Monday, December 17, 2012


It is known among the circles of Ascended Master Activities that Saint Germain and Lanello is sponsoring 10,000 Lightbearers. The number 10,000 can be figurative which could mean plenitude and totality. I believe, it could also mean literally 10,000 lightbearers.  But I don’t believe that they are particular advanced souls in embodiment that need to be contacted to become members of the Ascended Master organizations. This is because if that is so, these 10,000 souls have to be maintained in embodiment at all times to fulfil their divine plan or cause on earth, which is impractical. Else, they will have to be reincarnated again and again. It is more likely that these 10,000 lightbearers are any souls on earth who follows the Ascended Master Teaching that need to be together (in hearts and minds) for a divine cause of giving dynamic decrees for transmutation of world karma. Although at the same time I believe that the number 10,000 is also figurative.  

It will be remembered that Saint Germain gave a dictation saying, “Understand then, that it is the movement of the Great God Self within that is your salvation in this age, that all problems of the economy, the ecology, and the government can be resolved if you will take only ten minutes each day to go within and to find your own God Self, to meditate and to use the science of the spoken Word whereby you chant the mantra of the free:  “I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE, I AM THE PURITY GOD DESIRES!” This is my mantra which I give to you as your initiation into the Aquarian age.” It will be observed that the problems of the economy, the ecology, and the government have not been resolved yet.  It is maybe because there are not enough people giving this mantra.  If we can only gather 10,000 or more decreeing this mantra simultaneously and sustain it, I am very optimistic that we will begin to see positive changes in our economy, ecology, and government.

It would seem that the mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” is designed for personal purification and transformation.  However, as I have discussed in the previous topic, at inner level every individual is connected with other individuals and thus contains the collective whole. Therefore, when you transform yourself, you contribute to the transformation of the world.  And if 10,000 or more are gathered together for self transformation (transforming their etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies) through the power of violet flame and dynamic decree, they will have great impact for transformation in a world scale.  The power of our decrees can penetrate and inundate the etheric, mental, and emotional forcefields of the planet thence manifest into the physical.  The elemental life could be thrilled by our dynamic decrees as they also depend on our Heart Flame.  Thus, the problem of ecology could also be resolved with the help of elemental (nature) spirits in addition to practical and scientific remediation. I believe the invisible hand of God and the Holy Spirit will move to make a marked constructive change on earth.

My hypothesis can only be tested if we implement it. So please let us give together this mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” for ten minutes daily.  I thought of the following times daily that can accommodate as much as possible the people in both east and west.  The decree/mantra time is 12:00 pm (noon) in UTC/GMT. The other time is 10:15 p.m. in UTC/GMT. You can find your equivalent local time to this time zone converter website: ert_time_in_UTC.aspx Select which of the two times is convenient for you or it is better if you can do both.

I suggest that prior to the time of giving the mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” you give some protection decrees for a few minutes. I recommend the following simple protection decrees (from The Summit Lighthouse) especially for those who are just starting:


In the name I AM THAT IAM Jesus Christ I decree:

Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind,
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below,
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!   (3x)


Invincible Protection of the Light I AM!
Invincible Protection of the Light I command!
Invincible Protection of the Light is mine each day!
Invincible Protection of the Light
Through me forever hold sway!   (5x)


Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By the lightning of thy Love!
Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By thy Great Self above!
Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By thy secret power of Light!
Guard, Guard, Guard us!
By thy great and glorious might!
And seal us safe forever
In thy diamond heart of Light!   (3x)


I AM Presence, Thou art Master,
I AM Presence, clear the way!
Let thy Light and all thy Power
Take possession here this hour!
Charge with Victory’s mastery,
Blaze blue lightning, blaze thy substance!
Into this thy form descend,
That Perfection and its Glory
Shall blaze forth and earth transcend!         (3x)


1.       1.   Blue Lightning is thy Love
      Flood forth to free all;
      Blue lightning is thy Power,
      In God I see all;
      Blue lightning is thy Mind,
      In pure Truth I find

      Light will overcome,
      Light will make us one.
      Light from blue fire sun,
      Command us now all free!

 2.       Blue Lightning is thy Law,
        Blaze forth as Holy awe;
        Blue lightning is thy Name,
        Our heart’s altar do enflame;
        Blue lightning maketh free,
        In God I’ll ever be.               (3X)

Throughout the giving of the mantra, “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” try to maintain the feeling of love and joy in your heart and focus on the purity and wholeness that is manifesting in you and the world knowing full well that what God desires for us is already a reality.  You can visualize the violet flame coursing in, through and around you. Bear in mind that there are other souls that are connected and happily decreeing with you reinforcing our dynamic decree. And recognize that this mantra that is a gift from the heart of Saint Germain has inherent power in it. It is amplified by our Heart’s devotion and repetition.  Its power is squared by the number of people decreeing and then multiplied further 100 million times. If we can reach 10,000 lightbearers decreeing this mantra daily and sustain it, I am very positive that world karma will sort of fade away.

Some people find it hard to visualize the violet flame. I also find it hard to visualize it when I was new to the Ascended Master Teaching. I realize later that it is because there are shades of colour violet that made me confuse.  So, it all goes well whether it is pinkish violet or bluish or purplish violet that you visualize.  Actually, even if you don’t visualize; just believe that the seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit- this forgiveness, mercy, freedom, transmuting flame - is joyously acting in our being and world in answer to our calls. Having a picture of violet flame can be an aid to visualization.  I have created a simple presentation giving the decree/mantra which I posted on youtube . You can open it at your equivalent local time and follow it if you want.

But even if you don’t connect online, you can participate in this Decree for personal and world transformation; You can just take note of your local time and begin the mantra.  So please participate, it is easy and it will only consume around 15 minutes or so of your time. Besides, it is an opportunity to balance our karma.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More on the Science of the Spoken Word

There is an aspect of the Dynamic Decrees that I would like to emphasize which might have been neglected even by students of the Ascended Masters including myself. That is decreeing in group is more powerful than decreeing alone. The more the number of decreers decreeing at the same time the more it increases its power. There is a dictation which tells us that the power of decrees is increased by the square of the number of people decreeing at the same time. If there are three people decreeing, its power is increased by the square of three which is nine. If there are 10 people decreeing, its power is increased by 100. If there are 100 decreeing, it is increased by 10,000. In addition, there was a dictation by Lord Maitreya telling us that the decree is now being multiplied by the power of ten thousand times ten thousand which is one hundred million. Recently, I thought of maximizing this power in order to maximize the transmutation of world karma. It could accelerate the coming of the Golden Age. I am thinking of using the internet for group decreeing. In this way, any person anywhere in the planet who has access to internet can connect and join in online group dynamic decrees. The Temple of the Presence and the Summit Lighthouse has been using the web in their spiritual services. But those services are only for official members. We are aware that there are other Ascended Master organizations like the I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, and others who are conducting their own services. The students of the Ascended Masters have somewhat been fragmented for some reason but I am sure they all agree in the power of group dynamic decreeing. Moreover, I am sure there are many more adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings who in one way or another could not be a member of any of these Organizations but nonetheless decreeing by themselves.  If only there is one web portal open to the public where all decreers can connect online and give dynamic decrees, we can increase and maximize the number of decreers and consequently the power of decrees and transmutation of world karma.  In this way, we will be taking full advantage of the technology sponsored by Ascended Master Saint Germain. 

To strengthen the belief in the power of group efforts on meditation and decreeing, I would like to mention what I read from the book, “The Divine Matrix: bridging time, space, miracles and beliefs” by Gregg Braden.  In this book, it is mentioned that there only need a square root of one per cent of the population giving meditation in order to effectuate constructive change (transmute karma)to  that population in any city or locality. I don’t know how or where the author got that formula; it is not mentioned in the book. What struck me by this formula is I found out when I calculated the square root of 1 % of 10 billion (10 billion is the approximate number of lifestreams created by God in this system of Galaxy), the answer is 10,000. We know that ten thousand is the number of persons that Saint Germain and Lanello (Mark Prophet) is sponsoring. Is this just coincidence?  It maybe not.  Another concept that is mentioned in this book is that we are a holographic universe. You can see a picture of hologram, which is actually a Sri Yantra  in  this website:  mandalas

You will see that each part of the hologram from the center outward reflects or contains the whole. It implies that if change occurs in each part, it reflects and changes the whole. I think this is similar to the esoteric concept that at inner level we are all connected with each other. Each one of us will affect the others and thereby affect the collective whole. Imagine each one of us is connected with a line to other billions of people on this planet. It will be like a spider’s web; just tug any point and you disturb the entire web. But I like more the idea of hologram because there is no concept of distance (and time); if you change the part then you instantaneously change the whole. It will be like changing the colour or intensity of the computer screen; the whole screen brightens or changes its colour, there is no spot that spreads its colour or brightness outward. We know that each individual changes in its own way. We can say that all the changes will mix up but whichever is stronger will be somewhat prevailing to the entirety. Similarly, I am positive that 10,000 people decreeing properly and sustainably at the same time with the same decrees (and the same positive thoughts, faith, feelings and visualizations) can prevail and change the entire screen of earthly life for the better. This is because dynamic decrees will transmute world karma. Peace and progress on earth will come, economy will be solved, spirituality will blossom, politics will be transformed, miracles can happen, and Golden Age will soon become a reality.

Yes, 10,000 are relatively few compared to number of population on earth. But I believe it is enough to turn back the earth’s karma and could accelerate the coming of the Golden Age.  But where are these 10,000 people? If we will count the total membership of all Ascended Master Organizations, it will probably amount to only hundreds or a thousand more or less. I believe there are great majority who believes and follows the Ascended Master Teachings that are outside the Ascended Master Organizations.  They must be contacted and invited to participate in this mighty work of the ages.

For the meantime, I see that the website of the Temple of the Presence is inviting the public to participate in Mother Mary's Healing Rosary.  If you are available, why not participate in it. Rosary is very powerful too.

Spread the word. Spread the Teachings. Let us win in this battle of Armageddon.

(I have an impression that this blog is already late. But it is better late than never.)

Friday, November 23, 2012


I would like to tell you story about my experiences with El Morya that started to happen maybe two months ago. I don’t know the exact date when it started but it possibly started just a number of weeks after I posted my blog about "Violet Flame and the Science of the Spoken Word" (the last part), where I mentioned my experiences about the Ascended Masters that seems to communicate with me via dictations through the Messengers.

I remember there were times that I missed decreeing in the morning probably two times or so. Shortly following that an early morning accident happened.  That was when the starting time of my wife’s work changed from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Because of that, we together with our two kids, had to rise early so that I can drive her to work (My wife doesn’t drive yet). It was raining then and still dark. After dropping my wife to work, I drove back home with my children sitting at the back.  When our car approaches a certain roundabout I started to drive fast ready to turn right because I saw an oncoming long-truck on the other side of the road blocking the vehicles coming from the right; timing for me to easily turn right. However, there was a small truck on my left which suddenly changed lane (even if he is still in the roundabout) so that he cut me off, perhaps without noticing that my car was beside his truck. So I immediately step on the brake but since I was driving fast and the road was slippery the car continued to move so it hit the right corner back of the truck. But that truck continued to go straight ahead as if nothing happened. In short, I met an accident although no one was hurt. This incident somehow wakened me. I took it to mean that El Morya punched me figuratively for failure to give my dynamic decree in the morning a few times in the past. So when I got home I immediately gave my dynamic decrees.

A few days after that, I was thinking if that occurrence was really El Morya’s message to me.  I guess he answered me in the following incident. Just after I have picked up my car from repair shop, I drove home. As soon as I arrived home and parked my car, I rushed to get off and closed the car's door but the upper corner part of the door accidentally hit me in the face. So I thought El Morya really hit me in the face to answer my doubts about him.

Then I began to think if El Morya will always do these things to me (punching me literally and figuratively speaking) each time I fail to give my decrees.  Then I thought, I guess not. It was all in accordance with cosmic law. If I decided not to be serious on giving my decrees, or somehow decided to forego my divine mission, El Morya won’t stop me because that was a choice. Since I was only just a bit neglecting my duty, he disciplines me. Besides I always pray for guidance and willingness to surrender to the will of God. So El Morya was simply implementing the law.

A few weeks after, there was an occasion when I woke up early because I heard someone calling my name as if waking me up. So I woke up and give my decrees. One time, I heard someone calling "Hellooo” to me to wake me up. So I immediately woke up to give the decrees. So I guess, I realize that El Morya will not always be that hard to me; it’s all in accordance with God’s law. Recently, I dreamed of two-letters word before my eyes: It was “IF” painted in black. It was painted in somewhat scary way. I asked what the meaning of this is, then immediately a sword in a sheath appeared before my eyes. My hand is holding the sword about to unsheathe it. I took it to mean I have to get up and do my science of the spoken word (symbolical of the sword) because something not good was going to happen. I did immediately get up and gave my decrees after that vision.

I believe this message is not just a personal message to me. It also means Science of the Spoken Word (dynamic decrees) is still very much needed at this point in time.  I hope you get the message.

Love, Light and Life

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Threefold Flame of Life

From your Heart issues forth life(Proverbs 4:23-27). In your Heart is a secret chamber, the place where the Flame of the Most High dwells. The Kingdom of God within us spoken of by Jesus refers to this Flame-Consciousness of God that abides in the altar of our heart. It is your Holy Christ Presence,  the Higher Intelligence that sometimes referred to as the “hidden or inner man of the heart” by Saint Peter and Paul (1 Peter 3:4, Ephesians 3:16 (KJV)).  It is your spark of divinity.  According to the Ascended Masters, this flame anchored in our heart is actually threefold flame of power, wisdom and love. It consists of three plumes of blue, yellow, and pink corresponding to power, wisdom and love respectively that all emanates from the white fire core of purity. Power displays Faith, Will of God and Divine intent; Wisdom also means illumination, not just accumulation of worldly knowledge; and Love also displays compassion, tenderness and mercy.  

Eons ago, before the fall of man from grace, his threefold flame enfolds his whole form and its silver cord that connects to the Holy Chris Self and I AM Presence above him is about 9 feet in diameter. In my understanding, this is an allotment of energy of the immortal threefold flame from the Heart of I AM Presence issued forth to man. It was so great that it was a source of tremendous energy readily available for the soul to bask in its glory and for its enjoyment and use in this outer world of form. It was in fact one and the same with the Holy Christ flame that is always balanced and which action is always threefold. However, after the fall of man from grace, the threefold flame was reduced to 1 /16 of an inch high by cosmic edict, in order to curtail man’s misqualification of that energy that is harmful to other parts of life.  Accordingly, the allotment of energy provided by God to man was reduced and there also occurred an imbalance in the externalization of the threefold flame into his vehicle of consciousness presumably according to the record of his misqualification and qualification of that threefold flame. (The imbalance might have occurred even prior to its reduction). In my view, it would seem that the threefold flame anchored in our heart has a dual action. One is the action of the Holy Christ flame - The balanced threefold flame - constantly burning in our heart and inner being available to move into action upon recognition and invocation by man. Another is its bestowal and externalization into outer vehicle of consciousness which for the majority of mankind is unbalanced in accordance with the record of his misqualification and qualification of that energy of threefold flame which is also his capacity to receive it. He might have a record of ignoring the threefold flame by instead using his human will and desire; his harmful human thought and intellect which may include hypnotism, psychism, black magic and witchcraft; his selfish love and all manner of negative emotions and human creation which are in direct opposition to the law of threefold flame.  Consequently, his capacity to receive and externalize the threefold flame was affected.

Owing to its imbalance, you would observe for the most of mankind one plume of the threefold flame stronger than the other plumes. Thus sometimes you will find a person who is naturally assertive, proactive, perfectionist, a doer and a leader and you would say that he is a blue flame person; a very loving, compassionate, and diplomatic person to be a pink flame person; and the more intelligent, tactful and creative ones to be full of yellow or wisdom.  However, they may be weak in one of these plumes.  The shortest and the weakest of the three plumes could indicate that it has been misqualified the most and this can affect or hinder the functioning of the other two. For example, imagine a leader with greater blue flame and wisdom but very short in love; he will have a tendency to become tyrant and might even be devious in dealing with people due to lack of divine love. If he has greater love and will power but lacking in wisdom, he might devise and implement a faulty plan for a worthy cause or be prone to commit mistake on carrying out an important organizational or national  goal.  A person who has greater wisdom and love but lacking in will power might have full of great ideas and desire to help people  but often times were never able to express them in service and action due to lack of will power. Understanding this, we can say that a person who has the most balanced and expanded threefold flame can easily and properly outpicture a divine plan and do greatest service to society.   

In order to bring our threefold flame into balance, we have to invoke the Holy Christ Flame or the I AM Presence. I believe that by regularly invoking our Holy Christ Flame within and around us, its magnetic action will automatically and gradually balance our threefold flame bestowed upon us by God. (There is a decree to the Holy Christ flame taken from the Summit Lighthouse that I have provided below). Or we can increase our devotion, decrees and invocation to the particular flame qualities that we are lacking. If you are lacking in blue flame, you can do more decrees to the Will of God or to beloved El Morya who is Chohan of the first ray. If you are lacking in yellow flame you can give more of the illumination decrees or devotion to Lord Lanto who is the Chohan of the second ray. And if you are lacking in pink flame, you can give more decrees on Love or call for the Presence of beloved Paul the Venetian who is the Chohan of the third ray. The same way can be applied to Archangels and Elohims of the first, second, and third rays. Then we can develop and practice the qualities of the shorter plume/s to make them even with the higher plume/s in our practical activities in life.  The Ascended Masters advise us to first balance the threefold flame before expanding it.  You might like to give the following decree to the Holy Christ Self taken from the Summit Lighthouse:

To the Holy Christ Self

                In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested within the threefold flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power burning within my heart, I decree:

1.       Holy Christ Self above me,
Thou balance of my soul,
Let thy blessed radiance
Descend and make me whole.

Refrain:  Thy flame within me ever blazes,
              Thy peace about me ever raises,
              Thy love protects and holds me,
              Thy dazzling light enfolds me.
              I AM thy threefold radiance,
              I AM thy living Presence
              Expanding, expanding, expanding now.

2.       Holy Christ Flame within me,
Come expand thy triune light;
Flood my being with the essence
Of the pink, blue, gold, and white.

3.       Holy lifeline to my Presence,
Friend and brother ever dear,
Let me keep thy holy vigil,
Be thyself in action here.

In addition, the violet flame decrees can also help in balancing the threefold flame for it clears the record of our misqualified energy.

When the threefold flame has been balanced, it will begin to swirl and activate the mother-of-pearl radiance of the resurrection flame.

If you would like to know more of the teachings on threefold flame,  it is explained at great length by Mark Prophet in the book: The Lost Teachings of Jesus  

There is another decree for the balancing of the threefold flame in the above webpage and there is also explanation on the chart of the I AM Presence and integration of the spiritual centres/chakras.  In addition, there is also a great explanation in website of: The Summit Lighthouse  

Thank you.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Science of the Spoken Word (Dynamic Decree) and the Violet Flame

There could be some readers of this blog who belong to sectors of society who always look for scientific explanations of everything. It is for this reason that I occasionally inject logical and scientific line of reasoning in my writings intended for that type of reader. I am afraid that I cannot fully satisfy their scientific cravings in this discussion. This is because in my mind the solid proof of the science of the spoken word lies on the proof of existence and contact with the Holy Spirit or the violet flame or the Ascended Masters. I do not think that all these are something that can simply be proven rationally and scientifically. I remember what I have read in one of the book of the AMT, I think it’s “Saint Germain on Alchemy”, something like, ‘The frequency in the etheric realm is million times higher than the physical realm. And no scientific probing can ever find it’.  So then, I guess the acceptance of the science of the spoken word will largely depend on faith in the teachings and dictations of the Ascended Masters through the Messengers and to the personal experiences and consciousness of the believer and practitioner.  I think what matters most is the belief that there is a spiritual science of God Presence within that is necessary for and applicable to our harmonious existence.  We are then talking of the spiritual science of the spoken word not merely physical science.  This is transcendental form of alchemy that can transform the waters of human consciousness into the wine of the divine/spiritual consciousness.

I can personally attest to the authenticity of Ascended Masters giving dictations and messages through the Messengers. I recall a number of personal experiences wherein some Ascended Masters seems to communicate to me personally via dictations through the Messengers. Firstly, there was an occasion when while I was riding in a passenger bus in Metro Manila, I saw a crude image of Mother Mary and I wondered if Mother Mary could overshadow such a crude statue of her. This concept is a bit controversial to me. So, in my mind, I asked Mother Mary “Are you there Mother Mary? Can you really be there?”.  Then a few weeks later I received the Pearl of Wisdom (dictation in printed form coming from USA) wherein Mother Mary gives dictation and a part of it exactly answers my question. Her statement is something like this, “Whenever there is a sincere heart praying before my image, I will be there overshadowing my image however crude it is”.  Secondly, there were segments in my life when I had been practicing certain self-discipline by simply trying to follow my detailed schedule that I listed for the day. I had always been unsuccessful because there were always circumstances that would derail my schedule sometimes due to mere laziness on my part. Thus, it came to the point that I really resolved to follow my schedule no matter what.  That would mean turning down a sudden social invitation, forcing myself even feeling lazy to accomplish things in accordance with schedule, not to succumb to temptations to do other things outside my schedule, etc. Finally, through effort and self discipline, I was able to follow my detailed schedule for a number of days in a row and I was elated.  I said to myself, ‘I can really do it if I wanted to’. Then I thought that this kind of self-discipline is valuable and can be helpful for my fellow students on spiritual path because it will strengthen self-mastery. So in my mind, I asked Ascended Master Lanello (Mark L. Prophet), why not give a dictation on practicing this kind of discipline to the chelas even just for a certain period of time. (Because I am aware that sometimes an Ascended Master would give dictation instructing students to follow a certain spiritual discipline like for example refraining from sex for 40 days).   Then after that I received the following Pearl of Wisdom where Lanello giving exactly such kind of spiritual discipline that I suggested. I chose Lanello because I noticed that whenever he gives dictations it always contain an element of self mastery.  Thirdly, there was a time when I dreamed of Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin delivering certain message through dictation, then when I read the next Pearl of wisdom, it was Kuan Yin giving dictation related to the message I dreamed of.  Fourthly, there was one early morning that I was jolted up by a dream of El Morya who landed a blow into my arm as soon as he told me in Filipino language, “Mag Romano ka na lang kaya?” (Won’t you just become a Roman Catholic?).  I really felt the punch physically. Then I recalled a dictation by El Morya (a long time ago) telling the students that he will punch them if they will not wake up early to give dynamic decree. I didn’t think that the punch was a real punch. Lastly, when I was already about a year or so here in Australia, I applied to get a US tour visa to attend a harvest conference in Tuczon, Arizona. My application was denied by the US embassy despite my insistence and appeal to approve it and I was so disheartened for I was eager to attend such conference and I had been visualizing myself going there and attending the said event. Then I asked Saint Germain why it happened to me; somehow I realized that I should accept that occurrence for it maybe a sort of karma or maybe heaven is preparing something better for me. Then at home, when I listened to a recent replay of dictation in Helicon Broadcasting of the Temple of the Presence website, I heard Saint Germain giving message about people from far-off shore who would like to come to the Heart Center (TOP Headquarter) but could not come; and he was somewhat comforting those people. I realized that the time of dictation (during Sunday service in Tucson) was when I was just denied by the US embassy (Monday morning in Melbourne, Australia) and I thought that Saint Germain probably comforted me at that time as well as other people that had the same situation. In addition, I had encountered many occasions where my thoughts, actions and situations in my life were preoccupied by certain spiritual qualities and ideas for a number of days; then when I listened to an earlier dictation, I found that its contents were somehow matching with the said preoccupation that dawned upon me.  I conclude that somehow I attuned and was influenced by the dictation without actually listening to it. I believe this experience is in conformity with what the Ascended Master Activities have been telling: that during dictations, the Ascended Masters are speaking not only to the audience near and far (live over the internet) but also through the mental and emotional plane of the planet and to the future listeners (through video and audio replays) and readers of the dictations as well.  Whether you know it or not, the whole planet is being bathed with the Light of the Ascended Masters during dictations and I believe, it can have a far reaching effect into the future. I believe the above objective experiences are concrete evidences that real Ascended Masters are dictating through the Messengers.  Perhaps some of you may have similar experiences.      

If you happen to be a skeptic/atheist and not convinced of my abovementioned witnessing, perhaps thinking that those are just coincidences; and what you are looking for is scientific proof (as this is the attitude of most of the skeptics), the least I can do was to mention the effects of sounds, thoughts and feelings on physical body such as the subject on cymatics by Dr Hans Jenny, the power of music by David Tame and the experiment on the effects of thoughts on water as conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto that I included in my earlier discussion; and also to try and experiment the use of dynamic decree for yourselves.

I would just like to caution our theist readers on the use of power of thoughts or science of the mind on healing people. It is true that using this power along with the power of your own will and desire it is possible to instantly heal one’s diseases. However, if the disease is still karmic (i.e., it still has to be experienced), what happens is you merely push back the disease into the etheric double of the person. It will come back again later if not in this lifetime in her next incarnation on earth.   In effect, you deprived the person of the opportunity to balance his/her karma that he/she supposed to experience.  He could ascend in the present lifetime instead of requiring another incarnation just to balance the said karma. I would say that it was also a mistake on the part of the patient because it was done under his/her consent; both the healer and the patient could therefore be karmically accountable for the said act of karma dodging.  Without the patient’s permission and consent, like for instance someone performing an absent healing upon him using the power of directed thoughts or intention (at a distance), I doubt if healing can take place in this case, except if the karma had already been fully served and balanced prior to the act of healing.  In one of the dictation I remember that an Ascended Master said that it’s better to be healed by our own self-mastery than by miraculous means.   Thus, we have to be careful not to use the power of our own will and thoughts into any form of healing even in prayers. Instead allow God and the Holy Spirit do the healing and the healing will take place in accordance with God’s Law in answer to our prayers.  Thus the statement “Nevertheless not my will but thine be done O God” can be said after wards. In the same process, in giving violet flame decrees we allow the violet flame, the I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters to do the healing in answer to our calls. Thus we have an assurance that transmutation or healing is taking place to the extent that the Great Law will allow. In a way, we are acknowledging and surrendering to the higher power of God and Holy Spirit and this very act in itself is already a means for self-correction and balancing karma.

In the New Testament, it is recorded that Jesus miraculously cured many diseases. But I think, those are shown to demonstrate the power of God and in many cases I think Jesus saw in their auras that their karma had been fully served so their diseases can be lawfully healed. I believe Jesus would not just heal anyone who asked for healing.  There is one instance where Jesus initially refused to grant the request of the Canaanite woman to heal her daughter from demon possession because of her sinful deed in the past. It was only because of her manifestation of faith that Jesus granted her request later (Matthew 15:22-28). If, as an extreme example, a criminal who has no intention to reform himself approached Jesus and asked for healing, do you think Jesus would heal him? 

What about the medical science and alternative medicine? If I remember it right, Archangel Raphael said in a dictation that the evolution and progress in the science of medicine and alternative medicine has the sponsorship and dispensation from heaven. I believe that these outer disciplines are complementary to and may in fact be an answer to the spiritual (inner) disciplines of prayers and dynamic decrees. We can therefore truly avail of helpful benefits of the former in the cure or alleviation of pain and illnesses that we may have been tolerating in our bodies.  However, we have to recognize that at present stage, it has limitations and cannot fully render a cure to some type of disease.  Probably, this is still part of the karma of the human race.  Thus, I think we need to always ask for divine intervention in approaching these medical and alternative medical sciences. 

I think, whenever there are inconveniences or sufferings like the form of disease that come our way, we have to bear in mind that that is a karma or trial to be passed. We have caused it to happen in one way or another due to disobedience to God or God’s Law (in thoughts, feelings/desires, words and deeds) in the past or past incarnations. We should therefore always ask for forgiveness for the cause and core of that suffering that we had made.  Then we can put it into the Violet Flame for transmutation and healing. And also consult your physician.
 Continuing our discussion on dynamic decree, I believe that God gave us a gift of speech not merely for the purpose of human communication but more importantly, also for praising Him and applying the ancient science of invocation and mantrams to draw down His Presence in order to immerse ourselves in His radiance as a means of transformation.  And this gift of speech can be applied even in our every day conversations which can be infused with His vibration of Love and Holiness while attuning ourselves with Him.
I would like to explain that many times you will find in the decree, composition like asking for purification and perfection of one’s self and even saving the entire planet, drawing down the magnificence and perfection of the Mighty I AM Presence into our world; this would seem to our human consciousness an overwhelming task and impossible to manifest. So in your mind, you could have doubts while you are decreeing. This kind of mindset will diminish the power of your decree.  We have to bear in mind that it is the Mighty IAM, the Ascended Masters and the violet flame who will execute the decree not us. And we should not limit the capacity of God to bring blessings into our being and world. The God of the universe will surely carry out our calls because our very call, which is an instruction and command in the name of God, thus compels the answer. Of course we cannot expect that perfection will instantly manifest but rest assured that it is being carried out towards that direction even right while you are decreeing. In reality, the perfect universe already exists in the future in other dimension and part of your Self is there. It can be experienced in the spiritual realm where there is no time and space. So, it is perfectly alright to affirm right here and now, “I AM PERFECT and I AM whole”.  Moreover, we have to take note that our decrees goes into the memory body (to be recorded and builds momentum) and through the mental and feeling plane of the planet as well. Everyone who is attuned to it can be showered by its blessings and it will cycle back from whence it came.
Before I end this topic I would like to give an excerpt from a lecture by Mark L. Prophet on How to decree effectively as shown below.

Excerpts from a lecture given on July 1, 1966 called "Why and How to Decree Effectively"  by Mark L. Prophet

  • A decree is affirming the LAW of your own being.
  • Man was created in the spiritual image of God - not the physical image of God.
  • When you begin: "Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God I AM in me," you are affirming that the God of the Universe is related to the God in you.
  • When you call upon the Masters in the preamble, you are invoking the Light of God within these     Masters, and amplifying within you every God quality they have externalized. These qualities are flowing through you.
  • You have to put your intense power, thinking and feeling world into your decrees.
  • When you say "Beloved" you must intensify your thoughts and feelings into that word.
  • "My very own beloved Holy Christ Self" - remember that you are in a close relationship with God, even hugging God, and that God belongs to you!
  • With decrees you've got to remember that the power is not just saying words, the power is God's light flowing through you.  "You've got to invoke it, be conscious of it and stimulate it!"
  • You can give the decrees forever and not get them right.  So the ingredient necessary in giving decrees is consciousness. You need to think about what you are decreeing about to give it power.
  • Remember the Word is not coming forth from you, but is coming forth from God in you.
  • When you give a decree properly you are going to feel it!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Science of the Spoken Word (Dynamic Decree) and the Violet Flame

I have mentioned earlier about the violet Flame - the seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit - that we can call forth through science of the spoken word to transmute our negative momentums and karma and to bring about purification, transformation and blessings into our being and world. But first, what really is Violet Flame? Based on Ascended Master Teachings (AMT), it is one of the twelve rays of the Holy Spirit with qualities of mercy, forgiveness, justice, freedom, and transmutation. Each ray of the Holy Spirit has specific colour, frequency and qualities of God Consciousness ensouled by an Ascended Master called Chohan (Lord) of the Ray. The seven rays are shown in the table below.

1st Ray
Will of God, Power, Faith, Protection
El Morya
2nd Ray
Wisdom, Understanding, Illumination
Lord Lanto
3rd Ray
Divine Love, Compassion, Charity
Paul the Venetian
4th Ray
Purity, Discipline, Joy, Hope
Serapis Bey
Base-of-the spine
5th Ray
Truth, Science, Healing,  Abundance
Third eye
6th Ray
Purple and Gold
Peace, Ministration and Service
Solar plexus
7th Ray
Mercy, Forgiveness, Justice, Freedom, Transmutation
Saint Germain

Just as the sunlight is refracted into seven colours of the rainbow when passed through a prism, so the spiritual light manifests into seven rays.   The students of the Ascended Master teachings give dynamic decree to invoke the action of each of the rays in their beings and world. The remaining five are called five secret rays. Its knowledge has been released partially through the Summit Lighthouse and new revelations are now being released through the Temple of the Presence. Its action can be called forth by the students of the light. According to releases through the Summit Lighthouse, these are powerful rays that Jesus manifested during his Palestinian mission. The corresponding chakras in our body are in the two hands, two feet, and the side - the spots in the body where Jesus was nailed on the cross and pierced on the side.   In this topic we shall focus the discussion on the seventh ray.  The seventh ray or the violet fire is the spiritual ray that is closest to the physical dimension.

We can find in the Old and New Testaments that God and the Holy Spirit is always portrayed as Holy Fire. In fact, it says in Hebrew 12:29 that our God is a consuming fire. In Exodus 3:2-4, the Lord speaks to Moses as fire burning in the bush yet the bush is not consumed. Elijah was also taken up to heaven in chariots of fire (2 Kings 2:11). There is an account in 1 Kings 18: 18-39 where there is a show down between Prophet Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal. The God who will answer by fire is the true God. The prophets of Baal with all their might calling to their god could not produce fire but when Elijah prayed and calls upon the name of the Lord the fire of the Lord fell. It can be realized here that that fire from heaven is no other than the fire of the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament, it will be recalled during the day of Pentecost that cloven tongues of fire appeared before each of the disciples of Jesus who gathered in the upper room and they were filled with Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues (Acts 2:3-4). John the Baptist also foretold of Jesus as one who will baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire (Luke 3:16). This baptism of sacred fire mentioned by John also refers to the use of violet fire in this end of the age.

Before the emergence of the Ascended Master Activities in the early 20th century notably the I AM Activity, the Violet fire can only be contacted by few saints and sages in east and west which knowledge and application can only be learned from the etheric retreats of the Brotherhood of Light. These few advanced souls have used the violet fire for their self-mastery and transformation and for the blessings of mankind.  The knowledge of the violet fire and how to contact it by means of dynamic decree is now made available to the public first through certain nucleus of devotees in the I AM Activity.  This is the initiative of Saint Germain who asked the Lords of Karma to allow his momentum of violet flame available for the people of earth.  Saint Germain, being the Lord of the seventh ray, is the seventh angel that was foretold in revelation 10:7,”But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants, the prophets.” Saint Germain contacted Guy Ballard who founded the I AM Activity in 1930s and became the Messenger through whom the knowledge and use of the Science of the spoken word and the Violet Flame were first conveyed and made available to mankind. Ascended Master El Morya gave the following dictation through the former Messenger, Mark L. Prophet of the Summit Lighthouse:
“The violet flame has always been used in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood situated on the etheric plane – the highest plane of Matter – where the ascended masters preside, receiving only the most worthy chelas (student) for instruction and training in the way of initiation. Those who were found worthy – adherents of various religions, members of secret societies, communicants of the flame in the mystery schools – were given the knowledge of the violet flame after having proved themselves to be selfless as both receivers and givers of freedom on the path of soul liberation.
Thus the violet flame was reserved for the privileged few up until the time when Saint Germain came before the Lords of Karma with the proposal to make the knowledge and use of the violet flame available to all mankind. He boldly stated before the Court of Sacred Fire, arguing as advocates of earth’s evolutions, that the violet flame would revolutionize the human race and make of that race a divine race of God-free beings.
Indeed, Saint Germain envisioned an I AM race being raised up as the forerunners of seventh root race under the Great Divine Director. This blessed master of freedom who had sponsored the birth of the nation called the United States of America – this guardian of the Christ consciousness who had walked the earth as the protector of Mary and Jesus, this Saint Joseph, this Uncle Sam (Saint Germain was embodied as Saint Joseph, Christopher Columbus and he sponsors America) – foresaw the land of America from North to South, and eventually the entire hemisphere, as the land that was destined to be haven for the Divine Mother and her progeny.
Inasmuch as he was destined to be the Master of the Aquarian age and the God of freedom to the earth, the Lords of Karma agreed to the master plan with the following stipulation. First they would release the violet flame to a certain nucleus of devotees in embodiment (I AM Activity) who would vow at inner levels to use that flame honourably for the blessings and the freedom of all life. If this experiment proved successful, they would allow the knowledge of the flame to be made available to the masses...
Now you who are living in the advancing decades of the century are the beneficiaries of this legacy of Saint Germain bought with a price – the overwhelming love of the Master Saint Germain, whose love for you even before you took embodiment was such that he was willing to lay down a portion of his life that you might live in the fullness of your individual God Self-awareness. Furthermore, you owe a debt of gratitude to the early devotees who did in fact call forth the flame with intense purity and devotion to the cause of mankind’s freedom and therefore made possible the second phase of the dispensation whereby you and countless others have been given the knowledge of the violet flame in recent years.”

We cannot underestimate the untold blessings that this aspect of the Holy Spirit can give in our beings and world.  The Violet fire is called the freedom flame because it can set us free from the shackles of negative human creation. It transmutes the negative human energy that has been accumulated from past lives into positive energy, thus making it as an effective agency to balance our karma.  Through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet, Ascended Master El Morya continues:

”Wherever you are, as you read my words you can begin to experience the marvellous action of the violet fire coursing through your veins, penetrating the layers of the physical temple – the bloodstream, the nervous system, the brain – pressing through the chakras, swirling through the etheric body, passing over the pages of the written record of your incarnations on earth. Line by line, letter by letter, the flame – intelligent, luminous, directed by the mind of God – sets free the energies, electron by electron, of all past misuses of the sacred fire. And thus, not one jot or tittle of the law of karma shall pass until all be fulfilled in the freedom of the violet fire.
As you begin to use the violet flame, you will experience feelings of joy, lightness, hope, and newness of life as though clouds of depression were being dissolved by the very sun of your own being. ..  
                The violet flame forgives as it frees, consumes as it transmutes, clears the record of past karma (thus balancing your debts to life), equalizes the flow of energy between yourself and other lifestreams, and propels you into the arms of living God. Day by day you are ascending higher and higher in the planes of consciousness of your Christ Self as you use the scrubbing action of the violet flame and feel how the very walls of your mental body are scoured. You can think of the action in your desire body as though your emotions were being dunked in a chemical solution of purple liquid which dissolves the dirt that has accumulated for decades about the lattice work of your feeling world.
                Everyday in every way the violet flame flushes out and renews your body cells, the cells of your mind, and the globule of your soul, polishing the jewel of consciousness until it glistens in the sunlight, dazzling as a pure molecule of being offered upon the altar of the sacred fire as an offering that is fitting for the Lord – your gift to God and man.” (The Chela and the Path by El Morya).

You can read more explanations of violet flame in the book, “VIOLET FLAME TO HEAL BODY, MIND AND SOUL by Elizabeth Clare Prophet” which outlines the nine steps for putting the violet flame into action in your life. It also contains protection and violet flame decrees which you can practice if you feel that this teaching is for you. It is available on-line on this website:   In this book, Mrs Prophet related some of the different manifestations of the violet flame for some people. Among these are healing of wounds from past life, a kid seeing the violet flame, a mother transforming her state of mind, healings of asthma and chronic back pain, and  conversion of a skeptic after experimenting with violet flame. Personally, the effect on me is always the feeling of peace and lightness after giving long periods of violet flame decrees.   I can truly say that violet flame decrees really works.  Some words of caution, however. You cannot expect that the violet flame will cure any disease in short period of time. What works for another may or may not work for you because every person has different state of being and four lower bodies (memory, mental, emotional, and physical)   as well as levels of karmic debts and spirituality.   You cannot put everything in one basket of violet flame and do away with medical or alternative medical means of healing. We have to use our common sense. Sometimes healing can take place by simply controlling yourself not to eat foods that are known to be harmful to your particular ailment.   Consulting a psychotherapist may also be helpful in matters of problems that are psychological in nature. Healing, I believe, must be approached in holistic way.  Furthermore, we cannot be doing violet flame decrees but at the same time continue to deliberately violate cosmic law thinking that the violet flame is going to erase them. This is abusing the use of violet flame and can incur karma too; soon you will find out that your violet flame decrees are not working anymore.  Mark Prophet said, it is possible that you maybe decreeing all your life but going nowhere. That’s why it must be done properly and take note that self-mastery and the practice of applying Christly virtues is of paramount importance.

The proper use of the science of the spoken word takes practice. You cannot expect that the first time you give dynamic decree you can swiftly clear away the debris of your human consciousness. Saint Germain said you can experiment with it for six months to begin to feel its wondrous effects.
If you are still in doubt about this teaching or you find it not suitable for you or hesitant to apply it because you need further explanation, I suggest that you put this temporarily on the bookshelf so to speak because time would come when you can willingly take it up again and give a try. (But continue to follow my blog because there are still many things I gained from AMT that I will discuss that you probably have not heard of in your entire life which can be beneficial to your own spiritual path).  Anyway the Violet flame can be contacted even if you are not in the AMT .  Mark L. Prophet on his address to Ascended Master students said, “There is no person who has ever made his ascension who hasn’t had the violet flame given to him some way or another. All may not have had the formula written down. All may not have addressed the Lord, ‘Beloved Mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me....,’ etc., as we are taught to do when we invoke the violet flame from God’s altar, but in some way, perhaps on the inner planes (perhaps in meditation or while the soul is out of the body during sleep), they had to have reached the state of consciousness of the seventh ray where they could call forth the violet flame to consume their human creation.”(The Lost Teachings of Jesus 2, p.51).  He further said, this is because if you will not get rid of your human creation, you will not be able to win the battle of life – if you don’t master your human creation, your human creation will master you. Moreover, Saint Germain said, “Many devotees, unbeknownst to themselves, succeed in invoking the violet flame through the power of intercessory prayer and do call forth those activities of the sacred fire of God which in the West are usually termed the action of the Holy Spirit which in the East are related to destruction of all that is unreal and the purification of the veil of maya by Lord Shiva”. (Science of the Spoken Word by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth C. Prophet).

Thus you will realize that there are advanced souls outside the organizations of the Ascended Master Activities who can contact the violet transmuting flame. I think it is probable that included among this advanced souls are some of the 144,000 Saints mentioned in revelation and possibly they are scattered strategically throughout the earth in every culture and religion not aware of the AMT.  However, it is to be noted here that contacting the violet flame through dynamic decree is intended for the public/masses as explained before.  It seems that decreeing is not so much intended for the adepts (but for would-be adepts or who are in the states of becoming) although they can benefit much from it as well. Although I believe that this teaching is not suitable for all people, I also believe that there are great numbers of people out there who are meant to practice this teaching. 

 I believe the action of the violet flame courses across all dimensions in the past, present and future (transcending time and space).  However, the magnitude of mitigation and transmutation of karma cannot be measured in the outer. For example, let’s say a certain individual is going to meet an accident some 10 years from now which would make him paraplegic as seen in the ethers or akasha (perhaps through prediction by a seer). If he gives daily violet flame decrees religiously for 10 years, it is possible that the said accident will not happen; instead he could just probably have six times   or so of minor accidents on his legs within that span of  10 years.  On the outer, he would think that he is very unfortunate and the violet flame is not working, but actually much mitigations or shall we say cushioning of the major impact of negative karma have already taken place because of the action of the merciful and forgiving violet flame. On the other hand, let’s say a student became paraplegic due to accident even after decreeing for so many years; it can be assumed that he could probably had become comatose instead of becoming paraplegic. If, for instance, a devotee had become comatose, he could probably have died had he not given regular violet flame decrees for many years.  If a devotee died after long years of giving violet flame decrees, it can be assumed that he could have died much earlier.  In other words, whatever negative things happen, it could have been far worse had he not kept invoking the violet transmuting flame. There are some people who probably need just a few years of giving violet flame decrees (or perhaps don’t need any because they can contact it in the inner plane) and they will become candidates for ascension; this is because they may have already balanced greater amount of karma, thus it depends upon the amount of karmic debts as well.  Saying this in another way, whatever happens is always better or best.  This is so, because I believe in answering our calls the I AM Presence with his all-seeing eye knows exactly and out-picture what is best for us. I believe that in answer to our calls, the I AM Presence and the Violet Flame can optimize the course of our life taking into account our past, present and future so that we can get close to our ascension in optimum or best way. I remember one dictation where an Ascended Master said if you have been giving violet flame decrees in this life and still not able to win your ascension, you can make it in your next lifetime.  Although we are not able to perceive karmic mitigation on the outer (except perhaps if the portents is foreseen in akasha through gift of clairvoyance) , the direct positive effects of doing violet flame decrees can be felt easily in your being and psyche in short period of time from a few days to six months.     

Similar manner of example can be true on planetary scale so that we can say that many major wars, plaques, calamities and disasters on earth have been mitigated by Violet Flame decrees of Ascended Master students. Among these are: the defeat of the hordes of darkness during world war II, the defeat of communism in Russia and averting of nuclear war (members of Summit Lighthouse regularly consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart Mary in addition to violet flame decrees), mitigation of economic recession, even disasters like volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and earthquakes .   I believe, many of the dire prophecies given by seers like Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, and even the third secret of Fatima given by Mother Mary to Sister Lucia which has already been released to the public, are failing in this age because of violet flame decrees. Of course, efforts of prayers, mantras, meditations, and reformations of millions of other groups and individuals have also contributed much because it adds to the dynamic decree efforts given by the Ascended Master students.  Without these collective efforts, the calls may have fallen short of the mark.

The violet flame is the gift of God in this age. Prophet Daniel foretold this saying that many will be purified and made spotless in the last days (Daniel 12:10). The use of the violet flame shortens the days of the elect (Matthew 24:22) and refers to the great overcoming of the dragon (forces of darkness) by the blood of the lamb (violet fire) and by the word of their testimony (dynamic decree) (Rev 12:11). But, in my opinion, we cannot be too complacent; the known Mayan prophecy on Dec 21, 2012 has not yet passed and we do not know if there are still enough people giving violet flame decrees doing this mighty work of the ages.   Bear in mind that the hordes of darkness that work from the level of astral plane and in the physical are busy doing their thing pulling us down and continuing to wreak havoc on this planet for they know that their time is getting short. I think, even if we are well beyond Dec 21, 2012 there could still be lash-back of the dragon’s tail. I think we must guard this and be ready to cut off that dragon’s tail by the power of our Sword (Sacred word- Science of the Spoken Word) - the two-edged sword that comes out from the mouth of Jesus that cleaves asunder the real from the unreal. (Rev 1:12).

Personally, I don’t want to be reincarnated again. I want to win my ascension in this life.  I want to balance more than 51% of my karma and fulfil my divine mission. Thus I will continue to give my violet flame decrees daily till the conclusion of my embodiment.  I think, many of my colleagues in AMT express the same sentiments.   To those who feel they are being called, I admonish you to take up the Sword and take part in this battle of Armageddon and accelerate the balancing of your debts to life. We don’t know what percentage of karma we have already balanced, it’s better to balance as much karma as we can.  

When you give violet flame decrees, don’t fail to give protection decrees as well. This is because the negative entities or spirit from the astral plane may try to dissuade you from progressing to your spiritual path. Thus you can invoke first the Tube of Light and call the protection of Archangel Michael before doing violet flame decrees. The Tube of Light is a wall of light protection that comes from the heart of your Mighty I AM Presence in answer to your call. You can visualize it like a giant bottle approximately 3 feet thick and 9 feet in diameter surrounding yourself.  It will shield your being from psychic entities and negative mass consciousness. There is a Tube of Light and protection decrees in the book, “Violet Flame to heal body, mind, and soul” that I mentioned above. Furthermore, doing violet flame decrees will speed up the cycles of your karma; consequently, it will be your opportunity to balance and transmute more karma by doing more violet flame decrees; hence, remember that each time you give violet fire decrees you get closer to your ascension.  I think you can jump right into the decree session of the book and practice doing dynamic decrees if you feel it so.  In addition, I suggest reading the following websites of the Ascension Research Center:; The latter has invocations, decrees, fiats, and calls from the Temple of the Presence.  Included there are invocations, I AM Lord’s prayer and I AM Affirmations by Jesus Christ.  It also contains Tube of Light and Protection decrees.  I also recommend reading the book, “Science of the Spoken Word”.   There is nothing to fear and there is nothing to lose on giving dynamic decrees; you will only lose your negative human creation.

I recall one suggestion either by Mark or Mrs Prophet that while doing dynamic decree, you can imagine yourself as a musical instrument of God like the flute being played by Lord Krishna wherein God in you is both the decreer and the performer of the decree. I would just like to add a simple fiat for protection taken from the Summit Lighthouse:


May you become God-Victorious in the Light.  Joyous Lux Invictus!

(To be continued..)