Monday, November 21, 2011

Science of the Spoken Word (Dynamic Decree) and the Violet Flame (continuation)

In the Ascended Master Teachings, the intention in the body of the dynamic decree, often times, is composed of power words in the form of COMMAND. Thus you will find therein commands like EXPAND, BLAZE, CHARGE, CONSUME, CLEANSE, PURIFY, TRANSMUTE, BALANCE, COME, ROLL, RAISE, PRAISE, PURIFY, MAGNIFY, MANIFEST, SET FREE, etc. These power words in the form of command helps to make the dynamic decree more effective, creating positive change and blessings in your world when given in the name of the Christ and the Mighty I AM presence and the Ascended Masters; the decree will surely cycle into manifestation in accordance with God’s will. As God said to Job, “Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee; and the light shall shine upon thy ways” (Job 22:28). In Isaiah 45:11(KJV) God is actually telling us to command him, but it is not a command by human will but a command given in His Name and concerning the work of his hands – “ Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands COMMAND YE ME.” Of this command God declares to Isaiah, “So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11, KJV).

You will notice that “The Lord’s Prayer” taught by Jesus are in the form of commands and you will also find many occasions in the New Testament where Jesus demonstrated the power of the Spoken Word. The following excerpt was taken from the book, “Prayer and Meditation by Jesus and Kuthumi” in the section Dynamic Decrees (p.178): “Paul testifies of Jesus Christ “upholding all things by the Word of his power.” Indeed it is written that “he rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” He commanded the unclean spirits to go out of the Gadarene demoniac. He gave them leave by the authority of his Word and they entered into swine. When Lazarus was already four days in the grave, Jesus thanking the Father “that thou hast heard me,” nevertheless “cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” To the woman who touched his garment Jesus said,”Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.” And to Jairus’ daughter, “Damsel, I say unto thee, arise!” To the sick of the palsy he commanded, “ Son, thy sins be forgiven thee,” to Levi, “Follow me,” and to the man with the withered hand, “ Stand forth.... Stretch forth thine hand.” In each case they were made whole – their very souls were aligned with the Spirit of God by the dynamism of his voice, by the command of his Christ Presence.

This is the ‘Command ye me!’ of Jesus Christ in action, demonstrating the science of the spoken Word which the Lord God intended all of his sons and daughters to exercise – wherefore he gave to them through his servant Moses his very own name, I AM THAT I AM. The name of the Lord, called by the mystics the Tetragrammaton, unlocks the power, the energy, the consciousness by which all things are made through the Word.”

It must be realized that Jesus himself is the Word made flesh, the Logos, the Christ who is one with the Father; thus every thought and words that he speaks is potent and in accordance with the will of God. Therefore, he does not need repetition of what he speaks for he is the Logos, the Word speaking the power words which accomplishes that which God pleases. In view of this, I conclude that the efficacy of the power of the spoken words also depends upon the spiritual attainment of the speaker/decreer. Nonetheless, it can be a powerful means to raise one’s own vibration and for the service and benefit of mankind. Thus the more it is used properly, the more it will become effective. The name of God is often included in the power of the spoken word.

I would like to give explanations concerning the name of God written in four letters of Hebrew alphabet, “YHVH” (Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh). This is the Tetragrammaton(meaning four letters) and mentioned 6,823 times in the Old Testament.  It was simply replaced by Adonai (LORD in English). So most of the word’ LORD’ that you see in the Old Testament were originally YHVH.   The possible reason why it is translated into LORD (Adonai) is due to the traditional reading of YHVH as Adonai in Jewish religious congregation. This is because the Jewish believed that YHVH is too holy to be pronounced. This practice started at the beginning of the Hellenistic era (323 BC – 30 BC) when the pronunciation of the name YHVH by the Priest was reserved only in the Temple. According to Philo, the name YHVH may only be mentioned and heard by holy men whose ears and tongues are purified by wisdom. Gradually, its pronunciation fell into disuse. It became indistinct or it is simply mumbled and became inaudible until its correct pronunciation was lost.  (  So, no one knows how YHVH is pronounced, although it is most probably pronounced as “Yahweh” according to preserved writings of church fathers Theoderet and Origen (Kabbalah : Key to your inner power by Ms Prophet). 

What really is the meaning of YHVH? According to Jewish encyclopedia (, “In appearance ‘YHVH’ is the third person singular imperfect of the verb ‘to be’, meaning, therefore, ‘He is’ or ‘He will be’ or perhaps ‘He lives’....With this explanation agrees the meaning of the name given in Exodus 3:14 where God is represented as speaking, and hence as using the first person – ‘ I AM’ (EHYEH)”. In this particular chapter and verse of Exodus, God gave his name to Moses as “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh” meaning “I AM THAT I AM”. This has also been translated as “I AM WHO I AM”, “I AM WHAT I AM”, or “I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE” (Kabbalah: Key to your inner power by Ms. Prophet).  Continuing to Exodus 3:15, God further said unto Moses “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel ‘The Lord (YHVH), the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you’: this is my name forever and this is my memorial unto all generations.” The last phrase has also been translated as “By this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come” and “This is how I am to be addressed for generations to come.” Although these translations indicate that God intended us to invoke him by his name YHVH , no one is sure how YHVH should be pronounced or even what it means (Kabbalah:Key to your inner power by Ms. Prophet).

 I believe what God really wants to convey here is to regard His name as the verb to be in the first person as “I AM”. Thus, the name “I AM THAT IAM” was probably given in order to associate it to His name “YHVH” or to any of His names.  I think the name “YHVH” per se can never be invoked for all generations to come because it is tied and based on Jewish culture and language which is limiting.  In fact, if no one is certain of its original pronunciation today, how could it be invoked for all generations to come? It will be recalled that in Hindu and Buddhist tradition, the name of God is OM or AUM. And its invocations draw forth the Presence of God within. So I think it is this concept of God living within us that the LORD wants to convey to all generations. Hence the LORD (YHVH) reveals His name as “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh“ (I AM THAT IAM) to Moses. So, if YHVH is to be pronounced as ‘YAHWEH’ (assuming this is the correct pronunciation), it should also be felt and held in mind His name EHYEH (I AM) in order to internalize and manifest God. Apparently in the present age, English is the international language which I believe to be by divine providence; thus the Ascended Masters come teaching the invocation of the name of God “I AM THAT IAM” to mankind through the Ascended Masters Activities. 

Moreover, I would like to explain that the Jewish’s belief that the name of God, YHVH, is too holy to be pronounced, thus banning it to public, is erroneous. If I remember it correctly, Ms. Prophet (Summit Lighthouse) in one of her lectures said that this belief is influenced by or work of the fallen ones. This could be true. If you will remember in the New Testament, Jesus is in constant conflict with Sadducees and Pharisees at that time who always hold positions of chief and high priests and whom Jesus referred to as the generation of vipers.  I learned from Summit Lighthouse that the Pharisees and Sadducees were jealous of Jesus’ powers which come from God (YHVH); The Sadducees and Pharisees’ powers were of psychic origin. In addition, contrary to this Jewish belief, there are a lot of biblical passages showing that the name of God should be known and pronounced.  Psalm 93:3 says “Let them praise your great and awesome name – He is holy”;  “Let them praise the name of YHVH”(Ps. 148:13); “My name shall be declared in all the earth” (Exodus 9:16); “My mouth shall speak the praise of YHVH, and all flesh shall bless His holy name forever and ever” (Psalm 145: 21); “I will deliver him, I will set him on high, because he has known my name” (Psalm 91:14).

It is possible that Jesus followed the tradition of pronouncing the name of God. In the book “Prayer and Meditation by Jesus and Kuthumi”, Mark L. Prophet said that Jesus also taught his disciples the science of the name of God. In his final prayer to the Father just before he enters the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus says, “I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world; thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.... And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we [are]...... While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name : those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.... And I have declared to them thy name , and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me maybe in them, and I in them.” (John 17:6, 11, 12, 26 KJV). It will be noted that the Greek origin of name here is onoma ‘name, authority, character’.

I would like to give some more examples of short dynamic decrees and affirmations because some of you may be interested in it. Or maybe some of you would just like to know and see some of its composition. If you would practice giving these dynamic decrees, it would be well that you do not speak so loud that your neighbour will hear you because they might think of something else about you especially if they don’t understand what they hear. You can just murmur if you want. If you really want to speak it aloud in order to be more effective, you can do it in the big open field such as the soccer or football field or in the car while driving alone to and from place of work or whatever is appropriate. However, Group decreeing is more powerful. When I am available, I attend one of the services of the Summit Lighthouse Melbourne Study Group.

The following are just portion of an entire dynamic decree or sacred ritual taken from the books of Ascended Master Activities:

a) Here, you may visualize a dazzling white Light radiating out from your Heart and enveloping your whole being while decreeing, setting you free from negativities.

In the name of the Christ and in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence I decree:

Light, set me free! Light, set me free, Light, set me free!
Light command, Light command, Light command, command, command!
Light demand, Light demand, Light demand, Light demand, demand, demand!            (3x,6x,9x)
Light expand, Light expand, Light expand, expand, expand!
Light I AM, Light I AM, Light I AM, I AM, I AM!

b) Here, you can think of the garments as your aura or attitudes and character being changed for the bright new day and now experiencing the transfiguration like that of Jesus.

I AM changing all my garments,
Old ones for the bright new day;
With the sun of understanding I AM shining all the way.
I AM Light within, without;
I AM Light is all about.                                                        (3x,6x,9x)
Fill me, free, me, glorify me!
Seal me, heal me, purify me!
Until transfigured they describe me:
I AM shining like the Son,
I AM shining like the Sun!

I AM Forgiveness acting here,
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free With wings of cosmic Victory.               (3x,6x,9x)
I AM calling in full power For Forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place I flood forth forgiving Grace.

d) I AM the Light of the world! (9X)

e) Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever! (9x)


Not my Will, Not my Will, Not my Will but Thine be done! (9x)

I and my Father are One(9x)
My Father work hitherto and I work (9x)

g) The following is portion of ‘Sacred Ritual for Soul Purification (before retiring)’ taken from the book, “Ashram Notes” by Ascended Master El Morya dictated through Mark L. Prophet.

Infinite Light!
I AM one with God and Light, All darkness flees before thy Holy Light!
Infinite Light!
Flee, lust! Flee, greed! Flee, jealousy! Flee, hatred! Flee, selfishness! Flee, laziness! Flee, unkindness! Flee, all hurts! Flee all wounds!
Flee, every thought that is less than Light!
Flee, every feeling that is less than Light!
Flee, every motive that is less than Light!
Flee, every word and deed that is less than Light!

O Christlike purity, Come!
Flow into me and from me.
Love, selflessness, Godly ambition and kindness to all, Come!

I will be Christlike!
In the name of the Father I will be Christlike!
In the name of the Son I will be Christlike!
In the name of the Holy Spirit I will be Christlike!

Fill me, O Christ, Thou Light of the world!
Fill me, O Christ, Thou Light of the world!
Fill me, O Christ, Thou Light of the world!

My soul doth magnify the Lord! (9x)

And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour! (9x)

h) This is a part of the ‘Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work’ also from the book “Ashram Notes”

In the Peace-Commanding Presence of the Cosmic Christ!
In the name Jesus Christ I command my four lower bodies:

Peace Be Still! (9x)
Be Still and Know That I AM God! (9x)

I will be exalted in the Heavens!
I will be exalted in the Earth!

The Lord God of Hosts is with us

He is our refuge and strength
A very present help in trouble


The Earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof! (9x)
the world and they that dwell therein.


I AM the Resurrection and the Life of God’s inner fire in my heart and in the hearts of all sons and daughters of God through the Resurrection Victory of Jesus Christ over death and hell ! (9x)

In the Immaculate of Mary I trust! (9x)

Christ the Lord is risen today within my heart, my soul, my body, my mind and my spirit! (9x)


Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!
Your Authority is in Action in my world!

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Archangel Michael,
You and your legions of Angels stand within my world right now.
Release the blue lightning of Ten Thousand Suns right now. Sweep into all astral and psychic opposition and human conditions in my world and annihilate them right now!


Mighty I AM Presence! Lord Gautama, Beloved Great Divine Director and Beloved Jesus...

Strip me of every discordant feeling of every kind! Strip me of all doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, worry, and all human desire. Strip me of all human self-concern! (3x)

Mighty I AM Presence!
Descend(3x) in the Mighty Whirlwind Radiance of thy Christ Presence. Envelop my four lower bodies and stand guard over my entire consciousness, being and world twenty-four hours a day! (3x)

m)  Ascended Master Qualities! (3x each)

Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Love!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Harmony!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Peace!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Purity!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Happiness!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Faith!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Hope!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Charity!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Patience!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Poise!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Courage!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Strength!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Fearlessness!
Charge and fill my feeling world With Your Great Ascended Master Fire!


I AM, I AM, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Ascended Jesus Christ Consciousness in every atom, cell, and electron of my four lower bodies and all my affairs now made manifest (3x, 6x, 9x)


Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!
Charge! (3x) my mind and body with your Mighty Directing Intelligence.
Charge me with your Invincible Protection!
Pour forth your outpicturing of Divine Love and Harmony so powerfully through this body that everything touching this Thy Radiance becomes like Thee.

p) Prayer To the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, Truth Divine, Dawn upon this soul of mine;
Word of God, and Inward Light, Wake my spirit, Clear my sight!

Holy Spirit, Love Divine, Glow within this heart of mine;
Kindle every High Desire, Conquer self in Thy Pure Fire!

Holy Spirit, Power Divine, Illumine now this world of mine,
Justly may I always live, Joyously every wrong forgive!

Holy Spirit, Light Divine, King within my conscience shine,
Making all things right by Love, Proving the Law from God above!


My Heart is bonded to the Heart of Jesus (3x)

Let the Fiat of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with me! (3x)

To those who will practice: Happy decreeing and be blessed.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Science of the Spoken Word (Dynamic Decree) and the Violet Flame

Since man has fallen from Grace and has separated from his Holy Christ Self and God Presence, his consciousness has become almost limited in time space. His reality is pseudo-reality because it is almost based solely from what his five senses register into his mind. His spiritual senses have become dull thus he cannot sense the divine guidance as well as the beauty, magnificence, love, wisdom and power of his Holy Christ Self. As a result, he only sees vaguely and became lost in the labyrinth of life. But there is a way out from this predicament to reconnect ourselves to our Christ Self and God Presence. God has provided a means to find our way back to Him. Aside from the law of karma and reincarnation that God has established in the spirit-matter universe and the application of eternal verities in our life to progress in spiritual path, there are spiritual practices that we can employ to reconnect once again with our Christ self and I AM Presence. It must be remembered first that Christ is the only way back to God. This is precisely because it is a matter of raising the vibratory frequency of man’s consciousness and four lower bodies (etheric, mental, emotional, and physical) to that of the Christ. And as I have explained before, our spiritual progress - demonstrating Christly Virtues, balancing the threefold flame of power, wisdom, and love within our Heart chakra (Spiritual heart) and balancing our four lower bodies as well as raising the mother flame from the base-of-the-spine to the crown chakra are tantamount to raising our frequency to that of the Christ. How then do we achieve this? In my view, there is no single step by step process; it also depends upon which ones are suitable to the devotee or practitioner. But there has to be a process of self purification and transmutation. It’s going to be difficult to simply rely on our own effort to exhibit righteousness, virtues and perfection every moment of our lives. This is because we have impurities in our four lower bodies that we have garnered from thousands of previous embodiments as a result of negative thoughts and feelings; and these impurities and negative momentum bogged us down in our effort to manifest purity and perfection in our world. As in the words of St Paul, ”I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members” (Romans 7: 21-23). But with the help of various soul- purification processes from different traditions like devotion and meditation to one of God’s manifestations as well as other spiritual disciplines we’ll be able to gradually refine and raise our consciousness, overcome our negativities, balance our karma and out-picture Christly virtues till we begin to taste the tangible saving grace of the Holy Spirit and Christ Presence. I would just like to emphasize one of these soul purification processes - the application of the Science of the Spoken Word and the Violet Transmuting Flame (the seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit) as taught by the Ascended Masters. This invocation of the Holy Spirit is a gift of God to man. It is the grace of God to find salvation of our soul. “Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow though they be red as crimson they shall be white as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). This Violet Flame is considered in AMT as the blood of Jesus Christ that washes away all our sins. This Violet Flame can be invoked using the Science of the Spoken Word or Dynamic Decree.

Thus you may have realized by now that the Science of the spoken word I am referring to is not about the words that we use in our everyday conversations or in delivering powerful speech before the audience. Although there could be science on saying ordinary words like these ones and has a semblance on our real topic that I am putting forward, I am strictly referring to the Science of the Spoken Word that is uttered over and over again for the purpose of Self as well as planetary transformation. In the east, they use what they call mantra – a group of words or a short sentence usually in Sanskrit, that are recited many times over for the purpose of attaining self-realization; they also recite mantras that are believed to contribute for planetary transformation. For instance, the Hare Krishna group (IKSHCON) is known to give the following mantra in public parks and streets: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. The well-known Buddhist mantra, “Om Mani Padme Hum” is also another example which means “Hail O Jewel in the Lotus”. The Jewel represents our Buddha Nature that is situated in our Heart chakra. This mantra can be used to meditate upon the Buddha in our Heart transforming our whole being and world. In the Roman Catholic belief, we can hear them reciting the “Our Father”, “Hail Marys”, and other prayers that are recited repetitively. They invoke the assistance of our Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and other Saints in Heaven to give them spiritual strength, help them in their daily living and for the purpose of salvation of souls.

The Ascended Master students can comfortably recite all these prayers and mantras. But principally when giving dynamic decree, they always call the Holy Christ Self and the Mighty I AM Presence, the names of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim, as well as the seven rays of the Holy Spirit; in fact, the entire Spirit of the Brotherhood of Light in Heaven prior to giving constructive/positive intentions for the purpose of self-transformation, protection and healing of the family, community and the world. The key is in calling upon their names. By calling upon them reverently and lovingly or any of them specifically like Jesus, Krishna, Kuan Yin, Saint Germain, Buddha or Archangel Michael they can overshadow us and will respond to our calls or prayers according to Cosmic Law because the omnipresent power of the Holy Spirit is upon them. Just as when you call your friend by her name, she will turn his head towards you, so too, the Ascended Masters will hear and respond to your call. They also use the name of God, I AM, on reciting I AM Affirmations. When saying “I AM” in the affirmation it must be thought of as “God in me is”. For example, when reciting, “I AM Love, Light and Life” it means “God in me is Love, Light and Life”. When affirming, “I AM Happy Happy Happy!”, it means “God in me is Happy Happy Happy”. There is power in that affirmation because you are using the power of the name of God “I AM”(always capitalized). Thus, that affirmation will surely manifest in your world especially when given with positive thoughts and feeling. Since I AM is the name of God, we should never follow it with negative statement/s. We must be careful even on saying casual negative statement like “I am sick” or “I am sad” for it can manifest more negative condition. Many of the dynamic decrees, fiats, and I AM Affirmations use in the Ascended Master activities are actually formulated words that came from Ascended Master’s octave dictated through the Messengers of the Brotherhood of Light.

I would like to explain that dynamic decree and I AM affirmations is different from self-hypnosis (auto suggestion). In self- hypnosis you do not invoke the Christ and God Presence or one of the Heavenly Beings but simply rely on the power of own sub-conscious mind to hypnotize self in order to produce change and healing in one’s own being and world. In this case the practitioner is doing away the assistance of God and the Holy Spirit to wash clean his/her four lower bodies with the waters of the Word. In the end, the result will be more burden or hindrance on the spiritual path because there is no soul purification involved and consequently no increase of vibratory frequency. It would just be like cleaning the floor by putting all the dust and dirt under the carpet. Thus "there is a way that seems right unto man but the ways thereof are the ways of death"(Proverbs 14:12).

It might be asked why many of the mantras and dynamic decrees are recited repetitively. The purpose of repetition is not to gain favour from God but in order to gain momentum and to cut through. It’s not vain repetition as the heathens do. It is scientific repetition. It is just like sharpening a knife; you cannot sharpen it by just one stroke. It can also be likened to cleaning an old jar where it is needed to be scrubbed many times over to clear away the entrenched dirt that accumulated for many years. Similarly, we have accumulated so many impurities for thousands of years in our memory, mental, emotional and then into physical bodies that need to be washed clean by the momentum of our calls to the Violet Consuming Flame. I believe that mantra and dynamic decree uses the power of positive sound and rhythm, and the repetition of this sound amplifies power. We know that sounds can affect matter or the cells, nervous system and other systems of our body in particular. We use positive sounds by using our vocal chords to recite the names of God followed by positive words when giving dynamic decree to bring order and harmony in our being and world. And I believe that it does affect positively not only our physical systems but as well as our mind/consciousness and emotions because of the positive thoughts and feelings that we generate. Thus transformation of consciousness is taking place too when we give mantras or dynamic decrees. Infusing positive thoughts and feelings especially love behind the words being spoken is therefore very important while reciting dynamic decree. Remember the mind-body-spirit connection that is much accepted in medical science today.

By the way, dynamic decree is not a substitute for prayer and meditation. There is a time for prayer and meditation and there is also time for giving dynamic decree. Dynamic decree, however, is regarded as the most powerful application to Godhead according to AMT. I believe it is because you use the power of positive sound/word and rhythm in combination with the power of thoughts/feelings and visualization on giving dynamic decrees.

Power of Music

One good example of the power of sound is in music. I would like to attempt to give the following discussions in a scientific tone. There have been studies that there are certain pieces of music that is good for our health. In the book, “The Secret Power of Music by David Tame”, it explains that classical music like that of Mozart, Strauss and Beethoven are beneficial to our health and well-being while the rhythm of the rock music is bad for our health. The book cited some cases where plants and animals can grow faster if expose to classical music for a long time; On the other hand the blaring rock beat is shown to even kill fishes in the aquarium and inhibit the growth of plants. It also explains that music can affect our heartbeats and nervous system.

In another book, “Hidden Messages in Water by Dr Masaru Emoto (1999)” you will find a corroboration of the above studies. Dr. Emoto conducted experiment where he exposed a bottle of distilled water to different pieces of classical music at a normal volume that a person listen to; and then by using a powerful microscope and high speed photography, he captured the frozen water crystals and found out that those were beautiful and well-formed. Whereas by exposing the same source of distilled water to heavy metal rock music it resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals. This demonstrates that the harmonious/consonant music like that of classical is good while the dissonant music like rock is bad. (The characteristic of harmonious/consonant music is its perfect intervals. This is actually an old concept pioneered by Greek Mathematician, Musician and Philosopher – Pythagoras). Moreover, Dr Emoto also found that water from clear springs when expose to loving words shows brilliant, complex and colourful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. Since our body is 75% water as well as that of the earth, this implies how we can impact our health and environment by our positive thoughts and feelings. This is in accord with the use of dynamic decrees because its characteristic is one of positive words, thoughts and feelings.

I made a little internet search to find some research on the power of sound and music and I found this website: for your perusal.


It can be said that the sound of mantra or dynamic decree is different from music and therefore the two has no relation with each other. However, it can be shown in the field of cymatics that both can have similar good geometric results. Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration pioneered by Hans Jenny (1967), a Swiss medical doctor, artist and researcher. He conducted an experiment by creating a device that consists of vibrating metal plates and membranes where he can put various materials like sands, spores, iron filings and water. He made use of crystal oscillators to set the vibration of plates and membranes so he can vary the exact frequency and amplitude in any way he wants by electronic means. The result was that the various materials form shapes and motion-patterns that vary from perfectly ordered and stationary to those of turbulently developing, organic and constantly in motion. The complexity of the patterns and increase in elements is a function of the increase in frequency while the increase in turbulent motion is a function of the increase in amplitude.

In his experiment, Dr. Jenny was able to duplicate the previous discovery in 1787 of Ernst Chladni, a jurist, musician and physicist. Chladni discovered that when a violin bow is drawn perpendicularly across the flat edge of the plate covered with sand, it produces symmetrical patterns and shapes which is now known as Chladni or Lissajous figures. Chladni’s discovery laid the foundation to the science of sound called acoustics, a branch in physics. Moreover, Dr Jenny also invented a tonoscope, which was constructed to make the human voice visible without the use of electronic apparatus. Some of you may have already seen the operation of tonoscope. When I was a kid I thought of it as simply a fanciful toy that when you utter a vowel sound (A,E, I, O, U)through a pipe connected to a drum which has grains of sand scattered on top of it, the grains of sand will form beautiful geometrical shapes. (It is surprising to know that when any of the Hebrew or Sanskrit vowels was pronounced, the sands took on the shape of the written symbols for these vowels.) Nowadays, even in Youtube, you can find some experiments where the name of GOD as OM when pronounced produce beautiful geometric pattern in the tonoscope. To those of you who are not familiar with the name of God as OM or AUM, I would like to explain that it is Hindu and Buddhist in origin. To them, OM as the name of God is God Himself. Thus when they pronounce the OM with reverence, God is really there. They also believe that the sound of the OM is the Hum of the universe, known as the soundless sound.

I believe, it is not coincidental that in Kabbalah’s literature (Jewish mysticism), it is said that vowel sounds (A,E,I,O,U) have inherent power to raise our vibration. Other consonants like M, R, S, J, H, L, CH, SH when proounced have inherent power as well. Combinations of these consonants with vowels can therefore be taken as power sounds. Thus the various names of God like I AM THAT I AM, Jehovah, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jesus, Mary, and Krishna have inherent power. Other seed syllables use in Buddhist mantra like AIM, HRIM, SHRIM, KLIM, SOU HU, etc. conform to this power sounds; the name of Archangels too - Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Jophiel, Uriel, Zadkiel, and Chamuel. The words Holy, Hallelujah, Amen, and many biblical verses praising God can actually be power words.

It might be said that beautiful geometric patterns formed in the tonoscope when reciting the names of God and other mantras does not in anyway prove to be good to our body, health and well-being. My response to this is, why not test and try it for yourself and feel its effects. Try pronouncing OOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM with reverence many times over (maybe for about 10 minutes) and think of Peace and Love; you can at the same time visualize Jesus or Buddha or the flame of the Holy Spirit superimposing your form. You can alternate the OM with I AM THAT I AAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM if you want. I can really feel calmness and serenity in myself when I do this. I am sure it will work the same for you through practice. You will also find that your silent meditation just after giving mantra is more conducive. I believe that it is important to infuse positive thought and feeling into the spoken word/s otherwise it will negate the latter. It is their harmonious blending that multiplies its power. Faith, I believe will add tremendous power into it. Having faith that God comes when you call His Name and transforms you gives effective result. “Without Faith it is impossible to please God”(Hebrew 11:6).

(To be continued...)
The Science of the Spoken WordThe Science of the Spoken Word

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Story of Adam and Eve

The story of Adam and Eve is also the story of each one of us – every mortal man, woman, and child on this planet. It is the story of the fall of man and woman from the grace of God. In other words, the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is written allegorically. This means that we cannot take Adam and Eve literally as the first man and woman created by God. A biblical proof can be found in Genesis 4:14 whereby Cain who killed Abel responded to God, “...I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.” This statement shows that there are other people on earth aside from Adam, Eve, and Cain at that time.

In my own understanding, according to the teaching of the Ascended Masters, God created around 10 to 11 billion lifestreams/souls; whether all these souls were to evolve in planet earth, in other planets in our solar system, or in other systems of galaxies, I do not know. Suffice it to say that some of these are presently evolving on planet earth with approximately 7 billion populations. When God first created these 10 – 11 billion souls, they of course, have no experience yet whatsoever in the spirit-matter universe; they were innocent so to speak for they have not done any good and evil things yet. However, God has individualized himself within each one so that the God Presence and the Christ Self - the Logos, the Word, the Real Self - is clearly alive in their whole being. Hence these souls in their early sojourn in spirit-matter universe can readily communicate with their Holy Christ Self and God Presence. God gave them free will to choose between living that life of Absolute Good and perfection, enjoying the beauty and magnificence of the God Presence within them or to live in relative good and evil by disobeying the Logos, the Divine Principle in the universe, that is present within them. It can be thought that without free will we will become like robots or puppets in the hands of God and creation will be devoid of meaning; there will be no spiritual path. But this is not so, for it is obvious that we can make our own choices in life. However, it is erroneous to think that simply because God gave us free will, it means it is alright for us to do evil. It must be taken into account that God intended from the very beginning of creation to manifest only that which is absolute Good and perfection in the universe. Therefore the purpose of giving freewill then is so that the soul can choose to make his will one with the Will of God which is Absolute Good and perfection.

And so, according to AMT as far as I can understand and remember, when some of these souls notably the First Root race, descended on earth eons ago by gradual precipitation (lowering the frequencies) of their bodies to master and enjoy the matter universe, they were able to win their ascension without incurring any bad karma, without even tasting death, for they have made wise use of free will. Similarly, the second and third root races follow suit, mastering and enjoying the elemental forces of nature in partnership with angels and Archangels, then ascended back to heaven without incurring any bad karma for they have made wise use of free will by obeying the God Presence within them. So no one has ever reincarnated then. During those times, as far as I remember based on AMT, the material bodies of these people were transparent and the spark of divinity – the threefold flame of power, wisdom and love – envelops their entire bodies. Also, even the very soils and land masses of the earth were all crystalline in structure so that the sun of even pressure in the center of the earth were shining brightly outward to its surface. There were no wild animals then. Peace and Harmony reigns among men, elementals and angels. The entire earth was a paradise. The axis of the earth then was vertical so that there were no seasons and environmental disturbances. The cause of the tilting of earth’s axis according to AMT is the sin of mankind.

Alas, the temptation to do evil occurred in the fourth root race. This is where the fall of Adam and Eve (fall of man and woman) began. It will be recalled that God said in Genesis that Adam and Eve can eat all manner of fruits in the Garden except the fruits of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil that God placed in the middle of the garden; for when they eat of it they will surely die. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents the discriminating intelligence of the Christ between absolute good and relative good and evil. The Christ intelligence within us possesses the knowledge of good and evil. He knows instinctively and exactly whether a desire, thought and deed is absolutely good or relatively good and evil even before it is generated. When God said, “Do not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil”, it means do not assimilate it or do not manifest it in your being. It should remain present as the inviolable Christ discriminating knowledge. Evil only serve as a polarity for good and should not be manifested. Once you assimilate it, i.e., applying evil (thought and deeds) in your world, you shall surely die. That means death of purity and divinity that the soul enjoys before manifesting a thought and act of evil or living in relative good and evil. Only absolute good and perfection should be allowed to manifest in one’s own being and world. Hence, Adam and Eve saw themselves as naked because they are not wearing the pure seamless garment (purity of aura) or divinity they used to wear before eating the forbidden fruit (assimilating/manifesting evil or relative good and evil). It is to be noted that still having connection with the Christ Presence, Adam and Eve foreknew the negative consequences of their acts.

It will be recalled that the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and evil. In my own understanding of the teaching, this serpent represents the carnal mind whence Eve succumbed to and allowed to reign in her being instead of perpetually allowing the Christ Mind/Self to do its perfect work. The serpent also represents Lucifer and other fallen angels who by their spiritual pride refuse to acknowledge the Christ in Man who was created by God a little lower than angels but crowned with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:5). Thus, because Adam and Eve (symbolical of the people of the earth) entertained and allowed the carnal mind its free reign, they lost the natural protection of the earth and attracted the descent of the fallen angels into their world. These fallen angels desire the fall of man and woman. The AMT tells us that one third of the population of the angelic kingdom headed by Lucifer rebelled against God by refusing to bow before the Son of God, the Christ in man. This is possibly the interpretation of the statement in Revelation 12:4. Thus you will know here that Lucifer was a former Archangel. In fact, the word Lucifer means lightbearer. It is written in Rev 12: 7-9 that “Michael fought against the dragon and his angels and the dragon and his angels fought but prevailed not. Neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him”. And in Rev 12:12, it says “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time”. Thus the fallen angels were driven out of heaven into the astral plane and then into the matter plane mingling with the people of earth. I believe that this is part of the karma of mankind.

To support my point that there are fallen angels on earth, it can be pointed out in Genesis 6: 2, that there are mentioned sons of God (who are actually fallen angels), who took wives from the daughters of men. Clearly, the sons of God mentioned here were not from earth for the statement distinguishes them from men; It implies here that they are from heaven who are supposedly angels but not the Good Angels but the fallen ones because True/ Good angels will not take wives from the daughters of men. Some of them were giants as mentioned in Genesis 6:4, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God (fallen angels) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown”. There is also mentioned in Numbers 13: 32-33 about the Nephilim in the land of Canaan who are of great sizes. A well-known account in the Bible (1 Samuel 17) tells of the fight between young David and the giant Goliath.

According to my knowledge of AMT, some of these fallen ones are actually aliens from another planet with far advanced technology. They created counterfeit creations, much like humans but without the threefold flame (spark of divinity) and put them on earth. These are the offspring of lucifer - counterfeit men and women without a soul. These have become their pawns to perpetuate their evil deeds on earth. Jesus referred to them in the New Testament as the “generation of vipers”, the “Wicked ones”. In John 8:44, Jesus said to them, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”. Clearly, the way Jesus addressed them reveals that they are not originally men like us. In addition, Jesus’s parable of tares among the wheat in Matthew 13 explains that the tares are the wicked ones (counterfeit men) who shall be cast into a furnace of fire where there will be gnashing and gnawing of teeth at the end of their cycle.

The fallen ones and their creations are the wolves in sheep’s clothing mentioned in Matthew 7. Since the fallen ones were former angels, they originally have great light and attainment but they are now using them to perpetuate their control and deception of mankind. Thus, you can find them in positions of authority in every departments of life – government, finance, religion, music, arts and sciences, etc. Most of them who still have light are good-looking but their beauty is sensual one unlike the Divine beauty of the Saints and Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters tell us, however, that there should be no witch-hunting of the fallen angels. You cannot judge a man as of the devil simply because he does some evil things.

Another revelation that I would like to mention based on AMT (according to my own understanding and remembrance), is the coming into embodiments on earth of the laggard evolutions, who are souls from another planet – Maldek. This planet Maldek is the former planet between Mars and Jupiter. It exploded as a result of nuclear holocaust between warring factions. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is remnant of this planet. These laggard evolutions brought their wickedness and war-like attitude into the earth. The embodiments of these blood-thirsty laggards are concentrated in the middle-east at present time. Some of them are willing to take this planet earth into another nuclear holocaust.

Continuing the story of Adam and Eve under the fourth root race, the fall from grace did not happen overnight. The people of earth continued to experiment how far they can go in continuously violating the law. They wanted a new experience of flesh and blood even if they knew its negative consequences. They also succumbed to the temptations, wiles and influences of the fallen angels. And so, so much wickedness and evil occur on earth. Man has completely lost its contact with their Christ Presence. He is now entirely on his own relying in his own mind and intellect. They now live as if groping in the dark and have to work by the sweat of their brows. Their threefold flame of power wisdom and love was reduced to a mere one sixteenth of an inch situated in the heart center, and its crystal cord that connects to the Heart of the Christ Self and Mighty I AM Presence was reduced to a mere thread in size. There was also the reduction of their lifespan, which up to this day was down to almost three score and ten days. The people’s bodies became opaque overtime. The earth lost its edenic state. It no longer emits the radiance from its center. The elemental life changed too as a reaction to protect themselves from the hostilities of men. Some animals became wild and plants changed its appearances. The rose for example originally has no thorns in its stem. The earth’s axis has tilted so that environmental disturbances and seasons are common cyclic occurrences. Ice ages set in so that human life was reduced to the life of primitive cave men that even the physical fire does not exist. Devolution (not evolution) occurred on planet earth. (Science has mistakenly thought that human came from ape).

The Lords of karma have seen that planet earth is no longer fit for human evolution and had decreed its dissolution. But a Divine Being from Venus by the name of Sanat Kumara (known as Ancient of Days in Daniel 7:9&13 according to AMT)) volunteered to descend to planet earth to hold the balance on terra until such a time when the human evolution can begin its ascent towards its Source from whence they came. Thus, Sanat Kumara and his retinue from Venus, 144,000 in numbers, kept their threefold flame of life burning in their heart, sufficient for their Light to cover the entire earth on behalf of mankind. These are the 144,000 Saints mentioned in Revelation. Hence, If not for their intercession, the planet earth could have been destroyed long time ago and earthly souls would have to continue their evolution elsewhere in the universe. These Venusians gradually guided the human evolution for millions years even to the point of going down the ladder of human evolution to reach out and then pull them up slowly into their spiritual progress. And so, they, up to this day are mixed up with human evolutions embodiment after embodiments. It is to be noted here that unbeknownst to mankind, there is a spiritual battle going on for eons on planet earth. The Divine Beings seek to raise mankind while the fallen angels and their counterfeit creations seek to pull them down.

At some point during the course of its evolution, civilizations began to appear on planet earth but because of great karma that had been incurred for eons, many civilizations rose up and fell down. One of these that occurred just around 100,000 years ago was the lost continent of Lemuria, which has reached its height of civilization, but because of much wickedness of its people, their karma descended and the continent were destroyed and buried beneath the ocean floor almost to be forgotten in human history. Principal of their wicked deeds that caused its destruction was to play upon and abuse the science of genetics so much so that you can see half-man half-animals on earth as their creations. Few remnants of these grotesque creatures managed to exist up to our time. (Some present- day scientists wanted to repeat this horrendous experiment). The Ascended Masters teach that the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden portrayed in the third chapter of Genesis actually happened in Lemuria. The Garden represents a place set apart as a Mystery School for the initiation of Adam and Eve towards their Christhood; although at the same time, the story also seeks to portray the first fall of mankind from the Grace of God. (In my opinion, the author of Genesis (generally believes to be Moses) who was under the inspiration of God could see through clairvoyance what occurred in past ages in that continent of Lemuria as well as the fall of mankind eons ago.) {The details of explanation of Genesis can be found in the book, “The Path of Self Transformation” by the Summit Lighthouse. However, the explanation is full of inner spiritual and symbolical meaning that it may be hard to understand by those who are new in the Ascended Masters teaching because the reader may need some knowledge of terms they used. For example, the “Tree of Life” represents the “I AM Presence”; the Garden may represent the “Causal Body”; the four rivers is the four lower bodies (etheric, mental, emotional, and physical)of man; the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and every living creature represent all aspects of Adam’s consciousness. In my own understanding and interpretation, Adam may also represent the Spirit aspect of matter while Eve, the woman, represents matter aspect of spirit; so that the woman came from man because creation of matter is just lowering the frequency of its blueprint from spirit. Spirit and Matter came from the same source. Thus it is stated in Genesis, “bones of my bones, flesh of my flesh”. It is suggested that Genesis should not be taken literally and should be understood in a spiritual context – unlimited by time and space).

There was also a civilization which reached its golden ages 70,000 years ago situated in what is now Sahara Desert. The area was once fertile with semi-tropical climate. Its kingdom was ruled by one of the embodiment of Saint Germain. Majority of the people, however, became more interested in the temporary pleasures of the senses and paid little attention to and then forget the Source of All-Life. Consequently, the Divine rulers realized that it is no longer spiritually productive to sustain the kingdom and decided to withdraw from them so that the people will learn through hard experience that all their happiness and bounty came from the adoration to the God Within. Afterwards, a visiting Prince came and ruled the kingdom. Some 2,000 years later the entire empire had become barren land and desolation took place. This is followed by a great cataclysm which submerged all the land – all as karmic return for the discord and selfishness of the people. Through that change, an inland sea was formed where the Sahara Desert now lies. (Details of this story can be found in the book, Isis Unveiled by Godfre Ray King.)

Another civilization rose up and reached its height in the continent of Atlantis some 11,000 to 13,000 years ago but was also buried beneath the ocean floor. It was destroyed by fire (nuclear explosion). This was portrayed allegorically as the story of Noah in the Bible. (There was no such thing as Noah’s Ark taken literally because scientifically speaking based on its size all the seven pairs of all animals on earth could not fit in such a relatively small Ark, in my opinion). It is believed in esoteric thoughts that much of the forerunners of ancient civilizations in Egypt, Sumeria, Babylonia, Central and South America, India and China and elsewhere on earth were survivors from the continent of Atlantis.

From there, you can trace human history based on records. You can see how society progresses in arts, literature and religion, architecture, science and engineering, economics and politics. You can also see how senseless killings and battles were fought in the name of religion, how nations conquered another nations, how there were first and second world wars. How there were plaques, calamities and disasters in all parts of the world even up to this day. You can imagine how traumatic experiences and fear were embedded in human psyche. How all manner of negative emotions were generated and embedded in the sub-conscious mind from one embodiment to the next. From the esoteric point of view, these can be seen as the descent of world karma in accordance with the law of cycles in view of the evils that humanity have done since the fall of man and woman from grace from the forgotten past. By and by, cycles after cycles, though there were setbacks, man have learned their lessons and balanced their karma. With the guidance of God and the Brotherhood of Light, man has once more begun their spiritual ascent towards the Light.

During the progress of evolution God has always created scenes whereby in every age, there have always been luminaries who lead the people into the Light for their spiritual progress. Thus you can find Gods and Goddesses and their devote followers exemplified in sacred literatures and texts in every culture, race and religion. It seems that at the present age, the curtain of heaven has once more opened widely to humanity and the human evolution has now reached to the point that spirituality is part of everyday living and many souls can ascend back to God. During medieval times, when you say you hear the voice of God or Angels you will be burned at stake; now, even when you say you are God in the making, you will simply be laughed at.

The story herein presented may seem fiction to many but to me that is the truth. Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction. Good day and goodnight my friends.

Monday, February 21, 2011


It is known in various religions down through the ages that God exhibit s many personalities namely Krishna ,Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Zoroaster, Lord Maitreya, Padma Sambhava, Meru, the true Hindu and Greek Gods and Goddesses and many other Ascended Masters. If we take a closer look of their lives and teachings as written in sacred texts of different religions, we will discover that they exhibit Godly virtues of love, mercy, compassion, courage, leadership, wisdom, forbearance, etc. And their teachings are exemplified by the lives they lead. In fact, much of the common teachings of these various religions revolve on the basis of Godly virtues, which when applied by their followers give immense help and benefits spiritually and materially in their lives and circles of influence. What I am trying to say is whatever our religious beliefs are, it is always beneficial to us if we only obey them religiously and put into practice what these different personalities of God teach us. Universally, their timeless teachings always contain Goodness and Love to mankind. (Upon saying this, I am excluding the belief which is a deliberate distortion of the true religion of God to advance a selfish/worldly/political cause such as that of fundamentalism in Islam.)

I would like to explain in a different context what Rene Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am”. It is well-known in the inner teachings that what you meditate upon, you become. It is expected and it’s just natural that when you regularly give devotion and meditation upon the life, virtues and teachings of any one of the personalities of God like Jesus, and obey it, you gradually become more and more like him. You become Christlike. It is for this reason that many Saints and Buddhas have been produced for example in Christianity and Buddhism. The explanation behind this is: through our efforts and disciplines of devotion, meditation, and application of their teachings in our life and exhibiting their virtues, we are able to raise our vibration/consciousness to a level where we can contact the Christ within us - our Holy Christ Self. The Master who is the object of devotion can overshadow us and help us in our tireless spiritual discipline to meet them halfway and consequently, our own Holy Christ Self.

What I am saying here is whoever Master or aspect of God personality we are giving devotion to, we will arrive at the same point of contacting the Spirit of God within us. This is through the raising the vibration/frequency of our soul’s memory, mental, emotional and physical bodies as a result of regular devotion and practice of their teachings and Godly virtues. This can come about because of the momentum that has been built through disciplines and practices throughout our countless incarnations on earth.

In a somewhat different view, there are also many people from other religious groups and spiritual organizations who do not recognize any personalities of the Godhead but simply worship the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God who created the universe whom they owe their life. Among these are Judaism and Islam. Their kind of belief, likewise, can arrive at contacting God if they worship and meditate upon Him as well as obey his law, teachings and commandments as written in their sacred texts. In some cases, other people consider God as simply Divine Love manifesting in the universe or the Holy Spirit pervading the universe. Or that the Spirit of God dwells in his creation such as that of nature. The concept of pantheistic God as the Ultimate Being who created the universe and its laws and consider it his body but who does not in anyway take part in the daily activities of men is another belief. Likewise, this pantheistic God can be contacted unknowingly by some men if he happens to often devote himself, study and meditate upon the operations of physical and biological laws of this universe. Some scientists like Einstein were able to tap the wisdom of God through inspiration. I believe they were able to gain this inspiration because they have advanced spiritually to a certain level through various lessons learned throughout their incarnations on earth.

Clearly, the point I am driving at here is whatever religious beliefs we have, we will arrive at contacting that Divinity within us and merge with the One God as long as, in a soul level, we elected to do so. In fact, unknowingly, we have been doing so for aeons of time. The different personalities of the Godhead are one. They have merged with the ocean of the Godhead (sometimes called the Supreme Consciousness) thus they are one. They all experience each and all their consciousness. They have merged with one another as one. Thus Buddha experiences Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, and any or all of the Ascended Masters and vice versa. Any of them experiences the all and the allness of God. There is no separation and competition in the Ascended Masters realm. They act as if one organism, yet each retain their identity. The accomplishments and experiences of one are the accomplishments and experiences of all. This is the ever-expanding experiences and consciousness of the Godhead. The fragmentation and competition exists only in the mind of the mortal men on earth.

Since they are one, I think the Ascended Masters do not care who among them your object of devotion to. They are only interested to see you victoriously merging with your individualized God Presence as they have done, thus merging with the Godhead and the Brotherhood of Light.

To explain metaphorically, we can say that the practices of different religions and spiritual organizations are simply boats that we use to cross the river of earthly life to reach the other side. Once we reach the shore on the other side, we will no longer need those boats. For we have already merged with the One.

(What can we say then about atheism or humanism? There are some people who do not believe in God but most of their actions speak of preserving the welfare of human life in general. The present Prime Minister of Australia, for example, is an atheist but obviously it can be said that she is living a moral life. There are even some atheists who believe in the law of causation. Can we say that it is possible for an atheist to accidentally contact God? This will remind us of the account of Saul in the New Testament who persecutes Christians but later became a staunch Christian after his encounter with resurrected Jesus on his way to Damascus. He later became St Paul after his conversion. Once again, as explained in previous topic, this is an explanation of the law of karma and reincarnation. Saul must have been Godly in his previous life that merited him to experience Jesus. When God said, “I will choose whom I would like to choose” does not mean God merely acts according to his whims. His choosing was also on the basis of His laws but could not simply be understood by mortal man whose memory is only limited to one lifespan. In other words, some atheists are misguided by human intellect or perhaps have chosen to be atheists for the mean time ; some of them are actually agnostics. On the other hand, I believe there are atheists who actually are not atheists at all but simply use atheism and humanism as a pretext in their denial of God. I’m talking about fallen angels who turned against God, who would like to make the unsuspecting mankind like them. I will probably set aside a separate topic for this.)