Monday, December 17, 2012


It is known among the circles of Ascended Master Activities that Saint Germain and Lanello is sponsoring 10,000 Lightbearers. The number 10,000 can be figurative which could mean plenitude and totality. I believe, it could also mean literally 10,000 lightbearers.  But I don’t believe that they are particular advanced souls in embodiment that need to be contacted to become members of the Ascended Master organizations. This is because if that is so, these 10,000 souls have to be maintained in embodiment at all times to fulfil their divine plan or cause on earth, which is impractical. Else, they will have to be reincarnated again and again. It is more likely that these 10,000 lightbearers are any souls on earth who follows the Ascended Master Teaching that need to be together (in hearts and minds) for a divine cause of giving dynamic decrees for transmutation of world karma. Although at the same time I believe that the number 10,000 is also figurative.  

It will be remembered that Saint Germain gave a dictation saying, “Understand then, that it is the movement of the Great God Self within that is your salvation in this age, that all problems of the economy, the ecology, and the government can be resolved if you will take only ten minutes each day to go within and to find your own God Self, to meditate and to use the science of the spoken Word whereby you chant the mantra of the free:  “I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE, I AM THE PURITY GOD DESIRES!” This is my mantra which I give to you as your initiation into the Aquarian age.” It will be observed that the problems of the economy, the ecology, and the government have not been resolved yet.  It is maybe because there are not enough people giving this mantra.  If we can only gather 10,000 or more decreeing this mantra simultaneously and sustain it, I am very optimistic that we will begin to see positive changes in our economy, ecology, and government.

It would seem that the mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” is designed for personal purification and transformation.  However, as I have discussed in the previous topic, at inner level every individual is connected with other individuals and thus contains the collective whole. Therefore, when you transform yourself, you contribute to the transformation of the world.  And if 10,000 or more are gathered together for self transformation (transforming their etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies) through the power of violet flame and dynamic decree, they will have great impact for transformation in a world scale.  The power of our decrees can penetrate and inundate the etheric, mental, and emotional forcefields of the planet thence manifest into the physical.  The elemental life could be thrilled by our dynamic decrees as they also depend on our Heart Flame.  Thus, the problem of ecology could also be resolved with the help of elemental (nature) spirits in addition to practical and scientific remediation. I believe the invisible hand of God and the Holy Spirit will move to make a marked constructive change on earth.

My hypothesis can only be tested if we implement it. So please let us give together this mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” for ten minutes daily.  I thought of the following times daily that can accommodate as much as possible the people in both east and west.  The decree/mantra time is 12:00 pm (noon) in UTC/GMT. The other time is 10:15 p.m. in UTC/GMT. You can find your equivalent local time to this time zone converter website: ert_time_in_UTC.aspx Select which of the two times is convenient for you or it is better if you can do both.

I suggest that prior to the time of giving the mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” you give some protection decrees for a few minutes. I recommend the following simple protection decrees (from The Summit Lighthouse) especially for those who are just starting:


In the name I AM THAT IAM Jesus Christ I decree:

Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind,
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below,
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!   (3x)


Invincible Protection of the Light I AM!
Invincible Protection of the Light I command!
Invincible Protection of the Light is mine each day!
Invincible Protection of the Light
Through me forever hold sway!   (5x)


Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By the lightning of thy Love!
Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By thy Great Self above!
Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By thy secret power of Light!
Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By thy great and glorious might!
And seal us safe forever
In thy diamond heart of Light!   (3x)


I AM Presence, Thou art Master,
I AM Presence, clear the way!
Let thy Light and all thy Power
Take possession here this hour!
Charge with Victory’s mastery,
Blaze blue lightning, blaze thy substance!
Into this thy form descend,
That Perfection and its Glory
Shall blaze forth and earth transcend!         (3x)


1.       1.   Blue Lightning is thy Love
      Flood forth to free all;
      Blue lightning is thy Power,
      In God I see all;
      Blue lightning is thy Mind,
      In pure Truth I find

      Light will overcome,
      Light will make us one.
      Light from blue fire sun,
      Command us now all free!

 2.       Blue Lightning is thy Law,
        Blaze forth as Holy awe;
        Blue lightning is thy Name,
        Our heart’s altar do enflame;
        Blue lightning maketh free,
        In God I’ll ever be.               (3X)

Throughout the giving of the mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” try to maintain the feeling of love and joy in your heart and focus on the purity and wholeness that is manifesting in you and the world knowing full well that what God desires for us is already a reality.  You can visualize the violet flame coursing in, through and around you. Bear in mind that there are other souls that are connected and happily decreeing with you reinforcing our dynamic decree. And recognize that this mantra that is a gift from the heart of Saint Germain has inherent power in it. It is amplified by our Heart’s devotion and repetition.  Its power is squared by the number of people decreeing and then multiplied further 100 million times. If we can reach 10,000 lightbearers decreeing this mantra daily and sustain it, I am very positive that world karma will sort of fade away.

Some people find it hard to visualize the violet flame. I also find it hard to visualize it when I was new to the Ascended Master Teaching. I realize later that it is because there are shades of colour violet that made me confuse.  So, it all goes well whether it is pinkish violet or bluish or purplish violet that you visualize.  Actually, even if you don’t visualize; just believe that the seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit- this forgiveness, mercy, freedom, transmuting flame - is joyously acting in our being and world in answer to our calls. Having a picture of violet flame can be an aid to visualization.  I have created a simple presentation giving the decree/mantra which I posted on youtube . You can open it at your equivalent local time and follow it if you want.

But even if you don’t connect online, you can participate in this Decree for personal and world transformation; You can just take note of your local time and begin the mantra.  So please participate, it is easy and it will only consume around 15 minutes or so of your time. Besides, it is an opportunity to balance our karma.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!