Friday, September 6, 2013


When you always think of the highest good for yourself, for other people, group, activities or situation, you are practicing the science of holding the immaculate concept.  This is actually how our God Presence sees us. He perpetually holds the immaculate vision of perfection for us; He does not see our imperfections. This is captured in Habakkuk 1:13 which says, “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity”.  So when we practice this science of thinking only of goodness to all parts of life, we are aligning our consciousness in the consciousness of our God Presence. Then the energies of the Holy Spirit will flow to manifest the pattern of perfection we hold in our mind.  This is what Mark Prophet said, “Holding the immaculate concept means that when you think of someone, you don’t think of them in a critical way. Visualize the Christ Presence around them and see them in the perfection you know God gave them in the beginning. Support people by maintaining this immaculate, stainless, spotless vision. Hold this vision for yourself also. Having seen what you are in Spirit and what the potential for your soul is, you must retain that image of reality in your thoughts and feelings. For the image is a natural repellent to all that opposes your reality in manifestation, and the perfect idea becomes a magnet that attracts creative energies of the Holy Spirit to your being to fulfil the pattern held in mind”.

 “Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary also teach the science of the immaculate concept. This science is practiced by every angel in heaven. When an angel looks upon you, they see you in purity as you were when God first created you. This enables you to fill in the pattern and realize who you really are – a son or daughter of God”. (The Masters and their Retreat by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

What a great concept! Isn’t it? Imagine all the people thinking that way, not seeing the imperfections of other people. If everyone can constantly think that every person has a Christ Presence that is manifesting through their soul, relationships and situations in life will tend to become harmonious, pleasant, and perfect. In somewhat different way, you will notice that we bring this science into practice in our daily life. A lot of times we wish for the success, happiness and good health of our friends or relatives. If a friend is about to embark on a holiday overseas, we wish him/her happy trip and joyful holidays. We wish happy birthdays, happy wedding anniversaries and give warm greetings on other special occasions to many people in our circle of life. This is a very pleasant practice and it gives us pleasant feelings as well. Truly, our warm thoughts and feelings generate positive effects that helped make wishes come true. However, when we are face with some difficulties, problems or challenges in our life, perhaps a co-worker is giving you a headache, we tend to become out of balance and begin to think negatively not only about the situation but also against the other person. Sometimes even for no apparent reason, there are instances that we tend to think negatively perhaps because it became habitual to us. So, in our mundane existence, it seems hard to practice this science of holding the immaculate vision for every situation and for everyone.

But if you will try to practice this science even when faced with negative circumstances, you will notice that sometimes it works like magic.  You can try this. If for example there is a situation in your life where someone, perhaps your co-worker keeps buggering you, try to think that it is not the action of his true self; it is just his negative energies functioning. Then keep holding in your mind that his true/higher self is now victorious over that negative energy, that his Christ self will always be victorious and he is now amiable to you. Keep holding the immaculate concept for him and you will be surprised to see positive results. It will be better still if you can visualize the action of violet flame around him. You will notice that even your own behaviour towards him will be positive as well. As another example, if you are going to transact business with someone or maybe you are going to consult a Doctor and you have some worries that he might just rip you off and probably thinking negatively that he would make it appear to exacerbate your illness, immediately dismiss those thoughts. Instead think that he is good and a professional practitioner, that his higher self will function and will do his best to heal you. Then visualize yourself in harmony with him and fully satisfied with his service. Stop judging other people, try to think positively about them even if the appearance is on the contrary. Your positive thoughts will have good effects and by and by it will manifest.

You can practice this divine science of immaculate imaging to your immediate circle of influence - to your family, relatives, neighbours, friends, colleagues, classmates, teacher, or students - and you can expand to include your community, government, country, and the world.   If your outer eyes see conflict, let your inner eye sees divine resolution and reconciliation. If your outer eyes see anger, let your inner eye sees love and forgiveness. If your outer eyes see illness, let your inner eye sees health and healing. If your outer eyes see poverty and economic recession, let your inner eye sees prosperity and economic boom. If your outer eyes see dishonesty and corruption, let your inner eye sees honesty, honour and integrity. If your outer eyes see war and portents of war, let your inner eye sees world peace and harmony.  If your outer eyes see disturbances and pollution of environment, let your inner eye sees nature’s beauty, order and perfection. If your outer eyes see death, let your inner eye see longevity, resurrection and ascension. Think that all Holy Christ Selves and God Presences are prevailing over every person and every unwholesome condition turns into wholeness and harmony. Always replace negative thoughts and appearances with positive ones fait accompli.  Then we will see the course of divine order moving towards its fulfilment. Remember that negative appearances are temporary because negative karma is only temporary; see the Christ victorious, see the action of the violet flame and the karma balanced and replace negative appearances by positive ones and that will happen.

Applying this science of positive thinking does not mean that you will not take any precaution or do nothing to prevent possible negative acts. Take care that you don’t forget the practical side of things and not lose your common sense when involve in spiritual practices. For example you won’t leave your bag, Ipad or tablet unattended in the airport thinking that all people around there are good.  Neither will you leave your house unattended with doors unlocked. Take care that you don’t arouse or tempt the untransmuted negative energies lurking in the subconscious mind of other people. It is possible to do something in the outer to prevent the manifestation of the negativities of the person and at the same time visualise/think and expect the victory and manifestation of their Christ Self in the inner. In an instance where injustice has already been done to other parts of life, the perpetrators can be brought to justice by the laws of the land in order to prevent further injustice but take care that you don’t hate them. There should not be any desire on our part to seek vengeance or see them in harmful situation. Practice forgiveness and compassion. Our first thought and desire should be to see them self-corrected or transformed so that further negative karma will not come upon them and to other people as well.  Remember that God said in the scripture “vengeance is mine”, that is actually the operation of the infallible law of karma where nobody can escape from. It is possible that negative situations happens in life because of the lack of practicing the science of holding the immaculate concept. You attract what is in your thought and feeling world (in addition to what is already in your memory body).

This science of holding the immaculate concept uses the power of visualization or picturization. It is known in the esoteric circle that what you visualize can come into manifestation. The technique is you visualize what you want to happen in its finished form; you have a burning desire to achieve it and you feel and see yourself completely satisfied with it. You have absolute faith in it. Once this practice becomes a natural part of yourself, the faster your visualization becomes a reality.

Actually, many of us are doing this science of visualization unknowingly because we are doing it almost naturally. It is natural for us that when we have strong desire for something, we tend to imagine ourselves already experiencing what we desire. For instance many people became rich because they have a burning desire for it. They have repeatedly imagined and felt in their being the success of their chosen endeavour to become rich. They had been unmindful of the hardships and obstacles they had gone through and had been persistent to achieve what they want. In addition, it seems that it is already embedded in their psyche and it has been a way of life to them to always think of acquiring wealth. They have this prosperity consciousness. Even in your personal life, if you will come to think of it, most of what you successfully achieved now – your career, your kind of work, your marriage, family and social life, etc – have first begun in your mind’s eye and you have a strong desire for it to happen. And of course, you strived for it and acted upon the opportunities set before you that made you achieved it. There are other ordinary examples. Some of you can probably recall the time when you or your team became a champion in a certain sports competition. You probably have visualised yourself or your team all-smiles receiving the trophy and happily celebrating the momentous event even prior to the competition. And you must have trained hard because of your burning desire to become the champion. My 2003 model Mazda 2 car have not had any engine trouble nor had any engine parts replaced for five years and eight months now. I believe this is because I visualized and prayed to God before buying a car to give me one that will not have any engine failure for at least five years. So he gave me one that is as good as new and of course, I ensure that it is maintained regularly.

It will be a great boon if this science will also be directed consciously towards spiritual progress and constructive endeavour like healing, health and well-being, peace and harmony in our society and the world contributing to the whole divine purpose. 
On the other hand, negative thinking and imagination could also cause negative results. For instance, when you are in anxiety or fear something, you tend to imagine all sorts of negative consequences and that could really happen. There is a statement by Job in the scripture where he says “what I fear has come upon me, what I dreaded has happened to me” (Job 3:25). Thus even negative thought about one’s self or situation can sometimes cause that thought to happen. But take note that this is only because there is an element and outplaying of negative karma involved. If there is none, nothing will happen. However, simply thinking negatively is quite different from thinking with a strong desire that a negative condition happen to other person. This is a form of black magic or witchcraft. It can cause backlash to the subject and may himself experience the desire that he want to happen to another as a result of negative karma.

Some wrongdoers use the power of visualization unaware albeit in a destructive way where they became successful to get what they want. We have heard of successful crimes like bank robbery, corruption, terrorism, illegal and deceptive businesses, etc. The employment of careful planning and imagination coupled with desire and feeling must have come into play. So we can see that the power of visualization can also be used for evil purposes. In my opinion, the evil intentions and acts could only succeed if there is still karma that must be reaped by the people who will be affected by it, and the cycle of negative karma of the perpetrators of evil deeds had not yet returned. But if the object of evil intention has no such karma and/or when the karma of evil doers is due, there evil plan is bound to fail and they will surely face the negative consequences of what they have done.

As you begin to practice this science of visualization more frequently, you will realize that not everything that you visualize will materialize even if it is a constructive one. This is because sometimes it will need long timeframe for it to manifest. Remember that we are all subject to the law of karma. We probably need to balance certain karma yet or to change our consciousness before we can achieve what we want to manifest. Or there is something missing in the process like confidence, faith and good feeling. Or you probably forgot doing the practical side of things that are needed.

What applies in the use of dynamic decree also applies in this science of creative visualization for they are similar in the process. It takes practice to master these sciences of visualization and spoken word. The purer the practitioner is, the more effective the process is. What could be the impediments in this science are the impurity of consciousness, blockages in your chakras, negative karma, and lack of faith. Thus we will come back to the use of violet flame for purification and transmutation of our karma in conjunction with the use of visualizations to make the practice of this science more effective.

We, however, should not think that we have heavy negative karma. The Ascended Masters would like us to think that we only have light karma, which could probably be true for the majority of us who are in the spiritual teachings especially in this end of Piscean and dawn of Aquarian age. Chances are likely that we can manifest many of the things we desire that should be aligned with God-desire. Desire only that which is good and constructive and in accordance with God’s will so that we cannot get negative karma. It helps to put in our mind some quotes and biblical passages like Psalm 93 saying ‘the Lord is our shepherd.... goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever’.  

We have to take note that our God Presence desires nothing but good for ourselves. He constantly desires our purity, peace and harmony in our life, good health, happiness, and wealth. The reason why some of these are not manifesting in our world is because of energy or karmic blockages in our consciousness. But we don’t know what particular karmic/energy blockages we have.   Perhaps to some of us, we only need to affirm/decree and visualise what our God Presence desires for us and it will quickly manifest. And remember that we always need violet flame for purification and dissolution of energy blockages. (In my next post/topic I will give some abundance decrees and the healing thoughtform of Archangel Raphael)

In addition to visualizing the violet flame coursing and enveloping our soul and four lower bodies and the planet when giving our violet flame decrees for personal and world transformation, we can also visualize the violet flame enveloping cities and nations and your favourite Ascended Master/s over it. I believe this is a powerful visualization tool especially when you feel the holiness, freedom and transmutation taking place. Then visualize further that as huge number of people (much more than the critical mass) are regularly giving the violet flame decrees, each sitting under his own vine and fig tree of the Mighty I AM Presence, the inner God qualities of peace, harmony, purity, holiness, freedom, forgiveness, joy, love, gratitude, abundance, and other virtues have outpictured into the outer world that led to realization of the following: There is now world peace: no more rogue nations, no more terrorism, no more war in the middle east and other parts of the world; there is peace, freedom, and harmony among all the nations; no more crimes, no more evildoers, no more laggards and fallen angels who still refuse to bend the knee, as they are no more permitted to incarnate on earth but elsewhere in the universe. There is now economic cooperation and economic boom in the world, no more illegal and deceptive businesses, no more poverty, all are living in abundance and plenty. What you see in the news are all wonderful stories of progress in all departments of life (arts, culture, sciences, religion, government, etc.), medical breakthroughs thus obliterating diseases, random acts of kindness, cooperation among nations, political parties, businesses and unions. Every man, woman, and child in the streets have smiles in their heart as they are considered part of the whole Holy Family. Love is now abounding everywhere, joy and peace is beyond compare. The violet flame sets us free evermore. There are no more environmental disturbances as the axis of the earth had worked its way towards its original position of zero degree from the vertical as a result of perfection of mankind. The Ascended Masters, Angels, Elohim and elementals have once more grace the earth in communion with mankind.

Love, Light and Life