful practices but setting aside the desire to pursue spiritual growth. Some of the fakirs in India can fall in this category as well. This is very troublesome for the powers may only be used for selfish and malevolent purposes. This is what Jesus refers to when He said “If the light that is in thee is darkness how great is that darkness” and “The Kingdom of Heaven suffered violence and the violent take it by force”.

Even if the mystical experience were real it can still be a stumbling block for the student on the path because the experience of the so-called awakening or nirvana could be so liberating and pleasurable that the subject may be too obsessed to desire it again and again to the extent of forgetting and foregoing the duties and responsibilities of everyday living. That’s why self-transformation and self- mastery should be paramount on the pursuit of mystical path.

True Mysticism

Therefore, if desiring to acquire spiritual powers and experiencing the divine is your only intent on mystical practices, those are dangerous. I think true mysticism is to develop one’s self spiritually, to become Christ-like, manifesting Christly Virtues of Love, Forgiveness, Mercy, Compassion, Humility, Leadership, etc. And that should be the purpose of different Spiritual Disciplines and Practices such as meditation, contemplation, dynamic decrees, prayers and songs - to be imbued by the Light of God Presence and Holy Spirit within us in order to change ourselves and grow spiritually to set a good example and render good service to others. That is true salvation: self-elevation through the self-conscious effort of man and by the grace of God.

In that way, you will be raising your vibration and consciousness. The higher you are in your spiritual development, that is, dissolving or getting rid of your negative qualities, and acquiring and nurturing Godly virtues, the higher your frequency/vibration of consciousness will be. Negative thoughts and emotions like anger, envy, jealousy, anxiety, and fear have lower frequencies while positive ones like Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Peace and Harmony have higher frequencies/vibrations.

I may admit that some of the Divine Experiences of common person are true for it depends upon the level of spiritual growth of the individual involved. If he/she has reached a level of vibration congruent to the Spiritual Octaves of Light and Divine Beings, his/her experiences can be considered Divine. It manifested because of the true practice of mysticism, and to him/her Spiritual gifts are secondary and should occur naturally like the opening of a beautiful flower.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Approaching Religious Beliefs and Philosophy

Everyone of us has his/her own belief system and philosopy in life that influence the way we live. It's more likely that overtime it has changed from one belief system to another. Possibly because we were convinced that the new belief that we learned from another source is more correct judging it by our own comprehension. Or perhaps, we know from within the core of our being that it is true; Our intuition or inspiration tells us to be so. The latter, which is always right, seldom occured to majority of the people for we are always conditioned to think rationally and objectively. But that is not to say that thinking rationally should have no room in our life. I think that, at the present stage of human evolution, we still have to rely on our logical reasoning to function properly in this world of form. Of course we have to depend both on inspiration and rationality. What I am trying to say here is intuition and inspiration is 100% reliable whereas rationality has limitations and is prone to error.

Following this line of reasoning, we can say that the belief and philosophy that we accepted which is mostly derived from our own rationality, is subject to error. More so, if we simply accepted it blindly or we simply follow the beliefs of our parents, relatives or friends.

Consequently, in my opinion we cannot be too fanatic in our own belief. Everyone has limited knowledge and experiences. No one is all-knowing except God. Is this not the reason why our beliefs and philosophies in life change overtime? I think it would be better to have an open mind when we are faced with new knowledge, concepts, or experiences for in this attitude we will lean toward progress and we'd be able to find the Truth. If we are really sincere to find the Truth, we have to set aside our fanaticism for we could be blinded by it. I'm not saying that we should'nt explain or defend our own belief. But we should have an attitude that "This is my belief, I will defend and follow this unless someone of another belief has absolutely convinced me that it is not so". Discussions and debates can be constructive if those are done to sincerely find the truth, not just to win in the argument and should be done in the spirit of love and truth. Oft times, both beliefs are wrong or both are correct; it's just that something is missing or the perspective is askewed.

Meanwhile, I think we could know the value of a particular belief if upon putting it into practice we find that its effects are good to our well-being and well-being of other people. Or we can adopt the four-way test of the Rotary Club International: 1.) Is it the Truth?; (2) Is it fair to all concerned?; (3) Will it build goodwill and better friendship?; and (4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I am very much interested in topics of Truth and Life. After all, Truth and Life is the summum bonum of our existence. When I mentioned Life, I mean it Life in the Spiritual and physical octaves. The title of my Blog "Life for Life", is intended to mean that Life in the Spiritual plane is for Life in the physical plane and vice versa. The physical plane I referred to does not necessarily mean our present imperfect world of existence or universe. For, I believe that there are other Perfect Universes that we are not aware of. I am referring to parallel universes or multiverse as some of the astrophysicists have believed in. So, it is expected that I will be covering a wide range of topics in my blogs. Expect that much of it is about religion, metaphysics, inspirational topics, and the like because those are my interests and probably I will occasionally include part of my own life and experiences. I guess that is how it is supposed to be - that most of the contents of our writings are taken from the knowledge and experiences that we acquired, perhaps from other books or articles that we had read and lectures that we had heard. Maybe some of it is sourced from our own inspiration. And that will be the source of our contribution to blogposts and sharing it for the benefit of the readers. I have acquired much knowledge about the Ascended Master Teachings and having been a member of this Spiritual Organizations for a long time, majority of my discussions will revolve on their Teachings.