Welcome to my blog. Discussions are about religion, spirituality, truth, metaphysics, health and well-being, and about my own life and experiences. The discussions and beliefs herein presented were penned to the best of my knowledge. Owing to human limitations, errors cannot be discounted and it's up to the readers to verify the truth and accuracy of the following discussions especially those areas that are outside my personal opinions and experiences.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Story of Adam and Eve
The story of Adam and Eve is also the story of each one of us – every mortal man, woman, and child on this planet. It is the story of the fall of man and woman from the grace of God. In other words, the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is written allegorically. This means that we cannot take Adam and Eve literally as the first man and woman created by God. A biblical proof can be found in Genesis 4:14 whereby Cain who killed Abel responded to God, “...I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.” This statement shows that there are other people on earth aside from Adam, Eve, and Cain at that time.
In my own understanding, according to the teaching of the Ascended Masters, God created around 10 to 11 billion lifestreams/souls; whether all these souls were to evolve in planet earth, in other planets in our solar system, or in other systems of galaxies, I do not know. Suffice it to say that some of these are presently evolving on planet earth with approximately 7 billion populations. When God first created these 10 – 11 billion souls, they of course, have no experience yet whatsoever in the spirit-matter universe; they were innocent so to speak for they have not done any good and evil things yet. However, God has individualized himself within each one so that the God Presence and the Christ Self - the Logos, the Word, the Real Self - is clearly alive in their whole being. Hence these souls in their early sojourn in spirit-matter universe can readily communicate with their Holy Christ Self and God Presence. God gave them free will to choose between living that life of Absolute Good and perfection, enjoying the beauty and magnificence of the God Presence within them or to live in relative good and evil by disobeying the Logos, the Divine Principle in the universe, that is present within them. It can be thought that without free will we will become like robots or puppets in the hands of God and creation will be devoid of meaning; there will be no spiritual path. But this is not so, for it is obvious that we can make our own choices in life. However, it is erroneous to think that simply because God gave us free will, it means it is alright for us to do evil. It must be taken into account that God intended from the very beginning of creation to manifest only that which is absolute Good and perfection in the universe. Therefore the purpose of giving freewill then is so that the soul can choose to make his will one with the Will of God which is Absolute Good and perfection.
And so, according to AMT as far as I can understand and remember, when some of these souls notably the First Root race, descended on earth eons ago by gradual precipitation (lowering the frequencies) of their bodies to master and enjoy the matter universe, they were able to win their ascension without incurring any bad karma, without even tasting death, for they have made wise use of free will. Similarly, the second and third root races follow suit, mastering and enjoying the elemental forces of nature in partnership with angels and Archangels, then ascended back to heaven without incurring any bad karma for they have made wise use of free will by obeying the God Presence within them. So no one has ever reincarnated then. During those times, as far as I remember based on AMT, the material bodies of these people were transparent and the spark of divinity – the threefold flame of power, wisdom and love – envelops their entire bodies. Also, even the very soils and land masses of the earth were all crystalline in structure so that the sun of even pressure in the center of the earth were shining brightly outward to its surface. There were no wild animals then. Peace and Harmony reigns among men, elementals and angels. The entire earth was a paradise. The axis of the earth then was vertical so that there were no seasons and environmental disturbances. The cause of the tilting of earth’s axis according to AMT is the sin of mankind.
Alas, the temptation to do evil occurred in the fourth root race. This is where the fall of Adam and Eve (fall of man and woman) began. It will be recalled that God said in Genesis that Adam and Eve can eat all manner of fruits in the Garden except the fruits of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil that God placed in the middle of the garden; for when they eat of it they will surely die. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents the discriminating intelligence of the Christ between absolute good and relative good and evil. The Christ intelligence within us possesses the knowledge of good and evil. He knows instinctively and exactly whether a desire, thought and deed is absolutely good or relatively good and evil even before it is generated. When God said, “Do not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil”, it means do not assimilate it or do not manifest it in your being. It should remain present as the inviolable Christ discriminating knowledge. Evil only serve as a polarity for good and should not be manifested. Once you assimilate it, i.e., applying evil (thought and deeds) in your world, you shall surely die. That means death of purity and divinity that the soul enjoys before manifesting a thought and act of evil or living in relative good and evil. Only absolute good and perfection should be allowed to manifest in one’s own being and world. Hence, Adam and Eve saw themselves as naked because they are not wearing the pure seamless garment (purity of aura) or divinity they used to wear before eating the forbidden fruit (assimilating/manifesting evil or relative good and evil). It is to be noted that still having connection with the Christ Presence, Adam and Eve foreknew the negative consequences of their acts.
It will be recalled that the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and evil. In my own understanding of the teaching, this serpent represents the carnal mind whence Eve succumbed to and allowed to reign in her being instead of perpetually allowing the Christ Mind/Self to do its perfect work. The serpent also represents Lucifer and other fallen angels who by their spiritual pride refuse to acknowledge the Christ in Man who was created by God a little lower than angels but crowned with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:5). Thus, because Adam and Eve (symbolical of the people of the earth) entertained and allowed the carnal mind its free reign, they lost the natural protection of the earth and attracted the descent of the fallen angels into their world. These fallen angels desire the fall of man and woman. The AMT tells us that one third of the population of the angelic kingdom headed by Lucifer rebelled against God by refusing to bow before the Son of God, the Christ in man. This is possibly the interpretation of the statement in Revelation 12:4. Thus you will know here that Lucifer was a former Archangel. In fact, the word Lucifer means lightbearer. It is written in Rev 12: 7-9 that “Michael fought against the dragon and his angels and the dragon and his angels fought but prevailed not. Neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him”. And in Rev 12:12, it says “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time”. Thus the fallen angels were driven out of heaven into the astral plane and then into the matter plane mingling with the people of earth. I believe that this is part of the karma of mankind.
To support my point that there are fallen angels on earth, it can be pointed out in Genesis 6: 2, that there are mentioned sons of God (who are actually fallen angels), who took wives from the daughters of men. Clearly, the sons of God mentioned here were not from earth for the statement distinguishes them from men; It implies here that they are from heaven who are supposedly angels but not the Good Angels but the fallen ones because True/ Good angels will not take wives from the daughters of men. Some of them were giants as mentioned in Genesis 6:4, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God (fallen angels) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown”. There is also mentioned in Numbers 13: 32-33 about the Nephilim in the land of Canaan who are of great sizes. A well-known account in the Bible (1 Samuel 17) tells of the fight between young David and the giant Goliath.
According to my knowledge of AMT, some of these fallen ones are actually aliens from another planet with far advanced technology. They created counterfeit creations, much like humans but without the threefold flame (spark of divinity) and put them on earth. These are the offspring of lucifer - counterfeit men and women without a soul. These have become their pawns to perpetuate their evil deeds on earth. Jesus referred to them in the New Testament as the “generation of vipers”, the “Wicked ones”. In John 8:44, Jesus said to them, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”. Clearly, the way Jesus addressed them reveals that they are not originally men like us. In addition, Jesus’s parable of tares among the wheat in Matthew 13 explains that the tares are the wicked ones (counterfeit men) who shall be cast into a furnace of fire where there will be gnashing and gnawing of teeth at the end of their cycle.
The fallen ones and their creations are the wolves in sheep’s clothing mentioned in Matthew 7. Since the fallen ones were former angels, they originally have great light and attainment but they are now using them to perpetuate their control and deception of mankind. Thus, you can find them in positions of authority in every departments of life – government, finance, religion, music, arts and sciences, etc. Most of them who still have light are good-looking but their beauty is sensual one unlike the Divine beauty of the Saints and Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters tell us, however, that there should be no witch-hunting of the fallen angels. You cannot judge a man as of the devil simply because he does some evil things.
Another revelation that I would like to mention based on AMT (according to my own understanding and remembrance), is the coming into embodiments on earth of the laggard evolutions, who are souls from another planet – Maldek. This planet Maldek is the former planet between Mars and Jupiter. It exploded as a result of nuclear holocaust between warring factions. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is remnant of this planet. These laggard evolutions brought their wickedness and war-like attitude into the earth. The embodiments of these blood-thirsty laggards are concentrated in the middle-east at present time. Some of them are willing to take this planet earth into another nuclear holocaust.
Continuing the story of Adam and Eve under the fourth root race, the fall from grace did not happen overnight. The people of earth continued to experiment how far they can go in continuously violating the law. They wanted a new experience of flesh and blood even if they knew its negative consequences. They also succumbed to the temptations, wiles and influences of the fallen angels. And so, so much wickedness and evil occur on earth. Man has completely lost its contact with their Christ Presence. He is now entirely on his own relying in his own mind and intellect. They now live as if groping in the dark and have to work by the sweat of their brows. Their threefold flame of power wisdom and love was reduced to a mere one sixteenth of an inch situated in the heart center, and its crystal cord that connects to the Heart of the Christ Self and Mighty I AM Presence was reduced to a mere thread in size. There was also the reduction of their lifespan, which up to this day was down to almost three score and ten days. The people’s bodies became opaque overtime. The earth lost its edenic state. It no longer emits the radiance from its center. The elemental life changed too as a reaction to protect themselves from the hostilities of men. Some animals became wild and plants changed its appearances. The rose for example originally has no thorns in its stem. The earth’s axis has tilted so that environmental disturbances and seasons are common cyclic occurrences. Ice ages set in so that human life was reduced to the life of primitive cave men that even the physical fire does not exist. Devolution (not evolution) occurred on planet earth. (Science has mistakenly thought that human came from ape).
The Lords of karma have seen that planet earth is no longer fit for human evolution and had decreed its dissolution. But a Divine Being from Venus by the name of Sanat Kumara (known as Ancient of Days in Daniel 7:9&13 according to AMT)) volunteered to descend to planet earth to hold the balance on terra until such a time when the human evolution can begin its ascent towards its Source from whence they came. Thus, Sanat Kumara and his retinue from Venus, 144,000 in numbers, kept their threefold flame of life burning in their heart, sufficient for their Light to cover the entire earth on behalf of mankind. These are the 144,000 Saints mentioned in Revelation. Hence, If not for their intercession, the planet earth could have been destroyed long time ago and earthly souls would have to continue their evolution elsewhere in the universe. These Venusians gradually guided the human evolution for millions years even to the point of going down the ladder of human evolution to reach out and then pull them up slowly into their spiritual progress. And so, they, up to this day are mixed up with human evolutions embodiment after embodiments. It is to be noted here that unbeknownst to mankind, there is a spiritual battle going on for eons on planet earth. The Divine Beings seek to raise mankind while the fallen angels and their counterfeit creations seek to pull them down.
At some point during the course of its evolution, civilizations began to appear on planet earth but because of great karma that had been incurred for eons, many civilizations rose up and fell down. One of these that occurred just around 100,000 years ago was the lost continent of Lemuria, which has reached its height of civilization, but because of much wickedness of its people, their karma descended and the continent were destroyed and buried beneath the ocean floor almost to be forgotten in human history. Principal of their wicked deeds that caused its destruction was to play upon and abuse the science of genetics so much so that you can see half-man half-animals on earth as their creations. Few remnants of these grotesque creatures managed to exist up to our time. (Some present- day scientists wanted to repeat this horrendous experiment). The Ascended Masters teach that the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden portrayed in the third chapter of Genesis actually happened in Lemuria. The Garden represents a place set apart as a Mystery School for the initiation of Adam and Eve towards their Christhood; although at the same time, the story also seeks to portray the first fall of mankind from the Grace of God. (In my opinion, the author of Genesis (generally believes to be Moses) who was under the inspiration of God could see through clairvoyance what occurred in past ages in that continent of Lemuria as well as the fall of mankind eons ago.) {The details of explanation of Genesis can be found in the book, “The Path of Self Transformation” by the Summit Lighthouse. However, the explanation is full of inner spiritual and symbolical meaning that it may be hard to understand by those who are new in the Ascended Masters teaching because the reader may need some knowledge of terms they used. For example, the “Tree of Life” represents the “I AM Presence”; the Garden may represent the “Causal Body”; the four rivers is the four lower bodies (etheric, mental, emotional, and physical)of man; the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and every living creature represent all aspects of Adam’s consciousness. In my own understanding and interpretation, Adam may also represent the Spirit aspect of matter while Eve, the woman, represents matter aspect of spirit; so that the woman came from man because creation of matter is just lowering the frequency of its blueprint from spirit. Spirit and Matter came from the same source. Thus it is stated in Genesis, “bones of my bones, flesh of my flesh”. It is suggested that Genesis should not be taken literally and should be understood in a spiritual context – unlimited by time and space).
There was also a civilization which reached its golden ages 70,000 years ago situated in what is now Sahara Desert. The area was once fertile with semi-tropical climate. Its kingdom was ruled by one of the embodiment of Saint Germain. Majority of the people, however, became more interested in the temporary pleasures of the senses and paid little attention to and then forget the Source of All-Life. Consequently, the Divine rulers realized that it is no longer spiritually productive to sustain the kingdom and decided to withdraw from them so that the people will learn through hard experience that all their happiness and bounty came from the adoration to the God Within. Afterwards, a visiting Prince came and ruled the kingdom. Some 2,000 years later the entire empire had become barren land and desolation took place. This is followed by a great cataclysm which submerged all the land – all as karmic return for the discord and selfishness of the people. Through that change, an inland sea was formed where the Sahara Desert now lies. (Details of this story can be found in the book, Isis Unveiled by Godfre Ray King.)
Another civilization rose up and reached its height in the continent of Atlantis some 11,000 to 13,000 years ago but was also buried beneath the ocean floor. It was destroyed by fire (nuclear explosion). This was portrayed allegorically as the story of Noah in the Bible. (There was no such thing as Noah’s Ark taken literally because scientifically speaking based on its size all the seven pairs of all animals on earth could not fit in such a relatively small Ark, in my opinion). It is believed in esoteric thoughts that much of the forerunners of ancient civilizations in Egypt, Sumeria, Babylonia, Central and South America, India and China and elsewhere on earth were survivors from the continent of Atlantis.
From there, you can trace human history based on records. You can see how society progresses in arts, literature and religion, architecture, science and engineering, economics and politics. You can also see how senseless killings and battles were fought in the name of religion, how nations conquered another nations, how there were first and second world wars. How there were plaques, calamities and disasters in all parts of the world even up to this day. You can imagine how traumatic experiences and fear were embedded in human psyche. How all manner of negative emotions were generated and embedded in the sub-conscious mind from one embodiment to the next. From the esoteric point of view, these can be seen as the descent of world karma in accordance with the law of cycles in view of the evils that humanity have done since the fall of man and woman from grace from the forgotten past. By and by, cycles after cycles, though there were setbacks, man have learned their lessons and balanced their karma. With the guidance of God and the Brotherhood of Light, man has once more begun their spiritual ascent towards the Light.
During the progress of evolution God has always created scenes whereby in every age, there have always been luminaries who lead the people into the Light for their spiritual progress. Thus you can find Gods and Goddesses and their devote followers exemplified in sacred literatures and texts in every culture, race and religion. It seems that at the present age, the curtain of heaven has once more opened widely to humanity and the human evolution has now reached to the point that spirituality is part of everyday living and many souls can ascend back to God. During medieval times, when you say you hear the voice of God or Angels you will be burned at stake; now, even when you say you are God in the making, you will simply be laughed at.
The story herein presented may seem fiction to many but to me that is the truth. Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction. Good day and goodnight my friends.