Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More on the Science of the Spoken Word

There is an aspect of the Dynamic Decrees that I would like to emphasize which might have been neglected even by students of the Ascended Masters including myself. That is decreeing in group is more powerful than decreeing alone. The more the number of decreers decreeing at the same time the more it increases its power. There is a dictation which tells us that the power of decrees is increased by the square of the number of people decreeing at the same time. If there are three people decreeing, its power is increased by the square of three which is nine. If there are 10 people decreeing, its power is increased by 100. If there are 100 decreeing, it is increased by 10,000. In addition, there was a dictation by Lord Maitreya telling us that the decree is now being multiplied by the power of ten thousand times ten thousand which is one hundred million. Recently, I thought of maximizing this power in order to maximize the transmutation of world karma. It could accelerate the coming of the Golden Age. I am thinking of using the internet for group decreeing. In this way, any person anywhere in the planet who has access to internet can connect and join in online group dynamic decrees. The Temple of the Presence and the Summit Lighthouse has been using the web in their spiritual services. But those services are only for official members. We are aware that there are other Ascended Master organizations like the I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, and others who are conducting their own services. The students of the Ascended Masters have somewhat been fragmented for some reason but I am sure they all agree in the power of group dynamic decreeing. Moreover, I am sure there are many more adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings who in one way or another could not be a member of any of these Organizations but nonetheless decreeing by themselves.  If only there is one web portal open to the public where all decreers can connect online and give dynamic decrees, we can increase and maximize the number of decreers and consequently the power of decrees and transmutation of world karma.  In this way, we will be taking full advantage of the technology sponsored by Ascended Master Saint Germain. 

To strengthen the belief in the power of group efforts on meditation and decreeing, I would like to mention what I read from the book, “The Divine Matrix: bridging time, space, miracles and beliefs” by Gregg Braden.  In this book, it is mentioned that there only need a square root of one per cent of the population giving meditation in order to effectuate constructive change (transmute karma)to  that population in any city or locality. I don’t know how or where the author got that formula; it is not mentioned in the book. What struck me by this formula is I found out when I calculated the square root of 1 % of 10 billion (10 billion is the approximate number of lifestreams created by God in this system of Galaxy), the answer is 10,000. We know that ten thousand is the number of persons that Saint Germain and Lanello (Mark Prophet) is sponsoring. Is this just coincidence?  It maybe not.  Another concept that is mentioned in this book is that we are a holographic universe. You can see a picture of hologram, which is actually a Sri Yantra  in  this website:  mandalas

You will see that each part of the hologram from the center outward reflects or contains the whole. It implies that if change occurs in each part, it reflects and changes the whole. I think this is similar to the esoteric concept that at inner level we are all connected with each other. Each one of us will affect the others and thereby affect the collective whole. Imagine each one of us is connected with a line to other billions of people on this planet. It will be like a spider’s web; just tug any point and you disturb the entire web. But I like more the idea of hologram because there is no concept of distance (and time); if you change the part then you instantaneously change the whole. It will be like changing the colour or intensity of the computer screen; the whole screen brightens or changes its colour, there is no spot that spreads its colour or brightness outward. We know that each individual changes in its own way. We can say that all the changes will mix up but whichever is stronger will be somewhat prevailing to the entirety. Similarly, I am positive that 10,000 people decreeing properly and sustainably at the same time with the same decrees (and the same positive thoughts, faith, feelings and visualizations) can prevail and change the entire screen of earthly life for the better. This is because dynamic decrees will transmute world karma. Peace and progress on earth will come, economy will be solved, spirituality will blossom, politics will be transformed, miracles can happen, and Golden Age will soon become a reality.

Yes, 10,000 are relatively few compared to number of population on earth. But I believe it is enough to turn back the earth’s karma and could accelerate the coming of the Golden Age.  But where are these 10,000 people? If we will count the total membership of all Ascended Master Organizations, it will probably amount to only hundreds or a thousand more or less. I believe there are great majority who believes and follows the Ascended Master Teachings that are outside the Ascended Master Organizations.  They must be contacted and invited to participate in this mighty work of the ages.

For the meantime, I see that the website of the Temple of the Presence is inviting the public to participate in Mother Mary's Healing Rosary.  If you are available, why not participate in it. Rosary is very powerful too.

Spread the word. Spread the Teachings. Let us win in this battle of Armageddon.

(I have an impression that this blog is already late. But it is better late than never.)