Saturday, April 10, 2010


I am very much interested in topics of Truth and Life. After all, Truth and Life is the summum bonum of our existence. When I mentioned Life, I mean it Life in the Spiritual and physical octaves. The title of my Blog "Life for Life", is intended to mean that Life in the Spiritual plane is for Life in the physical plane and vice versa. The physical plane I referred to does not necessarily mean our present imperfect world of existence or universe. For, I believe that there are other Perfect Universes that we are not aware of. I am referring to parallel universes or multiverse as some of the astrophysicists have believed in. So, it is expected that I will be covering a wide range of topics in my blogs. Expect that much of it is about religion, metaphysics, inspirational topics, and the like because those are my interests and probably I will occasionally include part of my own life and experiences. I guess that is how it is supposed to be - that most of the contents of our writings are taken from the knowledge and experiences that we acquired, perhaps from other books or articles that we had read and lectures that we had heard. Maybe some of it is sourced from our own inspiration. And that will be the source of our contribution to blogposts and sharing it for the benefit of the readers. I have acquired much knowledge about the Ascended Master Teachings and having been a member of this Spiritual Organizations for a long time, majority of my discussions will revolve on their Teachings.