Saturday, November 2, 2013



I think that a lot of people nowadays are beginning to understand that the key to complete healing is wholeness; where wholeness maybe defined to be healthy in mind, body, soul, and emotion. I think Mark Prophet has explained that Jesus is somehow telling the same thing when he said in Matthew 9:12 (KJV), “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.”  On reading and analyzing the entire context, it will be recognized that Jesus gives an analogy that the sick mentioned in the verse also refers to sinners. This would mean that the cause of sickness is sin (or sickness of the soul).  This is as well shown when he healed the man sick of palsy by saying, “Thy sins be forgiven thee”.

It will be recognized that achievement of condition of total wholeness will mean perfection. It means balancing the threefold flame in the heart (flame of power, wisdom and love) and balancing the four lower bodies (memory, mental, emotional, and physical bodies); and this will mean practice of self-mastery, giving decrees to the violet flame and other flames  of the holy spirit, prayers, meditations and other spiritual devotions and disciplines to achieve perfection. When we achieve wholeness or perfection we will have no disease whatsoever and we will not need any kind of healing. A perfect exemplar of this is Jesus Christ or Krishna or Saint Germain or Babaji and other avatars who lived on earth. They themselves can institute supernatural kind of healing to other people based on cosmic law. (Not only do they have perfect health, they can also have wealth if they so choose. For example Jesus can multiply loaves and fishes and can change waters into wine. Le Comte de Saint Germain when embodied as wonderman of Europe is known to precipitate diamonds out of thin air, disappear and reappear to another place. He does not age and it is believed that he has a possession of an elixir that can give immortal life.)

It will be realized that nobody from among us are totally whole like Jesus and Saint Germain. Thus we all need healing and our main focus therefore for healing is to strive to be whole or perfect; it will be healing not only of the body but also of the memory, mind/emotion and spirit.

It will be recalled that the reason why we are not whole is because we have departed from God’s law throughout our embodiments and has thus separated ourselves from our God Presences and Holy Christ Selves. These disobedience or violations of cosmic law are recorded in the subconscious mind in our memory body and will manifest as diseases in the body that constitute as karmic debts to be paid off. Some manifests in the form of injury through accidents and other problems in life. Thus humanity experiences many kinds of ailment in the span of their life some of them from birth.

Understanding this, it can be said that all diseases of the flesh has its origin in the discordance of consciousness. We know that even science today is beginning to recognize the mind, body, spirit connection. Thus there are psychosomatic illnesses which physical symptoms are caused by some psychological and emotional factors. From spiritual/esoteric standpoint, there are diseases that are due to negative attitude, behavior and emotion that have built up in past embodiments; and healing can only take place if there is renewal of soul. Some esoteric author even included in their book a list of every diseases where there is a corresponding weakness in spiritual virtues. This indicates that every weakness in the system, part or organ of the body has an equivalent negative traits, emotions, habits or practices. I can remember some messages/dictations of the Ascended Masters through the Summit Lighthouse where it was mentioned that the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is hardness of heart; and blindness is actually an indication of spiritual blindness or refusal to see the truth.  In the Lost Teachings of Jesus book 1 by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, it was mentioned that the cause of cancer is hatred and selfishness. This could be true. There may be a subconscious record of sustained hatred in past life/lives that have not been balanced and it is surfacing in the present life for balancing or healing. Whatever the cause is, it is surely a record of discord in the subconscious mind. It will be observed that cancer can come to any type of person. It is true that some of the cause can be from the carcinogenic substances or harmful radiation from the environment or some industrial products but I believe the person became susceptible to them (as karma) because of the negative record in subconscious mind of the memory body.

Recognizing this, take care then that you do not hate anyone even those who persecute you. Remember that some people or negative situation comes into our life for the balancing of karma. I think even the fallen ones shouldn’t be hated because remember that we attracted them here on earth as part of our karma. Their continued existence on earth is an indication of the presence of same discordance in the collective subconscious of humanity. (In my opinion, the calling for the casting out, binding and exorcism of the planetary dweller on the threshold, which should be done without hatred, is tantamount to apply to the personal dweller on the threshold to a certain extent that is in accord with law. Thus the use of the gentle action of the violet flame, and putting on Christly virtues is necessary.)
Some of the karmic diseases are chronic and hard to heal and it may need some toleration and self-discipline on our part to mitigate its effect such as following proper diet and exercises. There are cases when after some period of time this disease was suddenly cured because the karma had already been balanced. There are also cases that after all the remedial efforts have been done, the disease still persists for a long time, some even for a lifetime. I think that when we are suffering from any kind of disease it is of course our responsibility to look for its healing. All efforts must be done whether it is conventional or alternative medicine to seek for its cure.  We also must realize that this is part of our karma that must be accepted and balanced. I believe we can actually ask for forgiveness for the cause and core of this disease which you actually brought into your life as a result of violation of cosmic law in the past. This act of asking for forgiveness is a form of self-correction and balancing one’s karma. Healing can take place in the inner if not in the outer because of this very act. However, if you fret and sometimes exhibit negative attitude because of the ailment that you are experiencing, you will not be balancing your karma.


I have touched upon this topic on healing in my previous post. I would just like to share with you the helpful use of visualization and healing thoughtform of Archangel Raphael.  Archangel Raphael is the archangel of the fifth ray of healing, wholeness, truth, science, abundance, music and mathematics. Mother Mary is his divine complement. To know more about Archangel Raphael and the healing thoughtform that he gave, please visit this website of The Summit Lighthouse (TSL):       

The following is an excerpt, ”Archangel Raphael has released a healing thoughtform that is scientifically formulated to restore the inner blueprint and divine wholeness when visualized surrounding and penetrating the cells and atoms of the four lower bodies, or a specific organ. It is composed of concentric spheres of white, sapphire-blue and emerald-green sacred fire.

The white sphere at the center works at inner levels to restore the injured part or the diseased organ to its original perfection. Next is the blue sphere, which establishes protection and an action of the will of God. The green outer sphere restores the flow of Spirit through Matter and brings wholeness.

If you or a loved one suffers an injury, call for the healing thoughtform:

"In the name Jesus Christ, beloved Archangel Raphael, the Blessed Mother, place your healing thoughtform over [insert the name of the person]."

Then visualize spheres of sacred fire descending from the heart of God as the pulsating presence of the Holy Spirit. Visualize the white-fire core centered in the scintillating, sapphire-blue flame wrapped in the emerald-green fires.

The first minutes and hours after an accident are critical. Whether you keep the vigil at the bedside of a loved one or at a distance, picture the injured parts becoming whole until they are in their original healthy state. Hold this picture steady in your mind's eye. Still all anxiety and doubt and fear and do not let any of that press in upon you. Focus totally on holding the healing thoughtform in your mind to the exclusion of all else. Affirm that God in you is beholding all as perfect and once again restored to its true image.”

I myself have used this thoughtform and have experienced miraculous kind of healing in the sense that the healing of the disease took place in a very short period of time which is deemed impossible by medical science.  I thought that this might also work and be of help to some of you. Basing on my personal experience, I presume that the use of decree and healing thoughtform is evidently effective if the disease is a result of abrupt violation of cosmic law in the mental and emotional plane at present life. An example of this is perhaps a person got angry to someone in this life for some reason and has desired that a certain disease befall upon the other (this is a form of witchcraft and black magic); he was probably caught off guard and had not realized that he violated a law of life. Then as a consequence, an immediate return of karma occurred and it is himself who obtained such a disease. 

If you recognize that something similar has happened to you, you can try to do the following to heal the disease. Realizing that you have committed a sin, you can repent, sincerely ask for forgiveness and do a novena for healing to Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary using the healing thoughtform of Archangel Raphael. This you do while you are doing the necessary medical treatment and/or alternative kind of medicine. A novena can be done by doing a healing decree nine times every day for nine consecutive days (without fail). Should you fail, you must start all over again. Prior to giving the healing decree each day, you can pray for forgiveness for the sins you have committed and ask for the healing of the cause and core of the disease. Then begin to visualize a healing thoughtform over yourself and another one superimposing the particular part or organ of the body that needs healing as you give the healing decree/s. The following healing decrees taken from TSL can be used:

 Christ Wholeness
In the name of the beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, beloved Jesus the Christ and the healing angels!

In the name of the Mighty Presence of God which I AM and by and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in the threefold flame burning within my heart, I decree:

1.  I AM God's perfection manifest
     In body, mind, and soul—
     I AM God's direction flowing
     To heal and keep me whole!


   O atoms, cells, electrons
   Within this form of mine,
   Let heaven's own perfection
   Make me now divine!

   The spirals of Christ wholeness
   Enfold me by his might—
   I AM the Master Presence
   Commanding, "Be all light!"

 2. I AM God's perfect image:
     My form is charged by love;
     Let shadows now diminish,
     Be blessed by comfort's dove!

 3. O blessed Jesus, Master dear,
     Send thy ray of healing here;
     Fill me with thy life above,
     Raise me in thine arms of love!

 4. I AM Christ's healing Presence,
     All shining like a mercy sun—
     I AM that pure perfection,
     My perfect healing won!

 5.  I charge and charge and charge myself
      With radiant I AM light—
      I feel the flow of purity
      That now makes all things right!

You can also add a selected 15-minute rosary to Mother Mary available from TSL where you can insert a prayer for forgiveness and healing prior to giving the rosary.   Or you can use a healing rosary to Mother Mary available from the Temple of the Presence.

It will be understood that circumstance happen in life where a disease could not be cured physically in spite of all the efforts by any means whether medical or spiritual. There are situation like this where there could be no better way to do but simply to let go, accept one’s karma, utter a prayer and leave everything to God. That way there is balancing of karma, there is inner peace and profound healing of soul that can lead to ascension in the Light or to the octaves of Light in preparation for the next and final incarnation on earth having healthy life.

 Someday, we hope that mankind will have so progressed spiritually and have balanced sufficient  amount of karma with the help of the violet flame to merit the discovery and application of cure to incurable diseases such as cancer which is one of the last plaques mentioned in revelation.


There are practical ways to become wealthy that you don’t need to use any mantras or decrees to become wealthy. In fact some people by virtue of good karma was born in a wealthy family that he almost doesn’t need any effort to become wealthy. He just has to rely on the tutoring of his parents, pursue education or his passion, and manage the business to maintain a wealthy life. A person who was not born wealthy can pursue a number of ways to become one. He may have a special gift, talent or skills like singing, acting, or passion for a certain kind of sports that can be used to earn considerable amount of money. Other people started off with small business even with little education then by patience, perseverance, industriousness and hard work, they were able to make their business grow. A lot of people complete their education first, then get a job, save money, then do business of their choice to achieve wealth. Some were into real estate or online business. There are many well-known examples of people who made their way to the top through their ideas, talents, efforts, and hard works. That is without the use of any decrees or mantras to gain wealth. Some became wealthy through illegal means and business like corruption, becoming gambling lords, etc.

Remember however that to become rich materially is not the ultimate goal of life. It is not the measure of success. We should therefore not be attached so much on acquiring material wealth that we forget our spirituality which should be first and foremost in our life’s agenda. It should be borne in mind that true wealth is spiritual wealth.  I believe that when you have the wealth of spirituality acquired and outpictured in your world, material wealth can easily be gained and you will use it for higher purposes without any sense of ego gratification. I believe in what Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things (spiritual and material) shall be added unto you.”

On the other hand, there are some people who are very spiritual yet remain poor, because to them it is not important whether they are living luxurious life or not. They only want to devote themselves to God because of their strong desire to become one with God. They might have been a staunch follower of St Francis in past life or a Buddhist monk with a begging bowl who renounces rich life on earth. Since these experiences are recorded in their subconscious mind, they still carry this kind of limiting consciousness in the present life that hinders them from achieving a materially abundant life.  Owing to this momentum, this kind of people may have a tendency to shy away from opportunity to become wealthy. In my view, to have a model of modest living during that time in their environment maybe appropriate and might have been divinely ordained. In this modern era, however, there are a lot of poor and low-income level segments of society that needs to be brought up higher especially in the third world/developing countries. Besides, it is obvious that it is necessary to have substantial financial resources even in the pursuit of spiritual knowledge and practices as it will entail membership fees in the organization, attending conferences and other activities. In my opinion, this is the reason why you will find teachings on abundant life from Ascended Masters perspective. This will be very helpful for spiritual devotees who have far too long lived an unbalanced life leaning too much on spiritual devotion neglecting that the Kingdom of God also encompasses other services to life such as economics, business and professional career life which can also be part of their calling.   In my opinion, it is this kind of spiritual devotees who will need abundance decrees and mantras and practices in order to have prosperity consciousness or to have more of the fifth ray aspect of the Holy Spirit to be applied in their lives.  Furthermore, the teaching on abundance can influence the populace in preparation for the coming Golden Age where there will be less and less poverty as the people are becoming more and more spiritual, balance their karma, and therefore merited to be living in abundance.
Since at the same time, the teaching emphasizes spirituality on the pursuit of abundant life, people who are too much obsessed on acquiring material wealth can benefit much from spiritual knowledge contained in the teaching that can help them overcome temptations to do unscrupulous acts just to gain money.

Taking a second look at the life of the Order of St Francis, you will realize that despite their simple living they did not lose faith that God will provide all their needs, which is actually an abundance consciousness; thus to this day the Order of St Francis still lives though perhaps with some modification in their way of living. Gautama Buddha once gave a dictation explaining that he did not have to give up his princely life in order to pursue a spiritual/ascetic life.  He could have achieved the same result of enlightenment without having to leave his earthly kingdom.

There are a lot of abundance decrees and mantras that you can find in many Ascended Masters Organizations. I would just like to give some of these. First is the mantra sourced from The Summit Lighthouse (TSL),


The second is taken from the Heart, Head and Hand decrees of TSL,


The third is taken from the book by Robert Collier, “Riches within your Reach” which is recommended and adopted by TSL although, as I remember it, TSL advises not to use the concept of autohypnosis but instead rely on the Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters. The mantra is,

You can give this mantra joyfully while you clap your hands. If I remember it right when I was still active at the TSL group in the Philippines, there were times when these mantras were included as part of the Wednesday service (Healing service). Included in the service are “Jesus’ Watch with me Vigil of the Hours”, and some Protection, Healing and Violet Flame decrees. I remember during those times that financial supply began to come easily to me.  If you will try the mantras, I suggest that you give first some protection and violet flame decrees. While giving the abundance decrees you can visualize yourself with hands receiving lots of golden coins falling from your I AM Presence some of them falling onto the floor and you can hear them clinking.  Gold is not only symbol of abundance, it is also a symbol of spirituality and perfection according to inner teachings.

Lastly, the following is taken from the Temple of the Presence (I think this is adopted and modified from I AM Activity),
“Mighty I AM Presence! Great Hosts of Ascended Masters!

This very hour, open your own Channels of limitless money and Divine Abundance of every good and Perfect Thing!

Keep my being and world flooded with TEN TIMES more money and supply than I need as your Glad Free Gift of Love.

See that I use it in the Service of the Light forever. I thank Thee that Thou dost always full fill my Call instantly!

This which I call forth for myself, I call forth for my family and for every Son and Daughter of God and Child of the Light living upon this planet.”

When I was regularly attending the services at TOP in the Philippines, at first I simply give this decree without any thought of whether it will come true or not. But I remember one time that it came to my mind that YES I firmly believe that this decree will come true! I resolved to absolutely believe in it regardless of outer circumstances. After sometime, I forgot all this. I could not remember how many months or years had passed when I migrated to Australia. What I know is after six months of immigrating in Australia I found a job. And one time I realized that my income is ten times that of my income when I was in the Philippines. Thank God for that! However, as I muse about it I realize that the standard of living in Australia is higher than the Philippines and so by comparison I can say that I am only a bit better off now as it is more convenient living here in Melbourne, Australia.
So I guess that the abundant life that you can get depends upon how much container or capacity you have. What I mean is how much of the abundance consciousness (fifth ray) you have in your Causal Body and how much of its misuses you have in your subconscious mind that impedes its manifestation. Maybe the formula is to have an abundance consciousness which can be honed by giving abundance mantras and affirmation (and visualization), as well as your strong desire to have an abundant life that will urge you to keep on doing whatever it takes to get it. Again, take care however, that you are always working within the domain of spirituality and take care of your health. For health is wealth too.

There are times that you need to recognize that purification of consciousness and balancing of karma is yet to take place. I remember that Lanello once said that if all the wealth in this world will be divided equally to everyone, it will return to whom it originally came from after some number of years.

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


Friday, September 6, 2013


When you always think of the highest good for yourself, for other people, group, activities or situation, you are practicing the science of holding the immaculate concept.  This is actually how our God Presence sees us. He perpetually holds the immaculate vision of perfection for us; He does not see our imperfections. This is captured in Habakkuk 1:13 which says, “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity”.  So when we practice this science of thinking only of goodness to all parts of life, we are aligning our consciousness in the consciousness of our God Presence. Then the energies of the Holy Spirit will flow to manifest the pattern of perfection we hold in our mind.  This is what Mark Prophet said, “Holding the immaculate concept means that when you think of someone, you don’t think of them in a critical way. Visualize the Christ Presence around them and see them in the perfection you know God gave them in the beginning. Support people by maintaining this immaculate, stainless, spotless vision. Hold this vision for yourself also. Having seen what you are in Spirit and what the potential for your soul is, you must retain that image of reality in your thoughts and feelings. For the image is a natural repellent to all that opposes your reality in manifestation, and the perfect idea becomes a magnet that attracts creative energies of the Holy Spirit to your being to fulfil the pattern held in mind”.

 “Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary also teach the science of the immaculate concept. This science is practiced by every angel in heaven. When an angel looks upon you, they see you in purity as you were when God first created you. This enables you to fill in the pattern and realize who you really are – a son or daughter of God”. (The Masters and their Retreat by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

What a great concept! Isn’t it? Imagine all the people thinking that way, not seeing the imperfections of other people. If everyone can constantly think that every person has a Christ Presence that is manifesting through their soul, relationships and situations in life will tend to become harmonious, pleasant, and perfect. In somewhat different way, you will notice that we bring this science into practice in our daily life. A lot of times we wish for the success, happiness and good health of our friends or relatives. If a friend is about to embark on a holiday overseas, we wish him/her happy trip and joyful holidays. We wish happy birthdays, happy wedding anniversaries and give warm greetings on other special occasions to many people in our circle of life. This is a very pleasant practice and it gives us pleasant feelings as well. Truly, our warm thoughts and feelings generate positive effects that helped make wishes come true. However, when we are face with some difficulties, problems or challenges in our life, perhaps a co-worker is giving you a headache, we tend to become out of balance and begin to think negatively not only about the situation but also against the other person. Sometimes even for no apparent reason, there are instances that we tend to think negatively perhaps because it became habitual to us. So, in our mundane existence, it seems hard to practice this science of holding the immaculate vision for every situation and for everyone.

But if you will try to practice this science even when faced with negative circumstances, you will notice that sometimes it works like magic.  You can try this. If for example there is a situation in your life where someone, perhaps your co-worker keeps buggering you, try to think that it is not the action of his true self; it is just his negative energies functioning. Then keep holding in your mind that his true/higher self is now victorious over that negative energy, that his Christ self will always be victorious and he is now amiable to you. Keep holding the immaculate concept for him and you will be surprised to see positive results. It will be better still if you can visualize the action of violet flame around him. You will notice that even your own behaviour towards him will be positive as well. As another example, if you are going to transact business with someone or maybe you are going to consult a Doctor and you have some worries that he might just rip you off and probably thinking negatively that he would make it appear to exacerbate your illness, immediately dismiss those thoughts. Instead think that he is good and a professional practitioner, that his higher self will function and will do his best to heal you. Then visualize yourself in harmony with him and fully satisfied with his service. Stop judging other people, try to think positively about them even if the appearance is on the contrary. Your positive thoughts will have good effects and by and by it will manifest.

You can practice this divine science of immaculate imaging to your immediate circle of influence - to your family, relatives, neighbours, friends, colleagues, classmates, teacher, or students - and you can expand to include your community, government, country, and the world.   If your outer eyes see conflict, let your inner eye sees divine resolution and reconciliation. If your outer eyes see anger, let your inner eye sees love and forgiveness. If your outer eyes see illness, let your inner eye sees health and healing. If your outer eyes see poverty and economic recession, let your inner eye sees prosperity and economic boom. If your outer eyes see dishonesty and corruption, let your inner eye sees honesty, honour and integrity. If your outer eyes see war and portents of war, let your inner eye sees world peace and harmony.  If your outer eyes see disturbances and pollution of environment, let your inner eye sees nature’s beauty, order and perfection. If your outer eyes see death, let your inner eye see longevity, resurrection and ascension. Think that all Holy Christ Selves and God Presences are prevailing over every person and every unwholesome condition turns into wholeness and harmony. Always replace negative thoughts and appearances with positive ones fait accompli.  Then we will see the course of divine order moving towards its fulfilment. Remember that negative appearances are temporary because negative karma is only temporary; see the Christ victorious, see the action of the violet flame and the karma balanced and replace negative appearances by positive ones and that will happen.

Applying this science of positive thinking does not mean that you will not take any precaution or do nothing to prevent possible negative acts. Take care that you don’t forget the practical side of things and not lose your common sense when involve in spiritual practices. For example you won’t leave your bag, Ipad or tablet unattended in the airport thinking that all people around there are good.  Neither will you leave your house unattended with doors unlocked. Take care that you don’t arouse or tempt the untransmuted negative energies lurking in the subconscious mind of other people. It is possible to do something in the outer to prevent the manifestation of the negativities of the person and at the same time visualise/think and expect the victory and manifestation of their Christ Self in the inner. In an instance where injustice has already been done to other parts of life, the perpetrators can be brought to justice by the laws of the land in order to prevent further injustice but take care that you don’t hate them. There should not be any desire on our part to seek vengeance or see them in harmful situation. Practice forgiveness and compassion. Our first thought and desire should be to see them self-corrected or transformed so that further negative karma will not come upon them and to other people as well.  Remember that God said in the scripture “vengeance is mine”, that is actually the operation of the infallible law of karma where nobody can escape from. It is possible that negative situations happens in life because of the lack of practicing the science of holding the immaculate concept. You attract what is in your thought and feeling world (in addition to what is already in your memory body).

This science of holding the immaculate concept uses the power of visualization or picturization. It is known in the esoteric circle that what you visualize can come into manifestation. The technique is you visualize what you want to happen in its finished form; you have a burning desire to achieve it and you feel and see yourself completely satisfied with it. You have absolute faith in it. Once this practice becomes a natural part of yourself, the faster your visualization becomes a reality.

Actually, many of us are doing this science of visualization unknowingly because we are doing it almost naturally. It is natural for us that when we have strong desire for something, we tend to imagine ourselves already experiencing what we desire. For instance many people became rich because they have a burning desire for it. They have repeatedly imagined and felt in their being the success of their chosen endeavour to become rich. They had been unmindful of the hardships and obstacles they had gone through and had been persistent to achieve what they want. In addition, it seems that it is already embedded in their psyche and it has been a way of life to them to always think of acquiring wealth. They have this prosperity consciousness. Even in your personal life, if you will come to think of it, most of what you successfully achieved now – your career, your kind of work, your marriage, family and social life, etc – have first begun in your mind’s eye and you have a strong desire for it to happen. And of course, you strived for it and acted upon the opportunities set before you that made you achieved it. There are other ordinary examples. Some of you can probably recall the time when you or your team became a champion in a certain sports competition. You probably have visualised yourself or your team all-smiles receiving the trophy and happily celebrating the momentous event even prior to the competition. And you must have trained hard because of your burning desire to become the champion. My 2003 model Mazda 2 car have not had any engine trouble nor had any engine parts replaced for five years and eight months now. I believe this is because I visualized and prayed to God before buying a car to give me one that will not have any engine failure for at least five years. So he gave me one that is as good as new and of course, I ensure that it is maintained regularly.

It will be a great boon if this science will also be directed consciously towards spiritual progress and constructive endeavour like healing, health and well-being, peace and harmony in our society and the world contributing to the whole divine purpose. 
On the other hand, negative thinking and imagination could also cause negative results. For instance, when you are in anxiety or fear something, you tend to imagine all sorts of negative consequences and that could really happen. There is a statement by Job in the scripture where he says “what I fear has come upon me, what I dreaded has happened to me” (Job 3:25). Thus even negative thought about one’s self or situation can sometimes cause that thought to happen. But take note that this is only because there is an element and outplaying of negative karma involved. If there is none, nothing will happen. However, simply thinking negatively is quite different from thinking with a strong desire that a negative condition happen to other person. This is a form of black magic or witchcraft. It can cause backlash to the subject and may himself experience the desire that he want to happen to another as a result of negative karma.

Some wrongdoers use the power of visualization unaware albeit in a destructive way where they became successful to get what they want. We have heard of successful crimes like bank robbery, corruption, terrorism, illegal and deceptive businesses, etc. The employment of careful planning and imagination coupled with desire and feeling must have come into play. So we can see that the power of visualization can also be used for evil purposes. In my opinion, the evil intentions and acts could only succeed if there is still karma that must be reaped by the people who will be affected by it, and the cycle of negative karma of the perpetrators of evil deeds had not yet returned. But if the object of evil intention has no such karma and/or when the karma of evil doers is due, there evil plan is bound to fail and they will surely face the negative consequences of what they have done.

As you begin to practice this science of visualization more frequently, you will realize that not everything that you visualize will materialize even if it is a constructive one. This is because sometimes it will need long timeframe for it to manifest. Remember that we are all subject to the law of karma. We probably need to balance certain karma yet or to change our consciousness before we can achieve what we want to manifest. Or there is something missing in the process like confidence, faith and good feeling. Or you probably forgot doing the practical side of things that are needed.

What applies in the use of dynamic decree also applies in this science of creative visualization for they are similar in the process. It takes practice to master these sciences of visualization and spoken word. The purer the practitioner is, the more effective the process is. What could be the impediments in this science are the impurity of consciousness, blockages in your chakras, negative karma, and lack of faith. Thus we will come back to the use of violet flame for purification and transmutation of our karma in conjunction with the use of visualizations to make the practice of this science more effective.

We, however, should not think that we have heavy negative karma. The Ascended Masters would like us to think that we only have light karma, which could probably be true for the majority of us who are in the spiritual teachings especially in this end of Piscean and dawn of Aquarian age. Chances are likely that we can manifest many of the things we desire that should be aligned with God-desire. Desire only that which is good and constructive and in accordance with God’s will so that we cannot get negative karma. It helps to put in our mind some quotes and biblical passages like Psalm 93 saying ‘the Lord is our shepherd.... goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever’.  

We have to take note that our God Presence desires nothing but good for ourselves. He constantly desires our purity, peace and harmony in our life, good health, happiness, and wealth. The reason why some of these are not manifesting in our world is because of energy or karmic blockages in our consciousness. But we don’t know what particular karmic/energy blockages we have.   Perhaps to some of us, we only need to affirm/decree and visualise what our God Presence desires for us and it will quickly manifest. And remember that we always need violet flame for purification and dissolution of energy blockages. (In my next post/topic I will give some abundance decrees and the healing thoughtform of Archangel Raphael)

In addition to visualizing the violet flame coursing and enveloping our soul and four lower bodies and the planet when giving our violet flame decrees for personal and world transformation, we can also visualize the violet flame enveloping cities and nations and your favourite Ascended Master/s over it. I believe this is a powerful visualization tool especially when you feel the holiness, freedom and transmutation taking place. Then visualize further that as huge number of people (much more than the critical mass) are regularly giving the violet flame decrees, each sitting under his own vine and fig tree of the Mighty I AM Presence, the inner God qualities of peace, harmony, purity, holiness, freedom, forgiveness, joy, love, gratitude, abundance, and other virtues have outpictured into the outer world that led to realization of the following: There is now world peace: no more rogue nations, no more terrorism, no more war in the middle east and other parts of the world; there is peace, freedom, and harmony among all the nations; no more crimes, no more evildoers, no more laggards and fallen angels who still refuse to bend the knee, as they are no more permitted to incarnate on earth but elsewhere in the universe. There is now economic cooperation and economic boom in the world, no more illegal and deceptive businesses, no more poverty, all are living in abundance and plenty. What you see in the news are all wonderful stories of progress in all departments of life (arts, culture, sciences, religion, government, etc.), medical breakthroughs thus obliterating diseases, random acts of kindness, cooperation among nations, political parties, businesses and unions. Every man, woman, and child in the streets have smiles in their heart as they are considered part of the whole Holy Family. Love is now abounding everywhere, joy and peace is beyond compare. The violet flame sets us free evermore. There are no more environmental disturbances as the axis of the earth had worked its way towards its original position of zero degree from the vertical as a result of perfection of mankind. The Ascended Masters, Angels, Elohim and elementals have once more grace the earth in communion with mankind.

Love, Light and Life

Saturday, March 30, 2013

More explanation on calling 10,000 Lightbearers

I would like to let you know that this activity of calling 10,000 lightbearers to give Saint Germain’s Violet Flame Mantra for transmutation of personal and world karma that I initiated was not part of my plan in the first place. It only dawned on me in the latter part of writing my blogs. My original intention of writing this blog - Life for Life - was just to impart and share the knowledge I gained from this precious Ascended Masters Teaching which I believe to be very beneficial when applied to everyday living. Hopefully, everyone will respond positively to this call. I am sure that you will benefit much from it in terms of spirituality and will indeed transmute and mitigate your karma although it will not be readily apparent as I explained in my previous post.  Rest assured that self-purification is taking place in the inner. It will be remembered that we have misqualified our energy for millions of years for countless embodiments. This misqualified energy cannot be transmuted over a year. It will probably take a lifetime or two to feel the violet flame’s gracious action in our being.  Some Yogis achieved enlightenment by meditating for six hours every day for more than thirty years. What we are doing is only ten minutes of daily decrees. But I believe much transmutation is being achieved out of this short decree because of its immense power. We can be content to realize that a certain increment of scrubbing action or transmutation has taken place that removes some of our energy blockages. Decreeing is like pumping water up the water tank. You do not know the level of the water inside the tank but once it becomes full you will see, hear and feel the vigorous downpour of water.  If you can only see what great good is happening in the inner while you decree, you will surely try to give more.  If you can only see in the ethers how your future changes for the better (including your next future embodiment if you will not be able to make it to ascend in this life) when decreeing, you will probably want to decree more.  Or perhaps you are already close to balancing 51% of your karma to become candidate for ascension and you will only need to give some violet flame decrees in this lifetime to help you achieve it.

However, I would like to reiterate that we should not forget our self-mastery, the practice of exhibiting Christly virtues of inner peace, harmony, forgiveness, mercy, compassion, loving-kindness, gratitude, victory, constancy, sacrifice, responsibility, authority, necessity, etc. Else we might find ourselves in negative modes creating new karma. We will be adding misqualified energies to the astral plane of the planet, already filled by the mass consciousness. All the negative thoughts and feelings of mankind lodge into the astral plane. Many of these negativities arises out of the violence and crimes committed by mankind, the use of illicit drugs, gambling, abortion, pornography, wars, discords in our society, etc. Some of these are published in the media which can be further amplified through the lens of human consciousness. Even unpleasant movies that are full of violence, horrors and for mature audiences can influence and affect the untrained mind of the masses, especially if they are not grounded in the inner spiritual teachings, which then add to the astral substance of the planet.  The violet flame, being a high-frequency energy, can penetrate the astral plane and transmutes the records there. Considering that the mass consciousness is continuously depositing negative energy there, we therefore need the tremendous energy of the violet flame to erase those records so that the planet will move forward towards its ascension in the light. This can come about through our constant calls to the violet flame, setting good examples and maintaining harmony in our being and world. 

This idea of calling 10,000 light bearers worldwide to give violet flame mantra simultaneously to bring positive change in the economy, government and ecology as dictated  by Saint Germain, that I posted in YouTube freshly contributes to the multi-faceted spiritual activities going on worldwide.  But I strongly believe that it will make a substantial impact for transmutation of world karma and realization of that positive change once a critical mass was reached. Probably, in my own estimate 100,000 sincere decreers more or less will begin the rolling momentum.  That is by considering the square root of 1% of the 10 billion souls and taking into account the Pareto principle – the 80/20 rule where the 20% is considered to be the percentage of the decreers who can truly deliver. (By the way, the formula square root of 1% of the population given by Gregg Braden that I mentioned in previous blog came from Transcendental Meditation (TM) group by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Gregg Braden has probably sourced it from them. I also found it in the book, The Intention Experiment by  Lynne McTaggart . It says there that the said formula is for the number of people who perform advance type of Transcendental Meditation – The TM Sidhi.  There are substantial numbers of advance TM they performed as an experiment that resulted in the reduction of crimes in certain cities in US and other countries.  The numbers of positive results were statistically substanciated that cannot simply be dismissed. The TM-Sidhi uses some form of mantra that is mentally repeated. I believe that our science of the spoken word/dynamic decree is more powerful. The Maharishi group is known for their scientific studies on health benefits of meditation). 

Just in case you have doubt on the possibility that few numbers can save the world, let me tell you the story of the destruction of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament (Genesis 18: 16-33). There you will see that Abraham asked the Angels that if there were fifty righteous men in the city, will God not spare the city for the sake of the fifty righteous people? The angels of the Lord answered that the city will be spared.  Then Abraham asked again, if there were 45 righteous people in the city, will the city be spared? Then again the Lord said that the city will be spared. Abraham continued to ask successively until finally reducing the number of righteous people down to ten.  Then the Lord said that for the sake of ten he will spare the city. It is known that righteous Lot and his family were in the city at that time but they were less than ten. Thus the Lord asked them to leave the city before it was destroyed. The above story may not equate to the present circumstances in the world and the giving of violet flame decrees by comparatively few people, but it is a biblical illustration indicating that the few can reverse the trend of a negative situation into positive one. The earth had been saved a long time ago when the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara and his retinue came to earth to keep the flame and hold the balance so that it will not be destroyed. The evolution of earth is now progressing towards the Light and I believe it will continue to be so. Nevertheless, there is still remaining huge planetary karma that can create catastrophic events in our life. This is evident in the current events that we see. The Brotherhood of Light gave us the gift and grace of the violet flame to transmute and mitigate this karma.

In the example I posted on YouTube I put some pictures of the violet flame and Ascended Master Saint Germain as an aid for visualization. If you want you can instead visualize Jesus, or Krishna, or Gautama Buddha or Mother Mary or Kuan Yin or any of your favourite Ascended Master or Lady Master. Just remember that it is the manifestation of the great God Flame within that we adore not the outer person, otherwise it could lead to idolatry and fanaticism. 

Those who were used to silent prayers and meditation may find giving dynamic decree somewhat incongruous to their psyche. Decreeing takes practice. You will become accustomed to it as you do it regularly. It is true that decree is not a substitute for prayer and meditation. But it is also true that Prayer and meditation is not a substitute for dynamic decree. They who find for the first time the teachings of the Ascended Masters and immediately recognized its truth and already gave dynamic decrees, this teaching is meant for you. They who know that this is true yet hesitate and think that this is not for them I recommend that you give it a go and see how far you can go. By that way you will know whether this path is for you or not.  Besides, you don’t have to leave your own organization by practicing the Ascended Master Teaching. You can probably adjust or conform some of your belief and practices to AMT and maintain your unique religious culture.

I would like to let you know that there was a prediction by Mark L. Prophet when he was still in embodiment that the Summit Lighthouse will remain until year 4,000 A.D.  I take this to mean the true Ascended Master Activities not just the Summit Lighthouse.  If this will be the case, it is most likely that you will encounter the AMT again in your next embodiment should you not able to ascend in this life. It is not by chance that you find this teaching. You might think that I am or this blog is the reason why you find this teaching. But principally it is because of your good karma or somehow unconsciously your soul is longing for truth that you find this teaching. I simply became an instrument perhaps because of some affinity. I believe that even if I did not write this blog, you will still find this teaching through other avenues that God will make for you.

The recitation of mantras and science of the spoken word has been used since time immemorial. It was passed down to us to this day because it works. It has been practiced in and has caused the rise of ancient civilizations like those of Atlantis and Lemuria. Conversely, the misuse of the science of the Word has also been the cause of downfall of these civilizations in ages past.

As you begin to give dynamic decrees for a longer time, some of you might experience a sort of manifestation of negative energies coming into the surface. Perhaps you will become irritated or get angry so easily; sometimes a certain negative attitude and trait that was not present before suddenly became active in your world. This is expected because the subconscious mind where the negative energies (including those of remote past lives) were deposited is being disturbed. It is like disturbing the clear and calm water, where the mud and silts at the bottom comes into the surface. It can even be likened to a mad dog that persistently tries to free itself from its chain or cage. These negative energies will begin to control you. You must be aware of this. Just remember that it is not part of your true self. It is a negative energy that has a life of its own. It has a separate existence. Like nicotine, drugs or alcohol that someone is addicted to, and being controlled by it, it is not part of himself. (By the way, according to one of the dictations of Elohim Hercules, there are actually host of entities like nicotine, alcohol, drug, gambling, and sensuality entities that attach themselves to the spinal cord of the person especially in the area at the back of the neck.) When you realize that this negative energy is not part of yourself, it is a step on loosening its hold on you. One of the ways of separating it from yourself is by talking to it saying “In the name of my Mighty  I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self you have no power,  your day is done, be thou dissolved and consumed from the body of the earth forever”. In the Summit Lighthouse, this negative energy from the subconscious is called dweller on the threshold; it is like a sea monster dwelling just below the surface of the water that suddenly emerged out growling and ready to destroy its prey. The Summit Lighthouse has a specific decree for the binding and casting out of this dweller on the threshold even before it comes to the surface. I believe that another effective way is simply by constantly surrendering to your mighty I AM Presence and invoking its power to overcome these negative energies and giving more violet flame decrees.  

This so-called dweller on the threshold or negative energies from your subconscious mind is very persistent, however. In addition, you might find circumstances in your life seem to be tempting to bring out this shadow of yours. You may succeed in subduing it at first but it will come back again and again and might caught you off guard and finally defeat you, thus finding yourself having committed a wrongdoing. Many aspirants fail on this trial even the high initiates on the spiritual path. When this happens to you, don’t be disheartened by it. Don’t lose your ground. Do not have a sense of guilt as well. The Ascended Masters advises us not to have sense of guilt. Sense of guilt will only aggravate your negative feelings of despair and despondency. It may cause you to lose hope and forsake the rigor of the spiritual path. Take note that failure is just a stepping stone to success. Just remember that it was not you; it was just a negative energy that came out from your subconscious mind. Realize that our merciful Father will always forgive you no matter how many times you commit sin. Do not be attached or look for the result of your spiritual practices. Just keep on keeping on till one day the grace of God will come pouring down on you. Be relentless in overcoming negative energies. He who shall remain steadfast will become a victor. 

Happy Easter!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Memoir of Mother Mary

Beloved ones, do you know what it means to a city to be given the opportunity of four successive visitations? Also, do you know what it means to give to me the opportunity to draw from the energies of my world & from those Temples of the Sacred Heart where I serve those cosmic currents of life & light eternal? Thru your forcefield these can then energize the mental & feeling worlds of all people in this great metropolis (NYC) as well as their physical bodies & etheric garments.

At Lourdes as well as at Fatima there were visitations but we were able to say very little since we dealt with the consciousness of children who could not grasp deeper law & who were not prepared & ready to understand more than the beauty of the actual visible Presence. Yet thru these visitations we were able to anchor into those localities a sufficient cosmic current which has remained to this day & has made possible the healing & freeing of lifestreams that have been encompassed for centuries in limitations of their own making. It is time then that you who are entrusted with our confidence, with our very Presence & with our instruction should accept in the deepest recesses of your feeling those currents of energy which we bring with us & leave as a permanent river of living force. This surges forth from the heart-center of the established forcefield, & with a far greater efficacy than the thin stream of energy we have been able to draw forth at the healing shrines, it can be directed into your hospitals & asylums, into your homes & into the consciousness of your people everywhere.

Can you realize for a moment the intelligence that is within energy & the power of magnetization that is within your heart? I would like you to think of it for a moment. Within your heart is a magnet & that magnet sustains life within your physical body for as long as your Holy Christ Self desires to have manifestations in this world. A constant flowing stream of electrons from the great source of all life flows into your heart with such rapidity that there is no outer means by which it can be photographed as yet so you might see your own silver cord. However, in the near future there is coming a much greater sensitivity in the photographic world & many of the magnificent things of which we have spoken will be recorded & confirmed to the sight of man. This stream of living light that pours from your Electronic Presence into your heart is what you have lightly called your lifestream. It is exactly that, a river of living breathing force & intelligence. It is primal life unqualified, awaiting the command of man's freewill to become for him & everyone whatever he shall decide to make it. This primal life is already qualified to obey, it is the elemental substance that has taken the command from the universal to obey the creative principle of man & out of that primal life you have woven your chains & your limitations even as you have woven the glory of your Causal Body. You have also woven magnificent momentums upon which we depend to draw mankind again out of the pit into the glory & victory of their own God-free estate!

As this life flows thru you it is yours to command. For the most part according to the caprice of the moment your thoughts & feelings qualify it & the invisible inner garments which you wear, your sphere of influence, your aura & your Causal body are a conglomerate mass of thoughts & feelings of your daily life. Many men have come under the influence of evil. Conversely many other men & women have come under the influence of a good man or a saintly person & on the impetus of that one idividual's magnetized & qualified life have lived a holy life themselves. In time they returned to their God-estate. Your individual sphere of influence is important, more important than you realize! Some of you humble of heart & sweet of spirit feel that the individual self matters little but your sphere of influence & your radiation are all we have with which to work in this world of form. The quality of your sphere of influence can be changed by your conscious application & the conscious qualifying of this beautiful primal light thru your feeling world. Then the hem of your spiritual garment becomes an influence for good wherever you move among mankind. Even though you never used your lips to speak at all just the radiation passing out from your body become a healing raising power & you become the leaven in the loaf.

Now as you join together in a constructive activity what happens? All of your individual lifestreams combine, drawing rivers of life flowing from the Presence, all of them join together & descending make a great mighty river of force, magnetized by the heartbeat of each one of you who chooses to come to these magnificent classes & give of your energy. Then as you make invocation to the great masters of light & speak their holy names in word, in song, even in silent visualization your magnetic heartbeat draws around the river of force a tremendous current from each great being whom you drew by thought & feeling. It is exactly as if a little rivulet that had trickled down from the mountaintop by the very first melting of snow was caught up then in the great mighty rush of mountain torrents when glaciers melt. That tremendous added impetus then sweeps down into the valley carrying the currents of energy & fertilization to the plain. The magnetic power within a group of unascended beings to form an open door to the ascended masters' realm cannot be overemphasized. Beloved Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name (nature) there I AM in the midst of them." Every group of dedicated lifestreams whether they are orthodox, metaphysical, occult or spiritualistic who are sincere & deep in their desire to draw forth greater good from the heart of the universal magnetizes & draws these cosmic currents from these glorious beings. Those currents then flood out from the center of the forcefields north, east, south & west. According to the intensity & power of the group, the feeling & sincerity of the leader, according to the energy that is released & the power of concentration among the assemby is mankind blessed cosmically & bathed in that radiation of purifying essence.

Your individual sphere of influence, your individual aura is a conglomerate mass of good & evil. When you join together to form the forcefield for a cosmic activity, for the radiation of the ascended masters & for the magnetization of the angelic host the portion of your personal sphere of influence that is not constructive is muted for the moment. The portion which is constructively qualified is emphasized & the great angel devas & builders of form together weave from the assembly a magnificent pattern. That pattern conducts the blessings of the group & the blessings of beings who gather in the atmosphere above the meeting place back into your homes, into your blessed families, into your worlds & into the consciousness of those who need such assistance.

Beloved children, in my position I hear so many calls for help. If you knew the prayers that come up to me from this metropolis alone you would realize how grateful I AM to be given this open door & opportunity to bring to your great city this gift of my energy, my life, the river of light which comes from my Presence. To these are added the blessings of beloved Jesus & of the beloved angelic host who work with me. We direct those currents thru your forcefield & then allow that to bless & bless & bless life everywhere. Each one of you who has come & given of your own life to make this opportunity possible, each one of you is dear to my heart & my gratitude shall flow to you eternally.

Will you please remember each evening to consciously direct back into your own city, your own sanctuary & your own home a mighty ray of intelligent life & light substance from this class? This ray of light substance can duplicate there the same activity which we draw forth here & make it active in those portions of the country from whence you have come. You see, as much as you will personally do for yourselves you spare me in the use of my energy. Then my service can be given you in more powerful currents for the purification of your inner & flesh bodies. Will you do something for me tonight? Will you please accept the Presence of my humble self in your midst with at least as much faith as the pilgrims at Lourdes? Will you accept deep within your heart that healing momentum which has become the hem of my garment? That garment covers this entire building tonight & each one will take as much or as little as he or she may choose according to the power of his or her acceptance. As my gift of thanksgiving to you accept the substance of the radiation of one what has been your mother for countless centuries. Accept this into your blessed minds, your bodies & your worlds. Then, beloved children, as your gift to beloved Jesus this holy season will you specialize in drawing forth some particular quality to become the spiritual garment which you wear? You can charge your glorious Tube of Light with a particular essence so that as you move thru the great metropolis, as you rub elbows with mankind some of the virtue consciously drawn forth by yourself may be absorbed by them. Then the hem of your spiritual garment will be a blessing & an uplifting power to life everywhere. This would be the greatest of gifts of the season to one who gave of himself so long ago.

Now, turning my attention & yours back to those early years let us pursue that sweet story of a long ago era. It still lives in my heart as though it were yesterday & lives in many of yours too. Many within this room were part of that drama, part of that joy & part of the heartache. You were part of the despair of Calvary & part of the resurrection morning. Deep within your etheric bodies there vibrates the memories of a majestic being who walked across Judea & left an example for all mankind that has never been equalled even down to this present day. Now we come to celebrate his birtday & it is for him that we prepare our physical & inner bodies to give him the gift of our very selves even as I gave myself to him before I passed thru the gates of birth, before I was to know physical embodiment.

When the initiation was complete at the close of the three hours on Calvary's hillside beloved John & I walked together down that hill as I told you, leaving others to perform the final rites prreparing the body for entombment. We returned to Bethany, to that blessed Bethany where Jesus & the disciples & I had spent the few private moments of his ministry. Here the gardens smelled sweet in that spring, birds sang beautifully & there was no great press of the public, no tremendous need & pressure. There in the quiet of that place I asked beloved John to leave me in the privacy of my own room two nights & one day. I was given fresh water & fruit, & closing the door I sank to my knees in the deepest most heartfelt prayer. In that prayer I followed the soul & spirit of beloved Jesus thru those hours until we would be assured that the resurrection was accomplished. At Luxor years before both Jesus & I had taken the initiation of the suspension of the breath & the so-called removal of life from the body. We had passed thru this initiation victoriously. However, as I have told you, it is one thing to accomplish that initiation in the protection of a retreat where the ascension flame blazes bright & strong, the cosmic masters & hierarch standing guard over the body. Here there is no breath of evil & there is the vital fire of life & confidence. Here the twelve masters who stand watch over the body during that period have already mastered the initiation themselves & they know that law is law. They have the confidence, faith & conviction which comes alone when you know the exactness of the law thru the use of your own life energy. It is quite another thing indeed to accomplish such a mission amidst a roaring mob, a mass mind & consciousness which emboided all viciousness of the astral & psychic realms determined to destroy the greatest manifestation of the Christ in that era. It is a different thing too to reanimate a body that has been broken. It was for this that I prayed! I prayed & prayed long hours thru.

Finally it seemed as though I had fallen asleep at my vigil. then thru my mind came the most magnificent melodious voice of Gabriel whom I knew so well. I thought that I was again dreaming of that first visitation. I would recall those words so often during the early years in Egypt, during Jesus' growing years, during the years of obscurity in Nazareth--those words of Gabriel & that confirmation of Jesus' Messiahship would come to my mind over & over again. So that morning as I waited in my lonely vigil again I heard Gabriel's voice say, "Hail, Mary! full of grace." Ah, I thought, again I AM recalling from memory the words of that blessed one. However the words changed then & he said, "Beloved, your son is risen! He is victorious! The tomb has been shattered! He inhabits his body & I come the announcer, the protector of the immaculate concept to bring to you the first word of the victory!"

Then I fell to my knees & the tears of gratitude streamed down my face. The room was filled with light & the fragrance of the lily. The magnificent Presence of Gabriel stood there before me & as the brilliant light in the room softened there also stood my son, clothered in the same white robe that I had woven for him! At great moments you know how little things magnify, for instance, the ticking of a clock in your day. In mine I kept tracing my own stitching in the hem of his garment & I looked as a mother would look at the line & contour of his face. I looked at the delicately arched eyebrows, the beautiful deepset eyes & I said within myself, "No! My hope has not conjured up this image, it is not the result of my wishful thinking." Then Jesus reached out his hands & spoke to me, saying, "Mother, it is I."

I rushed toward him thinking to kiss the hem of his robe but he raised me to my feet. We walked over to the window together to see the sun, the great symbol of life & light which we had worshipped & loved as an outer manifestation of God the Father & the Holy Mother. Jesus remarked about the beauty of the morning but my eyes were so wet with tears I could scarcely see the light of the sun. I looked upon his hand & saw that there was yet the stigmata, the mark of the nails. I said, "Son, in the resuscitation why have you left this imperfection on your hands?" "Mother," said Jesus, "for authenticity's sake. Not everyone has the discerning eye of a mother & would know me by the line of my cheekbone, the length of my hand or by the light in my eye. Those who know have said, 'Wear yet the marks upon your hands & feet until you have come to your disciples & those who love you.' However, we shall remedy this in time." I said, "Thank God! At least the deep marks of the thorns in your forehead are gone." He just smiled. Then as time was fleeting Jesus said, "I must be upon my way, beloved. I must now go to the disciples, to Mary, Martha & Magdalene, to Peter, James & John, for they are still sore afraid & the sight of death has shaken them to their roots." Before leaving, however, Jesus asked me, "Beloved mother, do you wish to come with me when I go into my glory or will you remain yet awhile?" "Son," I answered him, "what is thy will?"

He said, "Mother, the magnetizing of the great & mighty cosmic currents for the Christian Dispensation can only be done by an unascended being. There is much yet that I can do & a dispensation has been offered me that after my public ascension I may come to you & to John for thirty years, giving you instruction that has not yet been written if I can call upon you for that sacrifice." "Behold the handmaiden of the Lord," I said. "Willingly, joyously, beloved, if it were a thousand years I would stay. I who have lived these 33 years to see your victory, should I not now allow you the greater opportunity for a few years of exile on my part?" He was pleased.

Jesus then said, "Go to the granary & I will send Peter, James, Andrew, John & Luke & I will send the ladies who have loved us. For forty days we shall visit together & I will give you some understanding of the law. Then after the completion of my mission I shall be enabled to appear to John & you alone. One of you must remain at Bethany until this period is completed." That is why John remained at home when we went to England, in order to hold that vigil & to make possible that magnetization. This was the same sort of activity of which I have spoken to you concerning your great constancy of application & group work together.

We went out then to this old gristmill. A stream of water flowed behind it & it was very peaceful, very quiet there. First they fixed a small room for me inside the mill. Soon beloved Jesus came & he was always a practical man. I have spoken little about that practical side of my son but I remember well as he looked at the stream he called Andrew & James & said, "If you will dig a ditch here you can irrigate Mother's garden & save all the steps of carrying water for her." I was interested at that time in herbs & I made a lovely garden of them. Those herbs had much healing power & did great work. Another day as we were standing together Jesus said to Peter, "Peter, this main room is too big. The roofbeam will not hold unless you get a large tree to support it. If you will get such a tree & hew it, I will smooth it & we will place it in the center of your assembly room." So we did. In such homely ways as this did we make our forty days count. We were preparing for the separation & during this time Jesus told us much of the spiritual law & many of the glorious experiences he had while he was free from the body as it lay in the tomb.

On the hillside Mark kept the small flock of sheep which Joseph of Arimathea sent us so we might weave garments for the men from the wool. the lovely wife of Pilate sent us some imported milking-goats & a letter asking if she might come to visit us. The friends of Judas Iscariot & his family asked if they might give us forty fruit trees, fig & olive. We gratefully accepted & planted them. So we lived in simplicity. In the evenings we would gather together & I would go over the story of the nativity. Then Matthew, Mark & John would tell the story in their own words & record it. Sometimes I would have to say, "No, that is not exactly the way it happened," & we would correct it. Thus we wrote the Gospels together.

Finally we came to the end of that period when we had the sweetness of Jesus' Presence so close. The night before the ascension he spoke to us & said to John & me, "Tomorrow at dawn I shall climb the hill of Bethany alone. You come with Peter & James around nine o'clock & let the others follow." Jesus said to John, "Even though you were not at Luxor yet because of your love & your fidelity & because you shall care for my Mother & my flock you shall have your ascension at the close of this life."

The early morning came & Jesus walked alone up the hill. He was like a magnet which was of love alone. His Presence, his sweet voice, his shining hair, his aura, all these were so powerfully magnetic that wherever he was even if people were sleeping they stirred, rose & followed him! On this morning I spoke to the boys & said, "Watch now that the flock do not follow him. Let us allow him these few hours, the last hours which he will know alone as a part of the Earth. Let him commune with Virgo & Aries, beloved Helios & Vesta. Let him adore beloved May the month of perfection."

Sure enough no sooner had his Presence started up the hill than there followed the beloved who wished to be with him. We restrained them & in order to keep them happy I told them some stories from his life. Around nine o'clock the remaining disciples & myself ascended the hill. The Presence of beloved Jesus was already brilliant & shining like a sun. So bright was the light shining thru his body we could scarcely look upon it. He spoke no more with us then. We just continued to pray with him, drawing the resurrection & ascension flames. Then on that majestic hilltop from the very rock where I had spent so many years in prayer Jesus ascended consciously in the visible presence of hundreds of people (about five hundred in all). After that Jesus came once each day for quite a while & John & I recorded what he said much as you receive our words now.

Later, Saul of Tarsus came to live with us & had a period of recuperation, endeavoring to regain his balance & his good eyesight. Many a time Peter & he sat in the garden & talked. Saul, endeavoring to become so humble, yet had such a background of the law under the old dispensation that it was difficult for him to accept the faith of this unlettered Peter. Many a time I came between them to settle an argument.

James, Peter & Andrew particularly went forth & taught. Many came from the Romans, many from the Jewish faith & many came from the Gentiles. All that time we builded the radiation which was to be the heritage of the Christian Dispensation. Finally one day there came a messenger from Joseph of Arimathea that his business was taking him to the Isles of Britain. We knew that we had a mission to accomplish, to take the Cup there & that story I shall give you tomorrow. Remembering again the sweetness & simiplicity of our life together & sharing it with you becomes my gift to you, beloved of my heart. Your homely daily living is building for you & for St. Germain the same magnetized field for tomorrow's world. Good evening & God bless you! MARY

Memoir of Mother Mary #9, dictated through Geraldine Innocente taken from